whats their best skit? gonna have to go with this one
Whats their best skit? gonna have to go with this one
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I used to watch their podcast all the time and unsubbed few months ago and honestly I can't remember why I did
If this isn't your fav m64 vid, you need to reevaluate your priorities
Their videos tend to be either completely uninteresting or verging on cringy.
Are they still bitter and upset that they're waning and never really made it big on YT
I never really got into these guys besides that one deus ex vid and the one where they go to sonic and talk about how shitty sonic is.
they got boring 2bh
also this is a close second
because they bent the knee to whiny SJWs/feminists?
When did that happen?
Their Gamer Grrl at E3 video.
Thats a tough one. I will say christmascast is always good though.
>rocco wasn't on the latest one and derrick was late
Can't decide, I would like another Legend of Gameface though.
have an exact example? aside for a couple of common agreements or vague paraphrases?
classic, here another timeless gem
The only time I know of is when they joked about whether or not Shawn would still love his wife if she grew a dick. The original tumblr snowflake post (now deleted) complained about transphobia, the boyz left that podcast off the channel (yuri-librarian.tumblr.com
See what else you can find by searching "mega64 transphobia" but they bought in hard to the three dozen tumblr fans that got their non-gender-specific panties in a bunch.
pic unrelated
That line about Robin Williams slayed me
ahhh, fair enough. True, they took that tranny bait. shame that they'd allow such a petty threat to warrant an apology (I say THEY when I really only mean Rocco) and even acknowledge thoses "fans"
I'm not a big supporter of Mega64 but I remember & miss out at times when fans could talk to each other online without going thru reddit or tumblr.
Another good video
the ending gets me everytime
That was a pretty shit video until that ending, how the fuck did IGN allow that?
>hardly break 30k on every video
How do these guys make money? How many are there in their "team".
Shawn's reaction to the ISIS joke tho
They started off doing really corporate shit, and they still do. I imagine their advertisements and commissioned videos are how they make money, plus merch sales.
The best Mega64 video isn't really even a Mega64 video. It's on Rocco's personal account and it's called Fish Eye.
just watch their latest vid and be reminded why
Thats a classic.
tfw used to be a hardcore mega64 fan
tfw it just doesnt feel the same anymore
tfw they seem less and less funny with every release
i like the boys, but i dunno
it seems very watered down now