What's the hardest souls game?

what's the hardest souls game?

The first one you play.

This here.

Though I find Bloodborne's bosses to be most difficult in the series.

Bloodborne Old Hunters NG+

Demons souls hands down

Ludwig was probably the hardest boss in the series imo

Sotfs sadly. Enemy placement was just fucked up. They just added twenty more enemies to each room.


King's field I

King's Field IV

Dark Souls 2 + DLC is arguably the hardest. SotfS is a little easier

>dark souls 1
> walk into an area with a shitload of enemies
some jump at you, while others move slower towards you and possibly attack from range, creating an interesting encounter that can be bested with strategy
>darksouls 2
>have to aggro them one at a time or kite them for 10 minutes taking pot shots because their in a big group that swarms you or its a couple big guys with huge attack radius'


DaS2 Sotfs even though it was my least favourite that game was hard as fuck.

At least until it was nerfed

Because all the moving textures like cloth and fur obscure a lot of bosses so its hard to see what they're doing with all the motion blur.

for me anyways. Don't have the same problem with any other souls game.

Is this game any good?

Thanks Japan

max ng cycle: bb = ds2 >>>>> ds3 >> ds1 = des
sl1/bl4: ds2 >> bb > ds1 > ds3 > des

Dark Souls 2, but only because nobody on the team understood how to program hitboxes. Enemies can full out swing and miss, but the invisible bullshit waves from their weapons still hit.


First post, best post. You have your answer, thread's over.


Agreed. Dark Souls 2 being better than any other game is a farce.

I just started Demon's Souls and bought DaS too. Anything I should absolutely know before I jump into them?

DS3 was my first.

That's why Sotfs is shit

Only for PvP

>In before he plays PvP meme

DaS was my first before jumping into Demon's, then 2, then BB, and havent played 3 yet.

Demon's deals with World Tendency.
Basically White world or black world.
White world, the enemies are a little easier, and black world they're a little harder.
It's a little confusing to understand, really, but ultimately not very important.

I like Demon's more than Dark, to be honest.

Bloodborne for me. I thought I had lost my groove, but I one/twoshot most of DaS3 bosses. I thought I was hot shit again after a few NGs, went back to bloodborne for the dlc, and got my ass handed to me again. Fucking ludwig/orphan.

Or you can fight them like a man.
DS1 was the same shit just easier don't kid yourself user.

Why do people think SotFS was the hardest? I didn't have much trouble with it. I had more trouble with Bloodborne honestly. Am I just retarded?

DS1 actually took it's time to reintroduce bosses as enemies. Sotfs made Pursuer reappear 10 minutes after you fought him as boss in a small room in front of belfry luna.

Having max black or white tendency gives certain items though

Don't forget to give your shit to Thomas

Fucking shark giants, their tracking was much worse than anything on DaS2

Dark Souls 2 gave me a lot more trouble than the others

DS1 was my first and EASILY the most fun, because it was the first.
I only played the first parts of DS2 and it was pretty hard.
Bloodborne is just something else. I can get used to DS but Bloodborne is a whole other beast, it's like I never really get used to it.
DS3 was the easiest but that doesn't discredit it's fun.

So Bloodborne.

I didn't had much trouble with Bloodborne until late game and dlc bosses
Funnily enough, replaying DaS2 right before helped me a ton, mostly by being forced to roll forward to escape enemy attacks

My first game was BB, so the rest of the series felt weird. Crystal Sages usually take five tries well Ebriatas only took 3. I first tried Gasgcoigne and the Shades well DaS2 seems impossible to me.

Bloodborne was the hardest, largely because I never got good with parrying. I hit platinum on it and I still never got good with it.

I agree for dlcs wich are pretty hard to beat but the game itself is anwalk in the park after the first half

What the fuck were they thinking with those caves before the Blue Smelter Demon?

>Iron Passage

christ i still have nightmares about it

For me it was Dark Souls II, which was the 3rd one I played.

this is one of levels where you can see From are actually slightly sadistic. It really was such a 'fuck you' to the player

the run to the Kitties in the frozen DLC was also terrible

Hardest bosses?

DeS: Flamelurker
DaS: Kalameet
DaS2: Fume Knight
DaS3: Nameless King
BB: Ludwig

Fuck I forgot about that area. I wanted to try doing it without summons but just said fuck it eventually.

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
Fume Knight
>Dark Souls 3

Why do people keep saying that the fume knight was a very hard boss? Did you all fight him without deactivating the weird statues that heal him?

Honestly, they're all about the same
There's maybe three or four bosses you REALLY struggle on but the rest of the game is relatively easy

None of the DS2 bosses were particularly hard, so he wins by default.


