Any Mike Matei fans here
Any Mike Matei fans here
Motherfucker Mike is the man. Hes good at old nes games
Mike fan checking in
How can anyone hate this beautiful man
he's attractive
>still hasnt uploaded the live stream of him and his gf playing mario party 1
fuck this fag
>Hes good at old nes games
He is pretty awful, not as bad as James tho.
Bootsy is the real deal, he can beat Battletoads, Silver Surfer and Back to the future 3.
He beat jekyl and hyde and roger rabbit. Dude is pretty good
dick pics when
He as a 10 inch schlong, that tells it all. Mad props for keeping Cinemassacre alive even though James is so out of it and cucked.
>tfw Bootsy and Mike have better chemistry than Mike and James
>tfw Bootsy isn't making more of these videos with his calm attitude and helpful tips
Did you guys see that apparently he posted a dick pic on reddit?
It's supposedly totally legit too
The deleted thread (can read some stuff with unediting scripts) :
Screenshot of the thread before deletion:
Thread with info:
>Great vidya skills
>A music man
>Accurate and fundamented opinions
He's the best thing on Cinemassacre ATM.
he said he was. idk what happened.
Mike has a huge cock
I meant Bootsy
I don't like him, I don't even like e-celebs
but holy shit that dong
is Bootsy a hidden gem?
Mike legit has a 10 inch penis. Amazing
Matei beating Mike Tyson was a greater achievement than anything James has ever done
He is. He should be more active and go solo.
Holy shit as people said if you reverse image search it it comes up with pictures of carrots and shit. That means it's a unique picture. Holy hell he really put a picture of his cock on their fanpage reddit.
Bootsy is best dude.
Is liking Mike Matei a meme I've overlooked? I've not been keeping up with the AVGN world, so why does Mike seem to get a lot of praise these days? I thought Sup Forums's popular opinion of him wasn't at all favorable since his Inspector Gadget/Minecraft video bombed.
How the fuck are his reaction speeds so legit at that age? Does playing an instrument help? He does talk about "getting into a rhythm" a lot when he plays tough sections, but there's shit like BttF where it's just a random storm of shit and you live and die by reaction.
Yes he did. And he actually does have a 10 inch dick.
Jesus christ
James beat Street Fighter 2010 senpai, that game is hard as shit.
I didn't respect it until I watched the GCCX episode on it.
he's learned to stop trying so hard
mike & bootsy videos are literally the best thing cinemassacre has going for it right now
Mike has gotten a lot better over the years. He stopped trying to be funny and is just himself now. And he's pretty likeable usually. He also got more popular when everyone found out his penis is huge
Also, I don't think you can search on google "big dick" and come up with a pic of a white cock with a measuring tool beside it. The odds of it being Mike's cock are high.
It is definitely his dick. He's hung like a horse.
Dude, he's been Mike's friend since 4th grade...That means he's the same age as Mike.
Mike looks a lot younger
Thanks guys. I'll try and watch him now.
He's some sort of musician. He wrote the Dream Phone song.
>How the fuck are his reaction speeds so legit at that age?
Daigo from the fighting game scene is in his mid-to-late 30's. Alex Valle is almost 40. Unless you have arthritis or well in your 70's, reaction speed should be fine.
I expect I'll only get better and better at video-games as the decades go by.
What does Sup Forums think of Ryan?
He doesn't belong. Absolute garbage.
Based Bootsy. Mike's not bad but Bootsy is a god. It was pretty satisfying to see him just calmly stomp Silver Surfer after what James went through with the review, plus James and Mike not even being able to beat one stage.
he could be a 10 if he got /fit/
Mike is based as fuck
He's married.
Mike is funny, charming, handsome, successful and has a big dick. James is raising another mans son, married to a troll, had his movie flop and isn't funny anymore. It's obvious why people like Mike.
Mike and Ryan videos are the worst. Mike is kinda clueless on his own but together with Ryan it's like a new level.
Ryan is like some retard stoner that has no idea what he's talking about and also shit taste in video games.
How many times has mike confirmed his dick length in youtube comments? What a guy.
Can't blame him. If my dick was that big I'd be shouting it too
Damn right.
I want him to pound me hard and deep until he bust a huge load deep inside me.
Based Ryan
He beat Famicom Transformers too and that game is almost unplayable.
fuckin huge. Mike is based
>being fan of an insecure beta
>yfw it's just a perspective illusion because his dick is far above the table that the tape measure is sitting on
>people believe this
>jealous omega micropenis
And this meme was really never funny just shitposting
Mike's balls are on the table, so the measurement is pretty accurate. He looks 9 inches in the picture but he also doesn't look fully hard.
Keep proving me right.
hes a lazy fucking faggot. i used to like watching his shit but now him and mike literally just sit in front of a camera and talk about games. shits garbage.
Yeah I won't believe it until he does a proper measurement. I could probably look like 8 or 9 inches if I did that.
His penis is big and looks nice
Cinemassacre should be James, Mike and Bootsy. That's it. I cringe everytime Fetal Alcohol Face, Pat the NES Nerd or some other flavor of the month faggot shows up. I made a deal with myself that if Francis (the fatass) ever shows up on Cinemassacre that would be the day I unsubscribe to that shit.
This is actually a shill for Cinemassacre at this point. Fucking pathetic.
Yeah? So is mine, but 10 inches is outlandishly uncommon even in the porn industry.
Maybe mike should be in porn since hos cock is so big
yeah his hung penis is uncut, which is a huge bonus.
Francis? Where is he from?
What's with all the Youtuber Re-ddit threads on Sup Forums right now?
Fuck off to Re-ddit.
>its a manchlid matt from 2 best friends episode
I used to watch James and like his stuff, but after hearing about all the rumors about his and his wife's bizarre twisted sex fetishes I can't watch him anymore, he is a fucking creep and I should've seen it coming since he was the quiet social outcast as a teenager.
His voice sounds like a creaking wooden door. He's annoying and not interesting.
I rather watch Mike alone.
Also, when I saw a video about the new Doom on Cinemassacre, I was so hyped, then I sawed it was Mike & Ryan. I was mad.
He helps manage the site and does videos with Mike.
>What's with all the Youtuber Re-ddit threads on Sup Forums right now?
>babby's first summer
>it's a mike livestream video
>it's a mike tries to play doom video
>it's a mike and spud review video