You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now
Because I don't find SFV as "fun" as I found the previous SF games. I am waiting for KOF 14 to satisfy my fighting game needs.
Not into fighting games, so I don't own it.
Im not a 10 yo reddit child
Because I'm at 4060 points and I'm scared to downrank
Waiting for them to finish it.
I don't keep trash I throw it out
Because I am playing jo^2s insane quest: multi protagonist carnage
I jumped ship to Revelator
I'm taking a shit
I'm busy playing Project M, playing shitty no matter how hard I practice.
Darkstalkers Resurrection is more fun.
than play casuals
Because I don't have a PS4
I'm trying to fit a 7 inch vibrator inside my anus
It's almost in
casuals are for casuals
im playing darkstalkers
i suck at fighting games :(
the ps4 is garbage. get it on pc
>wanting a PS4
It's sooo slow and boring. Nothing exciting happens in any match.
I have no one to play it with because my only fighting game friend disappeared.
I don't like fighting games.
I'm playing another game. Plus I'm upset after going down in rank yesterday.
Because fighting games are for tryhard faggots
8 fucking frames
i dont like fighting games
Dhalsim is shit
Urien isn't out
I'm waiting until my friend is on in an hour and trying to close the deal on a video gig in the future.
But, Sup Forums...You know what time it is.
>Favorite Match-Up
>Least Favorite
>What should take priority in fixing for SFV
>Hopes for Season 2
I'm spending money getting my teeth fixed and whitened: it's going to cost me £250.
Brush your teeth kids.
I prefer melee
I was playing a little earlier. Finally made it to 11000 something and now I'm taking a lunch break. Then later today I'm going to a local gathering for small tourney, casuals, and beer.
Anything VS Juri because there are no good Juri players yet
VS Ken
I thought Dhalsim was pretty good for online, and still decent in offline play.
I just closed it 2 minutes ago
Because it's boring af
i'm not black or gay
Would like to learn FANG
2000 something, can't remember, rarely play ranked
>Favorite Match-Up
Alex or Rog tend to be fun.
>Least Favorite
Mika, though like me she lacks wake-up.
>What should take priority in fixing for SFV
I really just want training to save settings when leaving for a match.
>Hopes for Season 2
The Hakan and Q meme.
I can't because I'm a poorfag with no PS4.
>Favorite Match-Up
Boxer, I just fish for OS dashing straights, and feel like a god when I get them out of nowhere
>Least Favorite
Gief/Mika. Gief, because he fucks Boxer, and Mika because that character is fucking dumb
>What should take priority in fixing for SFV
all the pointless waiting inbetween matches, and letting you see/filter by connection quality in lobbies
>Hopes for Season 2
I just hope people are still playing
Yun and Q would be nice too
because its the mashiest unfun fighting game to ever exist
>Ken, Juri, Fang
>Alex, Balrog
>Net code and pc specific issues
What's the OS with straights? I'm trying to learn Balrog and know very little about him.
I just throw out -> light dashing straight in neutral and the dashing straight only comes out if the hits. And I use it when it will only hit if they walk forward or dashing straight themselves.
Bought it, played it, dropped it, got some money back. It's inferior in every way to Killer Instinct.
I am
>200points away from gold
Feels good
What rank do you have to be in this game to not be considered a shitter?
in IV it was the 3000LP line
Can't masturbate on SFV
Just Do It.
I'm out in Corpus Christi right now. Left my PS4 back home.
Shit keeps leaking memory
I'm a poorfag, my pc is shit and I don't have a "next gen" console.
I don't like the idea of buying an early access fightan game anyways, especially since companies tend to come up with ultra super duper champion editions some time later.
Darkstalkers and Alpha 3 are already good enough for me.
at this point I'm just waiting for Urien to release.
It feels like super gold right now. As time goes on the bar keeps rising, it will probably settle on platinum after a few years.
Burned out. Going to take a break and play Urien when he releases.
Because button mashers are for casuals.
>Juri but she needs some more work before i use her in ranked
>fuck Alex and Chun
>this stupid fucking netcode that makes the matches seem like im 1000feet under water but the other guy is apparently playing form capcom HQ and reacting to all the shit i do
>Laura and Ibuki about tied
Fuck me plat seems far away
Don't you need like 7000points to get plat?
