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Video Games #3471
Video Games
Why the F U C K is this allowed?
Steam friend removes you
So how does Sup Forums feel about Lollipop chainsaw?
You guys heard?
Fuck off already nobody gives a shit about RPS or reviews
You must Chose 1
You flew too close to the sun
He STILL hasn't 1cc'd a shmup yet
It will happen
Rock boss
Game music that made you feel
Nintendo NX opinions
What went so right
For all the bullshit
Why haven't you pre ordered pic related yet?
Let's talk about new expack
Should I play this? I really want a comfy mmo to level and explore...
What video game has the most expansive world?
Why does EVERYONE like this game so much?
Games pandering to otaku
Is he "our" guy?
Ape Escape thread
Hey there dudes, Jonathan Jacques-Belletête here, executive art director for Deus Ex Mankind Divided
You get to choose to live in the video game universe of your choosing...
So is Reisen supposed to be the easiest to play in LoLK?
Can somebody give me a list of all the youtubers in this chart...
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now
Things you can say about your video games but not your girlfriend
Why do we hate Pokemon Go?
Why do we hate Yukari again?
I just bought this for some reason
How the fuck do you play this game? I've never been more confused in my life
What did he mean by this?
Le Kill you at 80 for the tiniest mistake with one button man
Which games can i play as a slav?
Death Stranding Figurines
The other night I storytimed an issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly and it was pretty fun...
Vidya reaction image thread
You have twenty seconds to post at least one good why you haven't pre-ordered yet
What game
Joke character is canonically the strongest character
This is a Yoshi
Recommend me a good MMORPG and a class
This shit is more like SMT instead Pokémon
Sup Forums: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Thoughts and hopes for Cyberpunk 2077?
Who's in?
Inside, what's your take on the story?
What went wrong?
What are some great Character Action games (preferably on PC) that money can buy?
Don't care about skins anyway
First Olympic sanctioned ESPORT
I like these guys. What do you think?
Fight boss
Capcom Vancouver says they're not working on DMC 5
Street fighter V
Animal Crossing
Sup Forums tells me Sheva has shitty A.I which makes the game virtually unplayable cancer solo
Final Fantasy XV
Has anyone else went from a 3DS XL to a regular New 3DS?
Post the latest screenshot in the last game you played
How the hell were you supposed to figure how to do this on your own?
Would you be easier on this game if it weren't $60 and marketed like a AAA title?
Underrated PC gems thread
Ordered R4 cart a week ago
Does Sup Forums actually hate crash bandicoot or is it a shitty meme?
What went wrong?
What made this fight so good?
They're gonna have a tough time making a more adorable Pokemon than this cutie
Character hums along to the music playing
So this is the power of the PC gaming master race
Now just hold on. I never voted to take on the Powder Gangers...
Berseria demo is dropping soon so lets get a tales of thread going
Final boss is a puzzle
Zero Time Dilemna
What went wrong?
How's this nigger? is it any good?
Why was she cut from Soul Calibur V? Who thought that was a good idea?
You know the drill
How is your colony doing user?
Civ VI livestream going up in a bit
Civ 6
Woah! Star Citizen looks AMAZING! I preordered it and you should too if you value quality entertainment :)
New Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls trailer:
Which game lets you be fat?
Is this going to be the GAME OF THE YEAR?
So Sup Forums, what are you working on?
Alternately: Shill Thread
Literally no excuse general
Name a worse final level. pro tip: You can't
Weeb fag here. Is this shit worth it...
Danganronpa Thread
What did you do to Bob?
ITT: The coolest character from their respective series
Why is it rare for first person games to let you see your own body?
What does Sup Forums think of all the new Pokemon designs? Are you getting Sun/Moon?
Survival Mechanics
HITMAN™ thread
No actual battling
I've gotten an early copy of the game through work
There are retards that do this shit IRL
Nintendo Power
I am an advocate for book-burning
"Balls of steel", what is that?
How do you get good at Blitzball, Sup Forums?
Hello, it's me, the worst map in the game!
How is the local arcade scene around you?
Would she be a great Samus?
This is the Police
""men"" who only play single player games, because they're not skilled enough to play Competitive games
What do you guys think of Dhalsim?
Hi Sup Forums
How the fuck do you win at this shit?
How hard is this fucking game? Has anyone actually been able to take the Ramsay beating?
WoW thread
You kill monsters to make amours out of their rotten parts to be stronger to kill other monster to repeat
Soup, Sup Forums
What would Rise say is she heard all the mean things you say about her?
