[Serious] What are some actually good mobile games out there?

[Serious] What are some actually good mobile games out there?

Serious tag because last time I didn't get any real answer.

Other urls found in this thread:


>mobile games
Emulate or get the fuck out of my face

>Serious tag

Oh god, why would you do that, I was about to post some real stuff but now its doomed to be a troll thread

[Sarcastic] Try Angry Birds.

Major Magnet is alright

Jesus Christ you retard
for the sake of keeping this shitpost free, Ill say SnakeBird

Fallout shelter, It's actually kinda fun now.

I was just going to make a thread about it.

I'm playing the PC version though, don't know if they are the same

Pokemon Go and Miitomo are the only good mobile games until Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing mobile are released.

[Mockery]: I regret to inform you that there are no good mobile games, meatbag.

Mhfu and any Kairosoft games pretty much

Mockery is used by hk47 when he actually impersonates them retard


Exactly. I was impersonating the retarded way he's typing and mocking it by comparing it to the way HK-47 speaks, retard.

Pokemon Go. Maybe.
Because 3DS, vita and stuffs like that exists for a reason.

Main problem of smartphone for games is background shit and lack of button.

Even for emulator shit sucks.
You need an controller on bluetooth.
the controll fucks up when tries to play on touchscreen.
And people think build in controller as worst idea ever.

[Faggytime] Hi op please respect the faggytime tag

PAD or any similar quality monster-collecting RPGs.


[Charisma 10] Fallout Shelter

[Honest] Super Hexagon, Kero Blaster and Monument Valley

B) Hate Video Games

Very little mobile exclusives are good.
You're better off getting PC ports and monster hunter, crypt of the necrodancer just got a pocket edition and I've been enjoying it.

what the fuck man

terra battle
puzzle and dragons

Super Hexagon
Pixel Dungeon
Crossy Road
Sonic Dash
Pokemon GO

All of those are garbage.

Holy fuck what's wrong with you?


Here are others:
Hitman GO
Ten milion wives
Falling dots

Impossible game
Monument valley
Dead space
Ridiculous fishing

I enjoyed neko Atsume and the Steven universe: save the light. I'm sure almost no one here will agree with me on that though... Most phone fodder is poor, I've yet to find anything that rivals a good handheld game.
I think a couple of games are ported to mobile now though - dragon quest viii jumps to mind, though I could be mistaken.

Best phone rougelike rpg coming through.

Groove Coaster

Tactics Maiden
Sword and Glory

Is civilization revolution 2 any good?

Oh, sorry, I forgot popular = bad for Sup Forumsipsters.


>Pokemon GO
You guys are only saying that because it's popular. Fuck off.

Pokemon GO

Original is fucking stupid and impossible.

I enjoy playing pokemon shuffle.

Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery

Pirate the first one, the second one is free but extremely generous with its transactions and there was premium version in hb multiple times

Battle Champs. Clash of Clash mixed with JRPG/Japanese style games

>this thread


Battle cats. It's fun.

>serious tag
are you fucking kidding me
kill yourself you dumb faggot

I enjoy Hitman Go, Banner Saga and Chameleon run ATM. There's a lot of shit, but you might find what you like.

>all these (You)'s
this will become common bait shit just like