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Video Games #3474
Video Games
Show me an alternative costume from a tales game that's better than this. The dlc ones don't count
It crashes every half hour
Why is every ebay listing for this without the disc? Was is easy to lose or is it used for some sort of hack
I still can't believe it's really over
What's your favorite EO title, Sup Forums?
Vita gets "hacked"
Continued from >>347474076
Game features magic but with scientific explanations of what the magic does
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
What does Sup Forums think of this game? Worth checking out?
Will Naruto Frog make an appearance in Pokemon Sun and Moon?
Yakuza thread - THE MAD DOG OF THE SHIMANO FAMILY edition
Hey, Sup Forums! I'm Goku! And I'm going to kick your ass. What's that...
Don't even remember what I ordered
Ask the most knowledgeable Metroid fan on Sup Forums anything
Why did the dreamcast fail? was the world not ready it?
Are there games you double dipped on?
He listens to video game OST while working out
Game has "DLC" tab on main menu
How is Sup Forums enjoying Battleborn's latest hero, Pendles? He's quite the sneaky snake if I do say so myself
Get a new PC, replacing the toaster
Dl'ing this
Let's get a proper Killer Instinct going up in this place. Shadow Lords drops Septemenber 20th. You ready?
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Is literally anyone still excited for this shit
Trying to run Dishonored on a GTX 980 and I'm getting stuttering and a frame rate around 40 fps at times...
Can we get a dolphin netplay thread going, or is that a dead meme now?
Say something nice about Ryu
Metroid is 30 years old today! Wish Samus a happy anniversary or your mom will die tonight
Metroid 2 Remake
ITT: Games you currently have on pre-order
A marketing team approved this
Really Game Freak ?
The state of SFV: wake up unga xx Vtrigger > bunga into Critical Dunga
I need ideas for possible bills for a city management porn game. These bills, should they pass...
Denuvo is over
Pat the NES punk panel
Can you hear me?
"That Kid" - thread
Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this house
Install gtx 1080
Now that the dust has settled, which is the superior tank game?
Filename thread
What went horribly wrong?
Little King's Story on PC
See this what do?
Who is the best Fire Emblem Fates girl, and why is it Hana?
Is a Rock-Paper-Scissors cycle (fire beats grass, grass beats water...
Dishonored 2
Play Widowmaker
What is the most heart-wrenchingly sad scene in a video game?
Stardew Valley
Using the money they got from PC gamers to male PS4 exclusive game
Can shit out grenades like crazy
Go to
Did you kill anyone?
What is the best Tales game?
ITT:Developers who can do no wrong
35 is old enough to be the ancient experienced veteran
Abandoning cell was the worst mistake of sony...
Games you wish had a sequel
There's people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who think a keyboard is always the best option
I'll put my credibility on the line here, and say that Dota 2 is the best game of all time. By "best game of all time"...
Why do people hate on this game again? Because the story is bullshit? Isn't that all MGS games though?
New Vegas was, and will be, the best Fallout game BY FAR. Fallout 4 came close but it lacked the atmosphere and feeling
Grandfather 1 was a legendary dark druid
ITT: We post games that Sup Forums hasn't played, but will say are complete shit
How do we fix the current meta in Overwatch?
Why haven't you started learning 日本語 Sup Forums?
With Project M out of the way...
ITT: Fuck you, I liked it
Looking into joining Vidya club at university
The only way to play Watch Dogs
So is it worth playing or not?
Actual best balance changes to make Overwatch a balanced game:
Action rpg thread
ALTMAN, USE YOUR Ace Combat thread !
Where were you when valve decided to fix the hacker and reseller problem once and for all?
Game has a 9mm gun
ITT: prove that you are Sup Forums as fuck
What are the best games where you can fly with the greatest brazilian invention?
Favorite Playstation game?
RLCS Thread
What do you snack on when you game?
Fallout New Vegas ultimate worth it?
I can't think of what this skin reminds me of
The great debate
I love the Overwatch characters. But the game itself doesn't look that good. Another low skill casual based shooter...
What is a good game to co-op with my younger sister?
How's the android emulation scene coming along? I hear the PS2 emulator is coming along quite nicely
Are there any Olympic video games for the PC? Haven't played one since the Nagano Olympics on N64 I think
ITT guns done right
What are great games that allow me to play as a cyborg?
What do you want to see in the next Animal Crossing?
Wii U Appreciation Thread!
I'm extremely torn on No Man's Sky, what does Sup Forums think of it?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on despair?
"Oh yeah that game exists"
Your opinion on Harmony of Dissonance
Are there any multiplayer ARPGs that are heavily focused on tactics rather than builds...
New to the Yakuza series...
Battleborn is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth...
The first 151 are the best and the only ones that truly mattered. What the fuck counts as pokemon now? Keys...