Motherfucker kicked my ass so many times when I first played. Had no idea I could parry him and was surprised to see that people found him easy.

Kalameet is only hard if you're trying for the tail, otherwise he's piss easy.

Shit. I meant to reply to

You can literally parry and riposte Gwyn into submission, you have to be joking.


Bloodborne is the most casual souls game ever made, how is it the hardest in the series?

Well recently finished Dark Souls 1. was really good game. Please tell me there are no more areas like Valley Of Defilement or Blighttown in the next 2 games because i hate both levels of swamp.

Every game has a "Blighttown"

This isn't an exaggeration either.

Bloodborne has multiple BlightTowns.


Well if we're doing that then, Lords of the Fallen.

Well we can all probably agree that 3 was the easiest.

>Though I find Bloodborne's bosses to be most difficult in the series.
Thats because sub 30 fps is the definition of artificial difficulty in a fast paced action game.

That doesn't sound like Bloodborne to me.

The rolling in DaS3, combined with infinite stamina, just made everything a joke.

Maybe Because you suck.

Bloodborne bosses are some of the easiest bosses int he souls sereies (not including the DLC)

Well presented but they aren't hard.

DS2 dlc is the hardest.

DS3 will be the hardest once it has its dlc.

>infinite stamina,
confirmed for never having played the game

Bloodborne has:

>blood gems
>long distance parries
>rally + parries = never dying
>all bosses can get stunned stunlocked or parried into oblivion
>every single enemy drops healing items, grass 2.0
>quick stepping
>caryll runes

Bloodborne is definitely the easiest and most casual game in the series.

You will love Dark Souls 2 my nigga.

>parrying Gwyn

No you faggot, there's being a spiritual successor from the same studio and there's being a copycat.

By your logic, Demon Souls doesn't count either.

I killed him on the first attempt, no parry. I just Zwei'd his ass. Was really disappointed at how easy he was, when I went online and saw all the complaints about him it felt really bizzare.

Swamp areas are mandatory in DS man. Half of DS2 is like that. DS3 has a huge sector dedicated to it.

SORRY m8. Either chug through it or play something else.

demons souls counts, it has the word souls in the title and same devs.

Should we include kings quest as well or does it have to be sony exclusive.

DaS2 has a poison area, but there is no poison water to slow you down. Just pay attention to when you get covered in green shit and the wall face that releases water removes all status debuffs. Also fun co-op.

DaS3 has a poison area, its fuckhuge, slow and does no damage because lamo poison a shit, and toxic is barely on par with DaS1 poison. Hope you like listening to SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for a fucking hour.

ignore last sentence, didnt think it through.

Inb4 that's all you focus on in my post.


I know you're baiting but whatever i'm taking a shit.

King's Field doesn't play like a Souls. It's a first person dungeon crawler.

Lords of The Fallen is a souls-like, and Salt and Sanctuary is a 2D souls-like.

It's heavily implied for anyone not willing to act like a sperg that souls mean the Souls game plus Bloodborne which is very much a close brother to the games in everything but the tone and some specific mechanics.

Three crowns>Old Hunters>Prepare to Die>Bloodborne>Dark Souls 2>Dark Souls>Chalice Dungeons>Demons Souls

how many of you EDGY fucks HONESTLY consider the souls series to not be a difficult series?

awful taste

call it soulsborne, its not a souls game. You're the one baiting.

I don't remember Dark Souls 2 having a prominent swamp area.

demons purists can fuck off, worst souls game by a country mile once you remove those nostalgia goggles.

Not how much I like them, bruh. Just how difficult I found them.


I played Demon's last and it is my favourite along side Dark Souls.

Lol sorry I'm retarded

I honestly found Bloodborne to be the easiest. Most of the bosses have the same strategy with no gimmick and your damage output is insane, not to mention how much I-frames you have.

>the gutter and black gulch

too swampy for your swamp club?


you posted it, OP

It's so awful that it's too difficult to allow myself to reinstall it.

I guess. I don't really consider them swamps because there is no slow movement and status effect. and neither of them are actual swamps in the sense either.

Bloodborne is the easiest.

I had no reason to believe it was possible to parry him when I first played.

Played all 3, would have to say ds2 dlc is the hardest by a large margin.

This. If you parried Gwyn first time blind, you're a fucking liar.

He leaps at you. You're not even supposed to be able to parry that shit, why should I try?
You never parry any boss with a heatlh bar before that, either.

Parrying him is such a shit boring way to fight him anyway, he is one of the hardest bosses if you just don't parry him like a loser.
I don't get it, don't people want to have fun?

The Old Hunters far and away.

Ludwig and Orphan piss in Ornstein & Smogh's faces.