Xbox SCORPIO coming soon

HoloLens integration
Oculus integration
Supports 4K resolution at 60fps
With the greatest IPs that Microsoft is famous for
And its not even next gen.

Literally all its games are on PC

Pointless console



>muh Sony nigger boogie man means pc isint master race yet agian


why would anyone want to buy a shitty console when all games are also on PC except a few nobody cares about

its like limiting yourself on purpose

If you're going by FLOPs, a very impractical method of judging a system's power, then sure.

>Supports 4K resolution at 60fps
The only way that's going to happen is if you're playing 2D games on it.
AAAs will be 1080p 60fps at best.

>With the greatest IPs that Microsoft is famous for
Greatest is a pretty big stretch, other than Halo nothing really stands out as a classic.

piss off

>Supports 4K resolution at 60fps
I want these memes to die.

You sure showed me!
I guess I'll do exactly that and piss off now!

>With the greatest IPs that Microsoft is famous for

what a fucking joke

>holiday 2017

>HoloLens integration
oh are they finally rolling that out

I would say flops are a decent scale for power considering both systems are using AMD GPUs .

HoloLens devkits are already out there. $3k and super, super early adopter shit. They are also stand alone so I have no idea what "HoloLens integration" on a console means.

Huh. So with hololens, are they still tethered to a PC? Or are they more like google glass.

I just don't know a whole lot about them

the hardware is looking to be pretty good. If they could get X360/Xbox emulation going with more games and higher resolution like Sony does for PS2 games, I could actually consider it.

Give me a reason to not buy a PC with W10 instead.

I can upgrade the PC and play the PS4 exclusives that I want.

They are an all in one deal. The "computer" is part of the HMD itself. Lots of limitations right now, low FOV, low resolution, everything is transparent, poor battery life, etc. AR is coming for sure and it's going to be awesome but right now it's where VR was 4-5 years ago. HoloLens is a good starting point for people to start building things for AR but I wouldn't get one as a consumer.

>not even next gen

is that how they're spinning this one? fucking lol.

What are these "great IPs" MS "makes?"

Halo is shit since bungie left
Gears is shit since epic forgot how to use dedi servers on gears 2.
Forza is a mediocre racer
What else do they make?

That's too bad. I really want AR and VR to be a bigger thing. baby steps I guess. Thanks for the information, user. I appreciate it.

>t. Sonycuck

>VR/4K/60 FPS console

Think we can hack it to copy over to discs?

>AAAs will be 1080p 60fps at best.
The fact that this would be a fucking accomplishment disgusts me.

Not him, but I own an Xbone, tell me what's on there. This is my first Xbox console, and I regret it. There is nothing that appeals to me on here. I'm not even a Sonyngger by the way, I own a gaming PC, PS4, Vita, Wii U, and New 3DS.

Not him but seriously what makes an xbox worthwhile

Can it integrate DEEZ NUTZ?

Because PC ports are unreliable.

It's not optimal but the money is in consoles and that's what the games are developed for.

I push a button and I play, no googling compatibility issues, driver problems, I just sit down and play at the exact moment I decide to play. It's on a nice big tv, I can sit comfortably. I also like the various button pressure points and feedback through vibrations. To me playing on a PC is limiting myself.

I also find the exclusives most entertaining, remember it's about personal taste. And there are obviously many agreeing with me. We can have a discussion if you won't shitpost with meme baits.

>Supports 4K resolution at 60fps
Shame no games will run at that.


>And its not even next gen.
any new system increase the gen. the word "next gen" is a marketing buzzwords. Gens are only defined by waves of system competing roughly at the same time.
You'd know if oyu were older than 13, goy.

>using today's price metric (that is purely artificial, hardware does more than 50% profit) for things that are out in a year.

Yeah i guess you're right. Every platform has its shortcomings. I fuck with pc and ps4 and only leave out xbox one cause the exclusives just dont appeal to me. Its rather petty to get salty about it any which way.

Microsoft marketing division is going full force right now it seems

>Supports 4K resolution at 60fps
Like the Xbone was supposed to.

>Supports 4K resolution at 60fps
>stable 60fps with 4k on a console
yea bullshit

>I push a button and I play
>can't play without installing
>installing from disk takes a while
>can't play without updating game
You sure showed him

>I push a button and I play, no googling compatibility issues, driver problems, I just sit down and play at the exact moment I decide to play.
This is the only reason it makes sense to play exclusively on console to me. Even then I feel like it's for the sort of people who only buy apple phones/tablets/computers because they couldn't be bothered to google "best phones/tablets/computers 2016".