8 hour games are okay when Japan does it
How do we make fighting games great again?
Grab the paint bucket tool
How can one man be so based?
Do you play any video games with your girlfriend Sup Forums?
What was this guy's name again? I can't recall
You just got home and walked in on the last video game character you played as sleeping with your girlfriend/wife...
You find a pretty girl and take her your your room
New Senran Kagura announcement for series 5th anniversary?
I seriously hope I don't see one of you filthy Augs in my Natural bathroom...
Is it over for denuvo?
Hi. I have some steam codes to give away again. Since I love user so much
German characters
Misunderstood pixels
Mods deleting filename threads
Can you name me 1 single 60fps PS4 game?
Downloading this now since it's on steam sale. What be I in for?
Pseudo intellectual
Will there ever be a game this good again?
I'd like to have a thread about Mortal Kombat 2011
playing vidya
*Combat Rolls behind you*
Denuvo officially over
Would the Sonic games be better, or at least more interesting...
Rats can eat enemies you knock out
Da Orks!
What are the hardest collectibles to find/complete Sup Forums?
Why do you still play western garbage if you aren't underage or a normie casual?
Father Gascoigne was only hard because you didn't know about visceral attacks yet at that point, right?
Tfw I might have prostate cancer
Screenshots thread
ITT: Video game characters who are basically you
Don't fall for the hype. No man's sky edition
GOTY, that's the only thing I can say about it
Game from 1996
Which vidya girl has the biggest tits?
Gloria will never step on your dick
How many of you are buying this? So I can laugh at you
Betrayer... In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted. Still, I am hated. Now...
Handheld console?
It's a good game but a bad [insert IP]
Metroid is now 30 years old, say something to Samus!
What the hell happened to Crytek?
What went so, so right?
WoW or Final Fantasy 14? Which MMORPG is better? Apparently these are the only two MMOs that aren't extinct yet
MGSV Definitive Ex
Was he a villain? No Quietfags/Joostfags allowed, please
Anon1: The gun sword from final fantasy is stupid
What went so right?
Most hated sonic zone mine is pic related am I the only one who hates desert themed stages in general?
What's with people owning more than one of something? Why do they do this? Is just having one of it not enough...
Why do people think having a vagina makes you worse at video games?
ITT: Most Bro Party Members
In what games do you visit the moon?
Is PS Vita the new Dreamcast?
Has there been an androgenous maincharacter in the vidya before?
Out in about 2 weeks
Can it save WoW?
"...And that's all for today, like and subscribe..."
Fighting games are still a thing
I want to ____ Mercy
Ayane birthday
So KOF14 is coming to PC, right?
Blatantly ripping off hearthstone
Why are MMOs so anti social now?
College and healthcare should be free. Every modern, industrialized country does it...
ITT: Casual Filters
Does he need a nerf?
What games are you sad boys playing right now
Denuvo defeated after years
What video games triggers your fear of heights?
This is a Japanese snake
Engines at maximum
Dark Souls 3
Why did Troy Baker shun anything anime related after he got into the Triple A industry?
What are some underrated gems for this?
What makes New Vegas so liked compared to Fallout 3 and 4?
Are you hyped?
So this is the power.... of the average Sup Forums player
There are people that seriously believe that Ash will win the Kalos league
When did you outgrow Playstation consoles, Sup Forums?
ITT: video games women will never understand
We're agreed this is going to be goty right?
Stop donating big money to streamers
Let's settle this. Which is better?
What's your favorite non-popular pokemon?
Is there a single vidya character that can defeat Reinhart?
Its acutally pretty good. even the tank stuff is awesome
Why does she look like a boy?
Snake was in his mid-30's when he fucked Meryl who was 18
What games have the balls to depict rape?
Loot cyclops
What does Sup Forums think of good old games? How does it compare to steam, and if a game is available on both systems...
I beat the game: AMA
This is a Noire
Post your line-up
What happened to Gaben?
Sony "Gold Standard" allows broken games to be released
What games do magic right?
What will Carmack do after VR is over?
Now that piratefags have a chance to play, can we admit Doom 2016 is a great game?
Single player only
Does Sup Forums still play Pokemon Go?
The worst things that happened to gaming
How do we fix horror games?
Be me
What went so, so wrong?
Who's the one for you?
Priest got purify in the upcoming One Night in Karazahn expansion. What the fuck in Blizzard thinking?
Are they done with videogames ? they haven't released shit in 3 years
Finally playing FFX
What makes an RPG good?
You're going to be buying my new game Skyrim Remaster™, right user? Don't make me pull the trigger
Denuvo has been defeated, first working crack for DOOM is now available
Still no fucking english version of fucking Enderal
Quake Champions will dominate
$60 for the remaster without any new content
You have two minutes to list 5 games that are gonna come out in the near future that you're going to play...
