This is a list of the best bosses in the Dark Souls series. Notice how one game is missing?
This is a list of the best bosses in the Dark Souls series. Notice how one game is missing?
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Look mom I posted it again
it's not really a list so much as its a collage of images
Needs Gehrman and Shadows of Yharnam technically not Dark souls but yeah. Perfect besides that.
I noticed you keep posting this.
Took the words right out of my mouth
Ds2 doesnt have the best bosses but fume knight should be in this collection
kalameet was a cool fight, probably one of the few games where fighting a dragon actually feels like it should.
>flying attacks
>claw attacks
>tail attacks
>fire attacks
all fast paced and in an open area
Dark Souls 2 would be so much better if they had just followed the lore of the original game instead of going for their own thing which no one really cares about. Well that really applies to SOTFS, I heard vanilla DSII has awful enemy placement.
On another note: was SOTFS secretly programmed in pure machine language or is DS3 just the most poorly optimized game of the century? I mean I can run SOTFS steady 60fps on high settings on my puny HD7850 where as DS3 looks like shit on low settings and I get like 45fps average with awful drops every minute.
Twin Princes were shit m8.
Disappointing choice for such a late game boss
stfu cancer faggot.
All dark souls games are great, 1, 2 and 3. Fuck off bloodborne kiddo.
DaS3 "optimization" is AWFUL.
This is on my i7 GTX760 all medium settings
>PC "mustard" rice
How about you get fucking good man? I managed to beat this shit on a GAYMENG laptop at 60fps with resolution of less than 720p
This board sure is ridden with underage
What are you on about? I've beaten it like 10 times
>not sir alonne
>not raime
>not burnt ivory king
you tried/10
Sinh, Alonne, and Ivory King were all pretty damn great though.
>Ivory King
Missing Dancer of the THICC valley
>I heard vanilla DSII has awful enemy placement.
it does. SotFS does not fix this
>all locked behind DLC
And DaS1 only has O&S without the DLC. You can bet that people will stop mentioning most bosses of base DS3 as well after the DLCs come out and has far better bosses. Nameless King might stay though, that guy is legit.
>You can bet that people will stop mentioning most bosses of base DS3 as well after the DLCs come out and has far better bosses.
maybe. Just hope the DLCs are not badly designed. Main reason why I quit DaS2's first DLC it was so bad I never got to a boss
O&S is so fucking overrated. The fight is buggy as fuck, especially with O's bullshit stop-on-a-dime-and-continue-in-a-split-second charge. It's popular because admittedly, it is kinda hard, at least on the first playthrough.
Also, Champ > Nameless
How so?
I've started a new SOTFS playtrough recently and it seems just fine. Maybe I'm just that good, heh :^)
she's a boring, unfair HP sponge. Has one thiccc ass though
I played the DLC on the base DaS2 so the problems with DaS2 carried over to the DLC
Anyone else think DS3 is really shit?
all i noticed is that sif and gwyn isn't there and you're an idiot for thinking nameless king is even a half decent boss
i don't get the meme around that guy
he's boring
he's easy
he's not fun
its stupid
DS3 in a nutshell
>Main reason why I quit DaS2's first DLC it was so bad I never got to a boss
What the fuck am I reading. DaS2's first DLC is so much better than anything in any part of the base game.
I don't think it's just because they're hard. The presentation, buildup themes and whatnot all just struck the right chords when it came to O&S, it really felt like a climactic moment when you were fighting them, like something big would await you after defeating them.
>Champ > Nameless
Eh, Champ just seemed annoying to me. His moves were too random and unpredictable and they hardly give a chance to make decisions purely on reaction. Still beat him on the first try though because the game is a broken mess and I was using a straight sword. Nameless King was a boss that felt like I had to master before I could beat him, as he would keep on kicking my ass until I got used to all of his delayed swings.
>homo princes
>pontiff bullshitlivan
>good bosses
nah m8
>DaS2's first DLC is so much better than anything in any part of the base game.
it was badly designed. I quit when I got to the water area with the fuckers that reminded me of the dragon assholes from DaS1
In the sense that it was basically an uninspired, unoriginal generic cashgrab without any heart in it, yeah it was pretty disappointing. Most DaSfags don't seem to care about that though, they just want le meme difficult gameplay.
Why bother using anything else in DS3 when a long sword is just straight up better than any other weapons? You are gimping yourself if you use anything else and you are severely gimping yourself if you're using a slow heavy weapon since the little bit more of damage they do does not make up for the loss in speed, especially against bosses which are nearly all fast.
>Ivory King
Maybe if the AI of the NPC guys that help you wasn't totally fucking busted.
This is a list of the best bosses in the Dark Souls series. Notice how no game is missing?
It has nice level design but the combat is so boring. Maybe if poise worked and straight sword wasnt the only good weapon it would've been different.
