2 hours until the biggest videogame tournament in history begins
Are you ready?
2 hours until the biggest videogame tournament in history begins
Are you ready?
>Jeep hackers
I do
I do
I do
Never been a fan of watching esports.
I guess I might take a look for the mad plays but I don't really like dota 2.
It's already ongoing.
Do you even know what an argument is?
>shilling for the game with already the highest and most constant playerbase in steam
uhh... why? nobody cares about league of legends anymore and its getting killed so why would you valve guys need advertisement? youre already winning billions with just sitting on your chair all day
every day i log in theres hundreds of thousands playing, cant you have enough with that? fucking jews fucking gaben FUCK, make a FUCKING GAME you fat FUCK
Do you?
You gave no reason for dismissing a game other than an old meme acronym
Is there somewhere you watch this shit?
>Koreans in Dota 2
Like I care about trash.
>starcucks still mad their game is dead
If only there was a major website out there that focused on videogame streaming
I fucking suck at Dota
Will this be interesting or just depressing?
You'll enjoy the North American teams
Interesting unless chinese teams are playing then expect hour long farm fests.
I guess I'll give it at try then
I never really watch esports but I guess this is the Superb Owl of esports.
Last year it had a confy newbie stream, not sure this time thou.
Chinese teams are by far the most entertaining, original and exciting teams in Dota today
Do they have fancy stage effects?
>street fighter with special moves bound to a single key
>no execution required
>4 buttons
fighters = RTS > FPS >>>>>> melee >>>>>>>>> ASSFAGGOTS
I will never understand how anyone can find enjoyment in spectating ASSFAGGOTS. When fights are over in 8-10 seconds and everyone dumps all of their specs it's impossible to know what happened.
>fighters have macrostrategy beyond 1v1 matchups
>fighters have advanced resource management
>fighters have multi-unit control
>fighters have teamwork
>fighters have synergy
It's beyond retarded to compare apple and oranges and you're an idiot.
good for them. I hate the genre, it's boring as fuck and I absolutely detest the idea of needing a full team of 5 people to play at all, else you end up with a bunch of mouthbreathing russians who don't communicate, and always do what they want, no matter how retarded that is. (Tip: It is always, 100% of the time, retarded.)
>fighting games
>Still haven't finished importing all characters from Dota 1
It's been what? 5 years?
How fucking lazy can Valve get?
> (You)
>>fighters have macrostrategy beyond 1v1 matchups
You mean like king of fighters or marvel 3?
>>fighters have advanced resource management
You mean like super meters and time?
>>fighters have multi-unit control
See point 1
>>fighters have teamwork
1v1 is about as manly as you can get
>>fighters have synergy
Is this some dota meme buzzword? Why would that apply to fighters????
>It's beyond retarded to compare apple and oranges and you're an idiot.
BTFO 4 button faggot
I haven't follow the scene in a while. What teams have a chance to win this year?
>watching people roll dice until one wins
>I don't know what the heroes do so obviously no one else understands the intricacies
The best esport in history will never truly die, step aside dotashits.
literally all of them except maybe 2 or 3
i haven't played dota 2 in years, i used to be super into it but then I went to csgo
have all the heroes been released?
no lol
Why do people defend this? It's a flash of effects in a small time period. You impossible to know exactly what is going on. It's like watching someone e play piano, you don't know what all 10 keys are being pushed at the same time it's impossible unless you're autistic.
why do i even bother asking, god damnit valve
wAHH my ONE hero is not released!
>let's just make the fanbase pay for the prize pool because they're desperate for validation
>and take half the money for ourselves
>what could go wrong?
Nothing because gamers are the most pathetic bunch of suckers on the planet!
>2 hours until
but the wildcard was yesterday
only 25% goes to prize pool
The fanbase always pays for the prize pool you mong.
Fuck you're dumb.
Is there some OP as shit meta hero right now or what?
Not at all, 95% of the hero pool is viable and picked competitively.
Timbersaw and Elder Titan
And the fanbase is retarded every time.
Do we have threads for it here? I like watching things with Sup Forums.
Your definition of argument is overly constrictive.
You're talking about debating people. You don't need to have a point, be rational, or anything like that to argue.
I want meme picks
One of the issues is that DotA players almost literally play nothing BUT DotA, to the exclusion of everything else. Where's that tweet that said all the big titles on Steam's top-played list were significantly impacted by Overwatch's free beta weekend except for DotA?
Do you get crates if you watch it like in CSGO?
Why are dotafags such cucks?
Jesus Christ.
I said I like watching things with Sup Forums. /vg/ is full of tryhards.