Are you ready for....brilliance?
ITT: Games that have absolutely devastated you and have made you depressed
I hope you're ready to apologize, Sup Forums. Because this game is gonna be a masterpiece
Sup Forums wasn't kidding
How honest are you with yourself?
See this? This is Mercy. She keeps her team alive. When the other team has a Mercy, kill the Mercy...
Name a upcoming FPS you are actually interested
Do you like Selvaria?
Good job you ungrateful fucks
This is the Police thread
Shitty game music
Any other sci-fi games like this? really just looking for good story. already played SS2 all the deus exs
What went wrong?
It's been 18 years and there is still not a game like it
Did we ever find out what this shit was supposed to be?
NX is Aimed at Upgrading Smartphone Gamers
Name that game
This game looks and plays amazing, you guys are nuts for ignoring it
What game developer consistently puts out the best content?
Extremely Easy
Do you play video games with your girlfriend/wife?
Is Rainbow Six Siege worth $30? It's on sale right now
Thinking of getting a handheld console. Based on their catalogue of games...
What games do fujoshis play?
Any games where I can fix damaged girls? Visual novels are fine too
OnAM2R so edition
Is there Witcher gear better than the feline armor? It's only the chest armor I want...
I dont get it, why would anyone use a style other than adept?
What is Sup Forums's favorite video game genre?
What's your favorite game, and why?
What was the last video game you upgraded your PC for?
Press c to crouch
Will SFV ever recover from the bad launch?
I want Roll to ___ my___
No Man's Sky Servers Will Be Wiped Before Release
What are the chances of the neo getting better specs than scorpio ?
Game has a hunger/thirst mechanic
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
What's the scariest enemy in any game, Sup Forums?
Who is literally the worst publisher of all times?
Open world games are the best genre around - It's the ultimate genre that blends the best of other genres into one whole
Is this the most forced, retarded, bullshit twist in videogame history?
Let's talk about the PS4
Who else is glad this shitter will never be regularly seen again?
Which is the best vocation and why is it warrior
Brb, going out for a smoke
Finished this game
This is wow in 2016
Why don't games have demos anymore?
I just started this cinematic game and here are my experiences so far
Reminder this game has much, much better combat than Baldur's Gate 2, Morrowind, Deus Ex, Vampire...
Anyone feel like an OpenRCT2 Sup Forums day?
I had it easy with Sam, this fight's cool but how the fuck am I supposed to beat him
You bought an ubisoft game
I could snap at any moment and just beat somebody to a pulp who pisses me off even a little
Let's get a squad going
How do I pretend to be a girl online?
Itt unsettling locations in vidya
Fun battle system
Help I wana play this
Please tell me this game doesn't dip in quality
ITT: We pitch the next Persona 4 spinoff
Little Big Planet thread
Why is Fallout 3 still such an amazing RPG? It upholds itself even to the most prized games in AAA industry as of late
Is there are better feeling in the world than seeing cheater scum cry after they're banned in vidya?
ITT: the shittiest boss out of any souls game
Does Sup Forums RP in games with other players? If so, what are some of your main games for go-to RP?
Furi Thread
Please help
Game lets you kill children
Why don't you use best character in Overwatch?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Fallout Plasma Weapons
ITT: Fix Destiny
Your opinion on the Sonic Advance series
How do you feel about playing video games with someone?
That feel when
Webm Thread
Recommend me a videogame based on this image
Game detects that you are impossibly levelled/equipped/rich too early in the game
What do you think of Emulation Filters / Shaders?
Holy shit WoW killer!
ITT: Characters that remind you of yourself
Now Sup Forums finish the boss off with a catchy one-liner
Sony getting DDOS'd again
Us gamers huh?
"If Eidos Montreal gives a crap about black folks and diversity/inclusion...
I got bored
Did you save her?
Host when?
Who level 3 here?
If dubs No Man's Sky is the game of the decade
My PSN account just got stolen. Was there another hack or am I personally being fucked
Will I enjoy it if I genuinely sucked at every fps I've ever played?
Is sex better than video games?
Do you eat like a noob Sup Forums?
Hey Sup Forums
Last video game you played?
Who's the baddest girl in video games, Sup Forums?
Have muscle girl fetish
Why is playing vidya while sick so comfy, bros?
ITT: Dead games
Let's celebrate 30 Years of Metroid, Sup Forums
I still don't know what gender Poison is
Levine complains people sexualize elizabeth
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who don't think Rinoa is best Final Fantasy-fu
What games have the best car crashes?
D-did we do it, Sup Forums? Did we finally create another Tortanic??
August 6th, 2016
Seeing more niggers amd spics in my games
HOW TO FIX Sup Forums
What are some attractive game devs?
FFXV Thread? FFXV Thread
Who the fuck was this man?