Recommend me some of your favorite psp games please
Why are gamers so attracted to the anarchistic DUDE FREEDOM LOL path in video games?
Why western gamers just want the same thing over and over?
Just picked up Thief (2014) on sale for 25 bucks...
This is a list of the best bosses in the Dark Souls series. Notice how one game is missing?
Why don't the good sonic games ever get any attention?
Makoto is mine. You plebs can have the rest
Tfw no one to play SK2 online with
Sup Forums The Musical 4 is already in just over a month. Can we have a Sup Forums The Musical thread in preparation?
Are the God Eater games any good...
6 years
You cancelled that preorder, right?
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Post your favorite CWCs
What is Sup Forums's gaming guilty pleasure?
I'm still waiting fitz......I'm still waiting
Godzilla designed by Yoji Shinkawa
Help me out lads. i'm pretty stuck on fallout 4...
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided presents Human by Design
Hey Guys I'm a former Traveller's Tales employee
Wtf I hate Metal Gear now
Which do you think is better?
Are video games the most profitable product? Aside from the labor and creativity put into making them...
He games on PC
Legit reasons to not buy No Man's Sky
rich as fuck
Explain this Sup Forums
He actually bought a WiiU
Games only you played
You DID marry your onee-chan right Sup Forums?
Does Sup Forums even like video games?
Sup Forums, how do I into emulation? I just realized that I only play games on my computer now. My sister took my N64...
It's a water level
Why aren't you playing the last good pokemon game?
Are you a 90s kid Sup Forums?
Is there any point in going back and playing this if I've already played Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance...
Show me a more dedicated developer ever, you literally can't
Does your gf play video games?
Hearthstone New Card Revealed: Zoobot
Why is it the best game of all time?
How can i crash a cs 1.6 server?
What went wrong? This should've been the best pokemon game there is
Redpill me on the elder scrolls universe
There are actual, living, breathing human beings who exist, who think the PlayStation was better than the N64
Tell me more about these two
Go behind waterfall
Grim Dawn
Ghostbusters literally made $500 million worldwide. It's a terrible year to be a misogynist
Why is this game so dang comfy
How's that micro coming along?
If you don't tell me what Spyro games are good I'll keep posting deviantart
How the fuck do I pass this mission?
Bum bum
I know there's about 30 threads a day posted about this...
Any (relatively) modern games with a Dune feel in terms of setting and atmosphere?
What is the biggest danger for PC gaming?
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
[PSV] Toukiden 2 (Koei Tecmo, 07/28/16) – 59,032 (New)
What went right?
What game has the best family system other then The Sims
What do, /v?/
Made my first door
Does any one notice the internet is becoming, well stupid? For example...
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding...
ITT: games that nobody ever beat without dying at least once
What games let me be a thief
Itt: useless weapons
Using the word "level" to refer to a geographical location
Fanbase is better than the actual game
$20 for <2 hours of unreplayable gameplay
When will prices go down on the 1080 and 1070...
Civ 6 Gameplay
So is the only reason people dislike RDR because it was never ported to PC?
Webm thread
Reinhardt allowed to thrust his big metal codpiece at the player. Not considered sexualised
Was MegaMan Legends 2 better than 1?
This is your boss tonight
Hark! He of fair eyes! We are going on an adventure! :^)
You ready for the most socially aware video game site?
What went wrong?
Reminder that this is worst CastleKino ever
Unpopular Opinions Thread
Remaster shits all over the art style and atmosphere
Open ~15 loot boxes
Mfw going from 750ti to 1070
Uh oh! You've been accused of mass murder and after the police search your room...
Was it deserved, Sup Forums?
It's not "Pay 2 win", user, it's "Pay to not grind!"
Awww dude
Ok so I'm starting REmake for the first time. This will be my first Resident Evil game...
I'm Sup Forums as fuck but even I'm not that shallow that I base my opinions of a game on the looks of the dev team
How do you feel about being able to pursue sexual adventures in video games?
Wtf I hate white people now
Whats the best vidya redsign?
Jarl Elisif: a puppet of the wealthy and powerful Imperial interests who got her position by marrying the right man
One of them has to go the way of sega, who do you pick and why?
2 hours until the biggest videogame tournament in history begins
New video is up
What is it about FFXV that attracts the most violent autists on both sides? The fanboy, FFXV-kun...
Deus Ex
ITT: bad game design
Bought this game on sale and I am very unimpressed
Find a flaw
Is this the best horror game setting?