Burn Sony!

But it doesn't even work that way on consoles anymore you have massive day one updates that finishes the last 30% of the game not on the disc and mandatory installs because read speeds for blu Ray suck

Thing's gonna be fucking expensive if so

Also, they could just restrict devs to lower quality assets to achieve the same effect.

>It's on a nice big tv, I can sit comfortably. I also like the various button pressure points and feedback through vibrations
I really hope you're not trying to imply that these are things you can't do on a PC

xbox wont gain a sale from me unless it gets weeabo games like Disgaea, Galgun, DoaX, idolmaster and etc.

First post best post

Some people just prefer consoles. If it's the strongest console why the fuck would I chose a console 4x weaker? Protip: I won't.

And yeah, not all the games will be ported to the PC. But the more the merrier, see you online, W10 user.

Sony's fanbase will just say that Microsoft is "trying too hard" or "desperate" and still buy a PS4 because it's the in-thing right now.

If you gave up all of your privacy to microsoft and installed their botnet 10.

>FLOPs are an impractical method of judging a system's power
Did you read this off of some long post on Reddit who claimed he was a "computer scientist"?

Oh I see you're a Steam user too.

But I already have an Xbox Scorpio, user. Only thing that it's a bit better, supporting 144fps for most the games.

Most people don't give a toss about building a powerful PC and would never put in the time and effort to learn how to do it, they're completely happy buying a console that plays games without any of the hassle involved with building a PC. The only reason MS is releasing their games on PC now is because PC gaming market is growing and its just bad business to let Valve continue to have a monopoly on the market like they currently do.

Right. I love both platforms, but prefer consoles.

Thanks for the meme. Updates download while I am sleeping. Installing from disc takes 40 seconds and you can play without updating games.

I was playing both on PC and on consoles (through NES to PS4) since my childhood, I am using a modified android phone, and I enjoy watching Starcraft 2 pro league scene as much as hockey, I even met my gf thanks to PCs. I still prefer my Playstation when it comes to games. Tekken 3, Crash Bandicoot 2, Spyro 2, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 3, Okami, Journey, The Last of Us, they all were console games at the time and outside of Duke Nukem 3D, Command and Conquer and World of Warcraft and maybe the first Call of Duty I didn't get to play on my PC that much.

You can. It's not convenient however.

and like we've said before, not everyone is a PC gamer.
for the people wanting to buy a console, scorpio will be their best choice.

What he means is that it isn't good for comparing how well it preforms in gaming workloads. Other factors impact it significantly more that just FLOPS.

No, you don't.

>Xbox is more powerful
>PC has all the weaboo games
What's the point of the Playstation anymore? Only reason I see is so Sony can ruin more franchises like Ghostbusters with their feminist agendas every year.

>Updates download while I am sleeping
What if you wanted to play and a patch was just released?
>installing from disc takes 40 seconds
Here's your (you)
>and you can play without updating games
Yeah you just have to disconnect Xbox from Internet

To be fair, Spencer did say that he wanted to make Xbox line to become more like gaming Pcs as part of their plan to unify all Microsoft products into one.

Except the fact ms themselves said all it will do is let games upscale to 4K in some cases and will not get exclusive features or run games in native 4k

>Ps2 was weaker than Xbox
>sold around 120 million

Different times. People didn't knew they could get better back then.

>Xbox is more powerful
>with no games

If people wanted power then they'd have gotten a Pc

>The PS4 is 4x weaker
>also has no games
Tough choice there I might say.

power means nothing on its own.

> buys PC
> yay I have a super powerful PC
> spends time online begging for ports of console exclusives and talking about how much better they would be if they were on PC
> maybe they'll port Red Dead over one day
> ;_; oh well, back to GTA4,

PC 'gaming' in a nutshell

I've had 4x more powerful hardware in my PC since 2013.

Waste of money if you use it to play videogames.

literally the most no games machine, hell, I'd even call it an antivideogames console because it keeps loosing them.

It takes 40 seconds to install from a disc, if a system patch is released I have to confirm it first, which again takes a minute at best, game patches are downloaded and applied when the Playstation is in standby.

And I don't know about Xbox, because I don't play on Xbox, which should be very obvious from my previous post.