Why does anyone like Abyss Watchers? At best, it's a little better than the standard 'just a bunch of enemies' boss, but they're still really weak and barely feel like a boss. Especially when they're bizarrely one of the 'main' bosses of the game.
They are top tier fun if you gimp yourself. Try
>no shield
>no straight sword
The biggest problem with this boss is the low health and the staggering, I found him fun, but not worth to be on the list desu.
Pretty sure I was using either the large or great club 2-handed, really makes you notice how little health even the second phase has.
DS3 is only relatively hard if you're low level. If you play the game normally with the souls you'd get through normal progression and you think the game is hard, you are fucking terrible at video games. "DS is hard" is the funniest meme.
>Play Dark Souls 2 Scholar Of the first sin edition
>i actually like it way more then 1 and 2
Wh....what the fuck
You didn't fall for the meme. Congratulations.
>Greater selection of viable weapons
>disconnected levels allow them to be greater in scale
>all these SECRETS
>Aldia is a cool nigga
>Giant jobbing is easy as fuck
>DS2 had no memorable bosses
Every game has a weak point. Ds2's is bosses.
It has the best PvP.
Not LLD, just PvP in general.
>SIX bosses from 3
Abyss wasn't that good.
SoC was just for the song, otherwise, it was alright.
Other 4 I agree in general.
>Dark souls
>People talk up dark souls pvp
>its actually the worse fucking thing ever
>fighting bosses with people makes them piss easy
online was a mistake.
>not the best boss in DaS2, and one of the best in the series
DaS2 bosses were all crap. and what exactly makes it the best in the series?
Your a fucking idiot dude holy shit you didn't even play the fucking game.
All the DLC bosses where amazing.
>The fume Knight meme
When will people stop posting about this shit boss?
Wow, what's it line to have such shit taste?
I beat DaS2. I quit at the DLC because it was promised that it fixed the issues of the main game.
You also did not explain who you think Darklurker is one of the best bosses in the series
>asks why it's good
They were actually shit.
Better than base game. After all, 2/10 > 1/10
boy, this thread is shitposter central
>das2 is the best meme
>das2 is the worst meme
when will this ride end and we can all start talking about how das3 is the worst?
its like all three of you are MORONS
Not the best, but close.
It's the perfect 2 enemies boss fight imo, better then O&S. It starts with only one, at this stage you can learn most his attacks and how to avoid them, then at the second stage, he multiples. you know all his attacks, but you've gotta deal with 2.
His attacks are slow enough for you to deal with the 2 with no bullshit. He has melee attack and very different ranged attacks. You have to play attention to both enemies always, since his magics are strong as shit.
I just though his fight was really well made.
Exactly, that's the thing. DLC bosses are better than the main game's, but they are still shit.
>but you've gotta deal with 2.
and one always appears behind the player to fuck with you and it always gets to the point where you have no room to attack.
That is not a well designed boss. It's a cheap PoS like the rest of the bosses
>das3 is the worst
this is best meme
DaS3 only problem is the linearity, it can make replays shittier, but the first playthrough is the best ever.
DaS2 is just bad all around.
>having no camera controll
It seems you need to git ___________________gud
>looking glass knight
>lost sinner
>executioners chariot
Vanilla DS2 has plenty of good bosses. The fact that you included Champion Rehash and only 2 DS1 bosses shows how desperate you were to suck DS3's cock.
>DaS3 only problem is the linearity
no this is the best meme
>no poise
>instant estus
>new magic system makes magic shit
>infinite rolls
>armor does nothing, but you have to wear it
>1000+ damage combos making 90% of the armory worthless in pvp
>brought back das2's shitty gestures and then broke them
>hub is disconnected from the world
What is the point of this thread?????
wtf I hate ds3 now
my job here is done. glad to help, citizen
>implying armor ever mattered in dark souls
it's more useless than it's ever been
light and heavy have barely any difference in defense, but if you don't have armor in even 1 slot you take about 20% more damage than normal
so even if your character looks way cooler without a helmet, too fucking bad
which also reminds me, das2 had a better character creator
>Armo fag
>pvp fag
kill yourself.
>those bosses
shit taste
>which also reminds me, das2 had a better character creator
??? Ds3 looks better and has way more hair styles and options.
too bad everyone looks like if an alien was only told what humans look like and then tried to draw one. and he drew it with a giraffe neck
>brought back das2's shitty gestures
>But not mock
Fuck 3.
>looks like it was drawn by a 14 year old emo kid
>found in a big brown room in the worst level in the series
>another "we can't make it hard so we'll just make you fight two at the same time" boss
Darklurker is shit.
The DLC was content they couldn't finish in time so they sold it as DLC a month or two later.
>video games
>not plagued by kids
pick one
Missing Smelter/Fume/Mirror Knight
also, in das2 if you bow with a greatsword(over the shoulder idle animation), it bows like that.
in das3, it jerks down into the default position when you bow
Cool repost dude. Enjoy your expired salt based on a shitpost.