Do you hide your vidya powerlevel?

Do you hide your vidya powerlevel?

I carry a game boy micro with me so no

I don't hide it because nobody asks.

Who would I be hiding my powerlevel from if I don't go outside my room ever?

this desu

I don't hide it because I have no one to hide it for.
I don't have friends. At least I have you guys.

No, I'm not blatant about it but I'm not ashamed of what I enjoy.


Nobody visit me so its ok

As much as I despise spoon feeding I'm on phone with 4 life and no computer.
For the love of all that is 2d tits and ass sauce please

Why are tomoko figures so fucking rare Jesus Christ she's great .

I don't tell people, but based on my appearance, I doubt anyone would be surprised

yeah i love her, i wanted to get the bigger verson too

Look up watamote on panda

vidya is cool now, there's no reason to hide anymore

>ywn have a girlfriend like tomoko


I don't go out of my way to hide it but I don't go out with t shirts if that's what you mean.

But it's not great being like Tomoko.

I'm a 26 year old man who likes Atelier. Yes there is

Still not going to sauce us?

I don't hide my powerlevel from people... people hide from my powerlevel.

>I'm a 26 year old man who likes Atelier

you think you're safe just cause you're anonymous?

fuck you you loser get a life and stop playing shitty japanese games like a loser

If you have shit taste sure. Definitely better than that hamster freak.

I don't wear any vidya clothes
I don't bring up any nerd shit irl because I can't deal with anyone that has a plebian taste
>mfw was staying at grandma's for a few weeks last month
>nephew and niece come over
>see me playing games on my computer i brought over
>nephew goes "user do you like markiplier? I think you'd like markiplier!"
>goes upstairs and plays minecraft on console
but at least I found out my niece is turning into an actual nerd she already saw every DC animated movie on netflix and reads a bunch of the comics. Also watched the Dark Knight Returns with her while we were there.
>ywn have a girlfriend

Kiss my hairy ass nigga

My vidya powerlevel, yes. Frankly almost none of my friends are really interested in games or the same games I am so it doesn't really tend to come up.

But I can make all the inappropriate jokes I want around them so I'm content.

>tfw room is too messy to have people over

you better stop being a loser right now user before i steal your Gameboy and throw it over the hedge

I have a chance to date a real life tomoko
>qt azn
>likes anime
>has challenged me to play smash a few times
>loves fire emblem



but make sure she's not actually crazy man, it happens more than you'd think

Tomoko doesn't play that trash

>pile of clothes on my bed
>friend comes over
>lays back on them

Do it. You will regret it. Even if you don't like her you might end up finding something you like.

Also being liked feels good.

she is a virgin, so that will not happen unless we get very, very close
ok bud

>not making her watch the dark knight rises
you small guy.


Here you go senpaitachi.
Some kind user sauced it from a filename thread
Love the guy

>Also being liked feels good.

>tfw you've never been liked

How's your life? Are you studying? Is she studying? You both need to be doing the same (be neets or be working on making your life better) because otherwise one of you will get on the goals of the other.

Then get close to her, retard. Shit's not that hard to figure out.

>walk into room
>smell ass smell
I need to wash my bedclothes I don't even have dirty clothes in here

>have wooden chair at computer that's comfy as fuck
>one day actually cleaning room
>got dish soapy rag and wiped it down
>the colors i pulled up from it

Find out which anime.

A girl who likes video games and anime is of no value if they are Skyrim and Attack on Titan.

Show me a manga/anime scene where she play those games.

Spoonfeeding shitter.

>implying anyone cares or asks

she's not ready for sarcasm yet she's only 11 still
if she's still a nerd by 15 I'll call her in

The only girl I've ever met that openly likes video games and anime went to jail for trying to kill her baby

Moeshit. Lots of moeshit. Also Watamote.
We're both going into college
You're talking to a man who has never been in a relationship before

Thank you famerino

>share room with 13 year old brother
>mom bitches that it smells horrible
gee ma, you didn't want me renting an apartment, why are you surprised?

Post more cute tomoko. She's great.

>cleaning up room last week
>keep getting distracted by old nintendo powers and other magazines lying around everywhere
>can't get rid of any old toys because I'm too attached to them
Doesn't help that my room is dusty as fuck and the air conditioning doesn't work

Did someone said?