He doesn't main the incarnate of evil energy, Janemba
Kickstarter has awakened the ire of God, he demands that all Kickstarter projects get destroyed forever...
Why should I play this?
South African level
How do I beat Hong Meiling in Touhou EoSD ?
Unpopular Opinions
Final boss is hard-boiled
The Heroes games are on sale, and III has not aged well. What is the current best Might & Magic game?
How hyped are you?
This the PS4 (partly) release schedule for 2016 and early 2017...
Fighting Games sales
Sup Forums did GoldenEye suck or not?
This is a downgrade
You can bring 1 (one) vidya character to real life, but they lose all their special abilities and become normal humans
How much is your Steam account worth?
Go play outside user
Have you ever hidden any games from your girlfriend?
Cant hack my n3ds because the fucking screws are stuck so i cant access my microSD
Tales of Berseria
You will never become a top tier 3D artist
Are there any guns in particular you look for in a game when deciding to play it?
Hating something for its fanbase
This series is effectively dead
How come in GZ, this guy is depicted as a chillingly evil monster devoid of humor, but in the full game...
Describe to me how the combat in XI will work
Why the fuck standard controllers don't have those extra buttons at the back?
We live in the dystopian future Timeline where Konami became evil, killed Silent Hill, nearly ruined Metal Gear Solid...
Mfw called my friend nigger and some random reported me
What went right?
Inside confirmed for PS4
Why are youtube gamers so obnoxious?
Games literally only you have played and liked
Nintendo NX
Post some comfy games
What's a noob to this in for?
Will Sup Forums admit they were wrong? This game is going to be excellent
Is pic related the best gaming fuel?
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
ITT: best girls of their respective games
Who wins in a fight?
Xbone V2 controller for PC with Bluetooth
Oculus rift production costs around 200$
What the fuck was his problem?
It's too late for him to come back, isn't it...
Name one (1) game where archery is fun, satisfying and effective
Pii Poo
Worst game of 2016 so far
Yfw the Internet Archive has most of Nintendo Power available for reading in the archive
Turkish television shows secret codes from the coup which are actually GTA IV Cheat codes
What does this button do?
This is the Police
Is Sup Forums hyped for Battleborn's latest character?
Why do consumers defend exclusivity for games when the only party that has any benefit from it is the company and not...
Teacher! I saw a Game Boy in user's Jansport!
I just hope that they mean no multiplayer upon release and it will be patched in the next few months (or forgotten...
Banned from a server
Any particular reason we haven't gotten an Advance/Battalion Wars game in forever?
Fallout New Vegas
Any good FPS horde mode/waves of enemies type games?
Whats the best zone in wow and why is it uldum, Sup Forums?
Does Sup Forums buy gamer merch?
Woah, hey guys! Welcome to Alola!
When will Sup Forums admit that this is a shit series?
Is this the most stale, uninteresting video game character of all time?
You're that ninja
How come there hasn't been a single good jrpg this generation? What the fuck is going on?
Why is this game so loved on here?
Alright i'm gonna play this game for an hour and then go to sleep
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
FFXV Thread
Should I buy The Witcher or Dark Souls 3?
You find yourself in possession of all 7 Dragonballs
I'd if I liked wolfenstein will I like this Sup Forums?
What game exploits did you enjoy using in old games you played?
What are some fo the most HEAVY METAL video games of all time?
Name something you literally never seen in a videogame
Lyfe on Sup Forums
Is this the biggest jewery in video game history? Let's get some facts straight:
Sword A: 100 DMG, 100 ACC
Choose wisely
As a fairly casual player of shooters, should I get this on PC or PS4?
Should I be getting a console or a pc...
Why did you do it?
Playing pic related for the first time and shit it's actually pretty spooky
Would it be better for a parent who is buying a console for their kid, to leave the console boxed...
Woah, hey guys
Breath of the wild
WoW: Legion Vs FFXIV: A realm reborn
Is anyone even excited for this?
Is he the best video game villain of all time?
Another overpriced "experience" with barely any substance hiding behind Denuvo
I have never pre ordered a game...
Vertical Sync: On
SMT or Persona? Which do you prefer
Do you play any games made by Jews?
Your GOTY so far?
Give me a good reason to buy this
What's the point of samurais?
Why does this game get praised so much? I mean, I'm only at new york, but:
Lads, tell me something
You un-cancelled your pre-order, right?