It's nearly impossible to sustain a spectator sport without the fanbase paying for compensation of the players, because it otherwise relies on a dumb benefactor with deep pockets, and there are only so many deep pockets.
>no bisu
>no jaedong
Pretty much this.
Other sports can keep afloat from season tickets and advertising, but things like this don't have the same guaranteed income.
Jaedong doesn't play BW and Bisu is a manwhore that sells his dignity on afreeca in exchange for money.
Dota is a piece of shit memesport to watch anyway.
Can we agree DotA is the most balanced competitive game in its weight class though?
I don't know the exact numbers, but I think the # of heroes ban+picked out of the entire cast is at an all-time high
ugh moba player extermination when?
I suck at MOBAs but I've tried all of them and Dota is the only one which I find at all satisfying. Everything is so varied, but also really clear.
You guys are alright.
Don't go to the Dota 2 stream.
Those are still fanbase-funding strategies anyway.
If your audience doesn't buy things advertised to them, then advertisers will fuck off.
The process is just more transparent and the percentage of revenue is better in Dota 2 than most other games.
Riot will sell you a bunch of content a la carte and spend a negligible amount of this revenue on their prize pool and player salaries.
Valve sells you a bundle of content and tells you the percentage of that bundle that will go to the prize pool of The International.
wow people STILL play these things?
Yeah, say what you will about Valve but they know how to make spending money seem worthwhile to people.
I will destroy Dota 2 and The International
Isn't DotA the most technically dense of all the MOBAs? There's so many mechanics you have to deal with that it can become obtuse at times. Many recent MOBA projects make it a point to distance themselves from DotA's complexity.
>they have a really good grasp of how the game is played at the highest level
this is john madden level of analysis
That's what makes it feel more satisfying though. Sure it's horrible to play sometimes but the complexity makes it feel better to play. It has a higher ceiling.
Everyone migrated to that thread yesterday for prelims so unless this one takes off that is it.
people play the trash called overwatch and make daily thread about cosmetics and waifu shit. I don't see how Dota is worse.
Fair enough I guess.
>balance should be based on whether something is picked / banned rather than actual pick / ban rates
Why is it only dotafags who pretend balance means that there's weight on both sides of the scale, and not that scales have roughly equal weight on them?
Are you seriously implying heroes like earthshaker, lion or batrider are equally balanced compared to meepo, pugna or visage?
Ready to keep ignoring it because MOBAs are cancerous shit.
who gives a fuck? evo was last month
>Are you seriously implying heroes like earthshaker, lion or batrider are equally balanced compared to meepo, pugna or visage?
Yes? Meepo is pretty common nowadays in pro so is pugna in push strats and drow visage is still a fucking strong combo.
That shit is fucking boring.
God I want to suck 2gd's dick
No homo, maybe a bit.
>every hero is supposed to be balanced 1:1 to every other one
lmao that fuggin dumb m80. It's team comps that should truly be considered in balance.
Retarded analogy
I don't even watch e sports
>mfw last place prize money at TI is double first place prize at EVO for sf5
Somehow i can't understand ppl that watch how someone else is playing. I would rather go and play the game.
The difference between sports and dota is that sports fans pay to watch a sports event, but dota fans pay to gain external validation from people who think they're wasting time on a stupid video game. "Esport" is meme only perpetuated by autists who already spend an exorbitant amount of time on the game.
>The difference between sports and dota is that sports fans pay to watch a sports event
TI is different, I love dota, and its a good way to learn how to get better at the game, and maybe learn a few new things
>pretty common nowadays in pro
>one of the top 10 least picked hero in the game
>pugna in push strats
>drow visage
>comparing a hero that requires a specific lineup and a hero that requires a specific other hero to work with vs heroes that work well in almost every composition in existence
and that's exactly my point, there's a bunch of heroes that have consistently high pick/ban rates because they're a generic incredibly safe pick in almost all lineups whilst almost all other hereos have varying degrees of restrictions.
Batrider required 5 straight years of nerfs just to stop him from being a consistent 100% pick/ban rate hero because his kit is just fundamentally way too fucking strong in terms of what he can achieve, both in benefit to himself and to his team. Meanwhile riki has been fucked for years because he's so hard counted by a 180 gold item that anyone can buy.
My high score
>League of Legends
Um, it still has the highest viewerbase of any esport. Consistently.
How is that "Dead"? I don't play it, but you're retarded if you don't think it's the most popular game.
average dota player
yeah well Overwatch also game out this year
Dota 2 "officially" came out 3 years ago but it was also in open beta for another 2 years before that and everybody and there mother was playing it then too so its basically been 5 years
League of Legends LoL LOL
Average dota player
should have been slapped on sight