Cebruz thread

I have no one to hide it from... ; ;


Anybody wearing video game apparel need to leave.

>Do you hide your vidya powerlevel?
Just to my boss and clergy. I am pretty open with my friends about what I like in everything from how I like Mazdas to how I love loli pornography. If more people were honest they would have more friends, most individuals don't give a flying fuck about what you like.

I'd take her offer on smash and try to get her to go get some pizza after. The point is to spend time and see if you both enjoy each other's company. A good night would be something like smashing, going for pizza or ordering pizza, watching some anime you both like, and then maybe go for a walk to catch some pokemon (if she's into it).

People who enjoy Watamote tend to do so because they find it relatable, in my experience.
In any case, moeshit is within acceptable parameters, go for it user.

>hiding your powerlevel like a Krillin
>not being a Broly

That's not a Tomoko

It depends.

In university, I don't hide my power level. Everyone is a stupid memeing fuck in Computer Science anyway.

In social life, I automatically hide it. Nobody would understand what I'm talking about anyway, so why bring it up?

>he fell for the computer science meme

>People who enjoy Watamote tend to do so because they find it relatable, in my experience.

This. Shame that maps hated watamote because of that. They love shitty hamster girl more over there.


>being non canon

I only show it to fellow degenerates. By that I mean my small group of ugly friends who watch lots of anime and touch each other's genitals at night at the beach.

Have you ever met a Japanese anime fan?

They're notorious for having really bad taste in anime.

wheres your sauce tho

I hide it from my only friend alot.
She's WAY into anime and does no effort to hide it, while i'm WAY into vidya and try to avoid the fact alot.
The only time i slipped is when she mentioned VNs and i kinda talked about them, and then promised her to download a few for her.
I probabaly shouldn't add Katawa Shoujo to the list.

Bru, I'll get my Master's Degree in September and already have a job paying 3500€ in October AND just went to one (1) fucking interview. And I live in the countryside, so jobs are fucking rare.

I'm rolling pretty well with that initial salary here.


Why don't you go for her?

Dude, alternate timelines.

Everything is canon.

Not gona go into detail, but it's not the case at the moment.
Maybe in a couple of years when both our life situations are more stable.

>Probably shouldn't add Katawa Shoujo

Why? It's well written and the characters are well developed.
I let my girlfriend play Katawa Shoujo, she liked it. She even made the correct choice of doing Rin's route.

Well, don't wait too long or you could lose the chance. A couple years is a long time

Your girlfriend's taste is alright

No one cares that you play video games, unless you dress like Bob Chipman.

Because i'm hiding my powerlevel, you dumbnut,
It's really not the case for now.

You probably just play socially acceptable video games.

It's harder to explain a love for Idolm@ster or having a bedroom covered in Arcana Heart posters.

I would post it, but since it's only one guy requesting it, I'd rather not spoonfeeD.


Facebook: Someone just drew a dick on trump's coloring book and it's HILARIOUS.


>tfw can sometimes share Sup Forums and Sup Forums powerlevels
>can't find anyone to share my /k/ powerlevel with

I just don't enjoy games as much as I used to since I got to college and got a lot more friends. But I'm still "that guy"

I don't even play videogames anymore I just come here for the porn

Nope, I couldn't care less. Lick my butthole, diamond dolls.

If you give her too much attention, she'll realize that she isn't bound to you only and she'll be getting fucked by a chad or nigger who's only in it for the pussy.

tl;dr women are cheating sluts. 80% of women would cheat if they'd never get caught, this is fact.

I also want that sauce double nigger

>tfw i'd never cheat on a guy with anyone even if i could get away with it
>tfw i'm a short, out of shape, hairy man

I've just never had any randos ever ask me about anime tiddy games, because I don't carry a daki around, and no one in my actual social network cares what games I play.
I'd only by discreet about my entire game collection's contents if it involved a business associate, which has literally never happened.

Do you also live in a noguns libshit area, user?

What do Japanese otaku do so they can afford overpriced figures and Blu rays?

Sauce on that pic?

Welfare of course.

Japan has welfare?

I never realized how content he looks despite having an air horn blown right by his ear


They have responsible parents