Samuel L. Jackson is now the proagonist of the last game you played
People here constantly shit on No Man's Sky
Blade and Soul NA finally released
This is a list of the best bosses in the Dark Souls series. Notice how one game is missing?
In this thread:
Am I a bad man if my hobby after work is coming home to play Overwatch with a 14 year old girl and her friends...
The complete mastered Star Fox 2 ROM
No Tina
WTF??? I love football now!
What went wrong?
How could they improve L.A. Noire if they released a sequel?
ITT:Characters that took a shit onscreen
Who's your favorite male fightan game character Sup Forums?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why does everyone suddenly hate Twitch power couple Dinglederper and PhantomL0rd?
What games let me play as a Belgian health minister?
Webm Thread
The random guy from the game you just played adds you on steam
Dragons Dogma 2 when?
No mans sky
Why does this game have so much shit posting and cancer on this board from both sides...
Xbox One S
Do you think the Avgn still weeps over how shitty his movie turned out? It was all a dream...
What are your thoughts on the Nintendo 2DS Portable Home Entertainment System Console?
Annoying fucking enemies
If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?
Gamescom bans weapon replicas for cosplayers, stricter security for this year’s show
Truth is, the New Vegas Thread was rigged from the start
Gritty and/or realistic redesigns of Iconic characters
Why did they stop making games about pirates?
Desert level
Dude human stew lmao
How long does it normally take you to get used to a video games controls/mechanics Sup Forums?
Professional videogame player
BLT - Backlog Thread
Normal is too easy
This game was too good for this world
Is he based?
Why do you hate me, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on scalpers?
Sup Forums tells you a game is shit
Did you break up with her, Sup Forums?
Who is the one true Queen of Sup Forums?
You are suddenly - thanks to powerful meme magic -in the video game world you last played in
Can you name me 5 PS2 games that have decent graphics?
Should I get FF Type 0 HD or X/X-2?
No Man's Sky Thread #1
That video game you desperately wanted to talk about but the thread died with no replies while duplicate and...
Oh, hey there guys, dont mind me, just the best hand held passin' through
Bought [spoiler[Last of Us[/spoiler] for 15 bucks
KAT is dead and nothing has replaced it
Do you still play games with your friends?
Is obsidian a good studio?
I'm still mad
Can we talk about this game, Sup Forums?
The game that made tf, dota, lol, cs obsolete
Does Taylor Swift even play this shit...?
Is this Mario's actual size
What videogames deal with evolution?
Prove this wrong Sup Forums
Are there any good video games based off Disney comics, Sup Forums?
What are you emulating Sup Forums?
Post yfw
I need help choosing one Sup Forums. Which one is better? I'll travel soon and I can't take my consoles or my PC...
Did everybody forget about this?
I've heard nothing but hype for this game from my Brother and his friends, is it deserved? should I try it?
SONY corp wants NEO to DESTROY PC !
What's the appeal of Pokemon?
GalGun Thread
So this is one of those games that everyone hates got awhile then later on appreciates right?
Lawfags think they're making anyone's lives better by being YHVH's tools
The console exclusives that must come to PC
What games pander to BBW fetishists?
How would you create her game?
Post yfw
Name videogames where you can play as a light brown goddest fucking everyone's shit up
Whats their best skit? gonna have to go with this one
What's the most expensive game you have bought?
Anyone Buying Xbox One S?
I told you guys that just a small buff on Zenyatta was enough to make him playable...
So apparently the River City Ransom remake for 3ds is being localized and released in tje west in September
What's your brother's favorite game, Sup Forums?
Just picked this up on sale
Ys Thread
Why would anyone choose this over the 3ds? What's the point of their existence?
Glad you could make it, Uther
Redpill me on the Shantae games
You have been banned from this server
What Twitch streamers do you subscribe to?
When will CDcucks realize this is the worst 2-D sonic games?
I just started playing this yesterday
How did Valve go from PC gaming savior to one of the worst influences in gaming right now, by far?
ITT games that will never return to their roots
Sonic The Hedgehog/Sonic Franchise
What's your biggest
What is the most satisfying evil ending in all of vidya?
Why would Blizzard do this?
Now that the dust has finally settled, what do you all think about this game?
Are you getting it for Wii U or NX?
Silent Hill
This is Kat
Lose video game
This game keeps kicking my ass
No mans sky thread
What games did you play today?
Escape the Room
Fucking poorfags reckt again
I feel bad for people who bought an Xbox One over a PlayStation 4. This was hyped up like an Xbox exclusive...
