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I apologize.

Americans everyone

SOTFS is the best Souls on a console for the 60FPS alone

I liked the idea of Bonfire Ascetics to let me repeat areas, but did it really need to jump it up a NG+?

At the very least let enemies respawn normally without needing to join a covenant.

No, the PvE was inexcusable and the desperate Souls PvP crowd is doing it's hardest to cover it up.

B-team should apologize to me.

>muh PvE
the multiplayer aspect is exactly what makes DaS games different than all the other generic action games that try to imitate them (lord of the fallen, bound by flame, witcher 3, etc)

that's a retarded opinion you got there
60 fps is alright
it's not game changing

t. consolecuck

>am i funny now r/pcmr?
kill yourself
playing DaS1 on PC right now and opting to use 30 fps because 60 fps negatively impacts gameplay and is hardly noticeable

Bell tower was GOTYEY. I loved running low SL new characters (because of the armor variety and weapon viability) and helping at bosses and killing people in the bell tower while listening to youtube.com/watch?v=73WWpKyuWL4 every time I got summoned.

No, it wasn't good like Dark Souls was. However, once I started playing it like a Golden Axe game I started having more fun

The bow mechanics were WAY better than in DS1.

Nah, they were pretty shit actually.

That's still better than the ones in DS1.

yfw darksouls 2 started apologize meme


I'm sorry you made me buy you twice

Your dlc was alright, though.

No you should be apologizing to me

currently got a lowbie sunbro running the gauntlet in forest, heide's, bastille etc. invasions are actually spooky. way more fun than facing ganksquads in 3


Anonymous website

the game is flawed like all souls games but I honestly dont understand the
>hurr zones are unoriginal and uninspired compared to DS1

What's the best bow for a bow build?

Fuck off