What are the type of people that buy playstations or nintendo's? Because it just seems to be weeaboo virgin weirdos and pedophiles. Also, how come pc players don't ever voice chat in multiplayer games like battlefield? They always text. Why are they so fucking weird? Are all of the people that buy these other platforms loners or something?

Where's Red Dead Redemption, PC fat? Have fun begging for Red Dead 2 and GTA 6.

But aren't they developing that PS4 refresh, Neo. Ps4 is old as fuck now, why compare the new xbone to outdated hardware, why not compare it against the PS4 Neo?

A free (you) with gold coming right up.

Can you or can you not play the definitive version of Red Dead Redemption on your pc?

Can you play Arma 3, Gmod, Half Life 2? What about PSX, PS2, Genesis, SNES, NES games? Can you play online for free? Can you play last gen games?

>Can you play Arma 3, Gmod,
Implying I want to play any of that shit
>Half Life 2
Played it on 360. Never touched it again. No replay value.
>What about PSX, PS2, Genesis, SNES, NES games
Implying I would want to play any shitendo or movie games on playstation. I have my genesis and dreamcast hooked up to my pvm via rgb scart, the way it was meant to be played, the definitive way.
>Can you play online for free
Who can't spend 30 dollars a year?
>Can you play last gen games
Umm, hello? The only console this gen with native backwards compatability?
>inb4 wii u
yeah no, once again, shitendo never.

>Literally all its games are on PC

But without the constant crashes and bugs and viruses and hackers and bootkits/rootkits and thousands problems pc has.


To play at 4k even now you need to spend at least 1.5k bucks. and forget about playing on highest settings.

>where's red dead redemption
6 years ago is where it's at lol



I've been playing gta 5

Yup, this

PC is actually in this case cheaper as well because you dont have to pay for online for literally no advantage

Once again Microshits proving they cant run a company at all. W10 floping, Xbone flopping and this will flop too.

who didn't play this on release? most PC players have a console or two they use for exclusives because they're not dirt poor like consolebabbies.

I don't think you udnerstand just how feeble the console hardware is. A 290x is in the region of 4x more powerful than the gpu in the ps4 and any desktop class 8 core chip crushes those jaguar cores found in both xbone and ps4.

If I had an enthusiast i7 and multiple gpus you'd be correct but I don't and my statement holds true.

>Can you play Arma 3, Gmod, Half Life 2

Why are these desirable? I say this as a pc gamer.

>What about PSX, PS2, Genesis, SNES, NES games?

I played those on my psx, ps2, mega drive, snes and nes back in the day.

>Can you play online for free

Matter of fact I prefer to pay and have less cheaters now that I have the option to do so having pc and consoles.

>Can you play last gen games?

Sure, and I do, since I have very nice games on my 360 for instance :3

Now I have a question here?

Can I see you running Gears of War 2, Gears of War 3, Halo MCC and Halo 5 on your pc?

>T-those are shit

Sour grapes

> PC is better because you can pirate and emulate last gen [and older] games, as well as Arma3 and Gmod


what's the point when they aren't even making games exclusively for the scorpio? all that power just to play xbone games- pointless

They aren't even making them running at 60fps if they run at 30 on the bone.

There isn't a anime grill smug enough to post along with this information

>Supports 4K resolution at 60fps
Hahahahah yeah sure it is, idiots.

>Being this new

Then what is literally the point? Playing xbone games at 4K? big fucking deal

Sony's fanbase already has a ps4.

Furthermore, if you think power is the one determining factor for console players, think again. If power were the most important thing, they would be pc gamers. Sonyggers are sonyggers for sony exclusive games and weeb shit. Also, these days the differences really are minimal. There already isn't that much of a leap between performance on the best pc's and consoles, it's not like the new xbox will be magic. If anything games on it will be slightly better looking on it on half of the games, and even then sony ponies won't care. Half of their favourite games look like ps3 or ps2 games already.

>y-you're new!

At what? pc? Nope, been at it since the 8088 and msdos. You probably had a shitty nes back then.

>Then what is literally the point?

Snake oil, just like pc videocards these days.

this is literally going to be MS's steam machine with that Xbox OS

console gaming is changing folks, sry

Yeah that's all retard shit. The only thing consoles have an edge on PC is cheating. The amount of cheaters on PC is at fuckin epidemic levels these days. Kids these days are just a bunch of narcissistic cheating faggots, literally. Enjoy your pokemon go wahahahha

The definitive version is on Xbox One. The 360 version dips to 20 fps, and ps3 version runs at 640p.