Griffith did nothing wrong
Ed Edd & Eddy Online discussion
A magical being has just come down from the sky and has told you...
What if nintendo fucks this up?
Trails in the Sky SC
Internet Archive put up 145 issues of the discontinued Nintendo Power
Did you just throw a motherfucking Monster Hunter Thread
Fighting game characters we will never see again
Hey guys leaker here. The DLC for Dark Souls 3 is going to blow you guys the fuck away...
Is Quiet the worst thing to come to the metal gear series?
What are some games were you can lose a party member for good?
Give me one good reason why you don't main Dark Donald
Find a better console. i will wait
Will I be able to plant an acorn and watch it grow into an oak tree?
So Sup Forums? What are you playing?
This is 10 dollars on Green Man Gaming
Buyfag thread?
Will ps4 emulation (somewhere in 2020 ) be the only way to play picrelated?
Konami is trying to win back its fans
Nintendo in one picture
Who would win in a fight between these four characters?
Is Kingdom Hearts III going to be the last Kingdom Hearts game?
Be Honest
Loss of FPS and much stuttering
Was Chun Li ever really topped?
JRPG fans have better taste than CRPG fans!
Hey Sup Forums, weebatron 9001 here...
Do you wear any subtle vidya merchadising?
Would you live with your favorite video game girl? Would you start a family together?
Let's have a thread about felicia
Let's have an embarrassing vidya faps thread
Who is in the right?
Who here is excited for the Nintendo Ultra 64? I heard it's called 64 because it has 64 bits...
Have you prayed to our lord and savior today Sup Forums?
Gimme a life stone!
Console-tan Tuesday: After Dark
Horror Films you think would make great video games
I liked it
This is a PS Vita game
Is TES the worst universe to live in?
Ancient fantasy setting
What the hell happened to Pokemon?
Name a company shittier than Compile Heart
So you guys wanna know information huh?
This is the best PS1 RPG no matter what FFVII Fags say
Character Thread
I literally don't know anything about Final Fantasy
What do you expect from MGS6?
I want Mario to be the next US President!
Princess Trainer
Did you buy her game, Sup Forums?
Played 80 hours of Mount & Blade before I figured out you could speed up map travel by holding ctrl+space
Why did they add all these poses?
Sup Forums I have $15 what should I buy?
ITT: same voice actor thread
Who here's going to buy it?
What is the best SMT demon design and why is it Koga Saburo?
Hey, how's it going?
Four days until C&D
It says here you wanted Sonic adventure 3 instead of Sonic Mania. Care to explain?
LOL at the screenshot
What does Persona 5 need to be perfect?
Atheists BTFO
What do you think about the final evolutions of the Alola starters now that they are confirmed?
There, she no longer has Tumblr® hair. You have no reason to not like her
Boss has multiple health bars layered over each other
Literally Impossible
This is one of the ugliest designs i have ever seen
What are your thoughts on this game?
It's up
Fallout 4
Post characters who are literally you
Photoshop thread
Sequel is released on another platform
What do you think of Persona 3 Sup Forums?
So, which was the better game?
ABZU thread
Zelda Wind Waker
These are the people DDoSing Blizzard
Konami will never go back to video games
Did you play it?
It's a """""""villain"""""""" has a better motive and justification than the main characters episode
Time for another Monitor vs HDTV thread
FE12 Ruseman plays FE11
Is this game P2w? It's too much grinding to get stuff i don't have time for this
Want to make a game
Why is she so perfect?
ITT: Stuff that make you mad in vidyas related
Indie games use Denuvo now
Fucker needs to lay off the tacos
Why is she so perfect?
Just finished blood and wine
What if the DLC somehow interconnected the world and allowed you to progress in a non-linear way?
Is this the most overrated game of all time?
We have stalker threads all the time
Rowlett fainted
ITT: Overrated franchises
Why is Sup Forums so overly harsh with fallout 4? It may be a mediocre RPG, but it's not such a bad game overall
Video game enemies that make you go "haha"
Queue to get into a client
Tfw your to intelligent to play vidya
Final judgments aside what did you guys think of MGSV's prologue the first time you played it?
He is actually paying $60 for nu males scam
Another year has passed did you do it user?
I've been messing with my one S all day...
You wanted to play?
Heal undead
Will there ever be another of its kind?
What did they mean by this?
I haven't played Amnesia in years. Why does this asshole frequently visits my dreams?
Dishonored is only 4,99 euros on steam right now
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...