>South African level
>Die Antwoord starts playing
South African level
Other urls found in this thread:
What fucking game? I need this in my life.
>Vietnam level
>Some Folks Are Born starts playing
>Vietnam level
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Why is this always posted? What's the story behind it? It creeps me out.
>Sup Forums level
>it's dead meme starts playing
>American level
>vietnam level
>son of good luck starts playing
>usa level
>everyone speaks spanish
>video games level
>it ain't Sup Forums starts playing
>Vietnam level
>I ain't no senators son starts playing
>What's the story behind it?
Fetish videos.
>skeleton boss
>Some Folks Are Bone starts playing
>Vietnam level
>It wasn't me starts playing
[Operating intensifies]
>furry level
>caninus starts playing
What does joost have to do with that though?
I really like it when the artist does things in the style of the source.
RIP Zone you used to be great ;_;7
pls stop
>implying furries like good bands.
Well, didn't expect that
there's more to this?
I fucking wish
Why are you bringing up die antwoord though this is a video game board
Zone is still great. He animates for lab zero. Wisened up and realized drawing flash porn games wasn't going to make him good money.
Ah, but now that I think about it, since the advent of Patreon, Zone could probably get paid a shitload for doing exactly what he used to do.
You really goofed up now hyuk
>Not knowing Zone.
Whelp! That's enough Sup Forums for me for one day. Time to go eat junk food and wallow.
Does anyone have the "please don't post that evil here" screencap?
I know this is the thing to say about bands, but I don't like any of Die Antwoord's new stuff at all. Everything after Baby's On Fire has been middling.
I want to duck that fuck
Nah I agree actually. I think the guy has run out of ideas for it really. He needs to move onto a different project, his old shit was GOAT.
Got you covered fami
How disgusting.
These things are always a pain to read, and impossible to follow.
Hope you do better next time.
>watched goofy movie as a kid
>have nightmares for years over the scene where the son turns into goofy
>years later find out some guy on the internet faps to it
the guy has a furaffinity account
>German level
>Rammstein starts playing
>detroit level
>insane clown posse starts playing
>cut to scene of fred durst getting his ass beat by people with in clown makeup
I was afraid of that scene too but I forgot about it until a few months ago when my girlfriend laughed and it kind of sounded like the part where Max's laugh transitions into Goofy's. Mfw was literally the reaction you posted
Ha-hyuk, time for a fuck.
>German level
>minaret prayer noises
I actually want to see girls done up like that. The girl in the pic looks qt
Rap Made Easy and Tik Tik Tik from their Max Normal days are great too.
Fuck the duck until exploded.
Loads of Max Normal is great
He's a really talented guy who is wasting his time right now, Die Antwoord has run its course.
I know this is a joke thread but
>jungle/savana level
>random "tribal" chant noises start playing in the background
Shit pisses me off to no end
please just stick to making your own original ost with its own style
I wanna fuck her butt
No he is following his plan as he always meNt to the next album is coming in september and then will be the fifth and final die antwoord album them he will move onto new projects or possibly go back an do more max normal stuff
Oh and fuck off banana brain and dazed and confused are great
I doubt they'll change now, Die Antwoord blew up in popularity and they've been living their whole lives in-character since.
It's a real shame. I hate wasted talent.
It has always been the plan to have 5 albums since the very beginning
Do you have a source on that?
Doesn't change the fact that five albums is way too much for a project that has run its course completely.
Ninja has been aaying it since forever what do you think the five dots mean?
The project had a planned course that it has not run and whats wrong with the new mix tape or banana brain?
Okay but do you have a source?
Straight from ninjas instagram of course the new album is now called mount ninji and the nice time kid everthing i have heard from is sounds awsome and has me so hyped