I don't own it.
You going to buy it for me, OP?
I ran out of Necalli pictures
Waiting for the complete edition to come out in 5 years.
play casuals till you have 90% win rate
then play ranked to get up
it's what I do everytime I rank up
>Favorite Match-Up
Laura, free wins, and Alex is just fun to fight against
>Least Favorite
Nash or Chun Li, the struggle is real
>What should take priority in fixing for SFV
>Hopes for Season 2
I don't really mained anyone before, started with SFV, but hopefully Rose, Dudley, or Sodom, cool designs, and Elena for waifufaggotry
becuase UNIEL is better
>12000 LP
It isn't balanced properly, and I don't waste my time with "competitive" games that aren't balanced.
Ibuki the cutie
Ryu, was my main before Ibuki, I don't play him anymore tho, Ibuki require too much work for co maining
>Favorite Match-Up
Ryu : no bullshit : the battle
>Least Favorite
RMika : everything is bullshit : the battle
>What should take priority in fixing for SFV
Even if I don'T care for it, Arcade mode and an Arcade version. Those are essentials for long term survivability of the game and appeal to casuals.
>Hopes for Season 2
Makoto, Akuma, Dudley, Yun, Yang, Ingrid
post pic of 12k LP
I dont have any Birdie, I'm sorry. Maybe the other Necalli poster might have some.
Real talk why do people think Alex is bad?
The Slash elbow and flash chop are -4 on block sure, but they have so much pushback that they might as well be safe
and his EX stungun is dolphin dive tier
his buttons have long reach and are relatively safe to with good priority
He doesn't have 3frame jab but hi st.LP is a super good AA
now that people know how to play him he seems like a better Berdie to me
Who do you have?
Mainly Makoto, Hugo and Necalli.
I pirated it and thus can only play the shit modes it has offline, so I would rather mod Fallout 4 instead.
check cfn
Check Cfn
I like Xrd better
The point is to prove that its you
Same reason why some people wouldn't consider Nash not top 1 although he clearly is, no invicible reversal i guess
But I am, user. I'm currently at 12500lp and trying to climb up to diamond.
k then
>None, hoping for Urien
>Most characters are fine
>Mika, anyone with a fast character and a shit internet connection
>Improve all these dropped inputs and fast characters blipping across the screen online
>Cody, Guy and Rose to give closure to that facet of Bison's story
>extra Story that focuses on Necali being a threat and not jobbing, have him go after Dhalsim or Ed
>more Illuminati shenanigans
>Make Peter a playable fighter, actually good, not a joker
Because fighting games are made with "competitive" players in mind, and as we all know, the "competitive" player does NOT want challenge. (Why are you going out of
your way to gain every little advantage over your opponent that you can? Why are you downright gleeful when you've gained an advantage? Why do you scour message boards
and YouTube channels to copy every little trick and tactic you can find, instead of playing the game and trying to devise them on your own, as the developers intended?
Why are you turning down all the detail levels? Why are you buying monitors and controllers specially designed to give you an advantage over those of your opponents who
lack the means to afford them?) He wants the OPPOSITE of challenge: he wants to "WIN"; and moreover, he wants to win specifically against a HOMO SAPIENS opponent, NOT
because the homo sapiens is a better or a more unpredictable opponent (for he isn't), but because unlike the AI bots, he is the only kind of opponent that CAN FEEL SAD.
That is what the "competitive" player's fixation with "winning" (i.e. with the game over screen) betrays: the "competitive" player does not draw his enjoyment so much
from his interaction with the game world, but from FORCING A PARTICULAR FRAME OF MIND ON HIS OPPONENT: more specifically the depressive emotion of SADNESS. And thus we arrive at the definition of the "competitive" player: A player who is more interested in making other people sad than in the quality of the game he is playing. He draws his satisfaction, not so much from interaction with the game world, but from the sadness he is causing the other players.
There's no other logically and psychologically consistent way to explain why the "competitive" player acts the way that he does. Why would I want to play any sort of game with these kinds of people? It brings out the worst sort of autism and I'd rather play some shit rpg by myself than deal with them. Yes, even one of those ridiculous, linear anime Jap ones.
Because I'm busy playing Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
A great game that got it right, right out of the box.