WTF I love JonTron now??
I like it when games fail
"Weird and ominous" games
You kill a wild animal
Golden era platformers
I've only played bits of Assassin's Creed 1. By bits I mean probably 5 hours or so. It was okay...
Boss has healers
Still waiting
Jet set radio > jet set radio future
ITT: Characters that become very tired throughout the game
ITT: What the fuck were they thinking?
What does Sup Forums think of Cave Story?
Really makes you think
"Goodnight everyone!!"
Artificial difficulty
How did this happen? How did multiple people sit in a room and agree that this is a card that people would play?
Same voice actor thread
Make her a girl and asian so weebs and permavirgins will flock to her
Which characters make shitty players feel like they're good?
Hearthstone New Card Dump
Turn-Based RPG
People get game without paying for it = devs
Super Smash Bros. Melee for The Nintendo Gamecube
ITT: Reasons to postpone suicide
Smash Sup Forumskend
No Man's Sky dev tweets about day 1 update
Reply to this or your favorite video game will be rebooted by progressive developers
Playing this right now
"haha git gud"
ITT: Pokemon designs that look better when not fully evolved
File name
Game is dead before it is even released
What did he mean by this?
Would your Batman kill if given the choice?
Objective: Survive
What are some good ways to farm a few thousand gold on a 100...
Haha guys, Jojo reference, get it!?
A five
Do graphics really matter?
Do you think it's time Valve added a new Hero in TF2?
I got this gift recently. It seems kind of early for Christmas, but whatever fuck you I got a free present
Choose your starter
Does your gf play video games, Sup Forums?
Are QTE's dead?
Any games where I can become a woman through binaural beats?
Replaying GTA V
Which version of 47 do you prefer?
Are there any games like NetHack?
What does Sup Forums think about JaltoidGames?
Your dad will never build a 10k pc
Playin competitive OW
E3 2017
In July SFV had a deep discount, 2 fan favorite characters released, a huge EVO spot light on on ESPN...
All in all, is JC Denton video games' greatest protagonist?
Oh, hi there. Don't mind me. I'm just the greatest James Bond game of all time...
Game full of sexy girls
How was your day, Sup Forums?
Grab the paint bucket tool
Overpriced "joke" DLC for $90
Collection Thread
Rebel Galaxy worth it?
How did blizzard get away with putting this in the game?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this game?
He builds a warrior - the most 1 dimensional class in any RPG
The Institute is said to be the most technologically advanced faction in the Commonwealth...
Live in small town
Safe Intoxication > Wanna Be Crazy > HEAVY DAY > Big Bang Sonic
So he's finally gone
Why does nobody want to be a healer in MMOs? And do some people not like it when you dps?
What the hell is this game about? I keep hearing about it and I feel like I should know that but it gets called "X"...
What's the general consensus here?
Game comes with a poster
Just found my old DS Lite + Flashcard Sup Forums. Are both Black/White and Black/White 2 worth playing...
Villains with Complex Motives ITT
What games are about getting fit?
ITT: Characters absolutely no one likes
The State of MMOs?
Playing No Multiplayer's Sky when there's the deepest spaceship game and MMO on the market
Tfw i got rare itemu
Why is the hottest and sluttiest DOA dead last on most polls?
What do you snack on when your gaming?
Quake Champions
"Hey, chill out!"
ITT: legitimately scariest moments in videogames
How's 8th gen going for you guys? Honestly I like it
Which vidya girls would be better if they were boys instead?
Jesus fucking Christ
Literally why isnt HM use automatic? If I have a Pokemon who knows Cut...
Name a single trilogy better than this one
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Thread
Competitive Stats
I'm still FUCKING mad
Remind me again why you don't play Pokemon Go?
No Mans Buy
That friend who paused the game when he was losing
Morrowind vs Oblivion
Game mocks you for failing
Tell me the last time you raged at a video game
Thanks doc
This kills the Shitnuvo
Which company has the most defensive, insecure fanbase?
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Why did you stop playing, Sup Forums?
Oh, this is my jam!
The never-ending debate
What are some games where the correct solution is not obvious at first?
Will they ever recover from this?
So is making "new" Pokemon by just taking old Pokemon and giving them new typing considered "running out of ideas"?
Who is strong enough to challenge reinhardt?
How is your Video Game YouTube channel doing?
Just a reminder that this copypasta was right
Do people still play older MMOs like Guild Wars 1, FFXI, or PSO...
Bought a Cherry MX Blue switch keyboard
Sup Forumsidya drawthread
What are some of the cutest games on Steam?
GTA 6 set in modern day Vice City
Nintendo NX
Is there are better feeling in the world than seeing cheater scum cry after they're banned in vidya?
Screenshots thread
Alola Forms
Whos hyped for the sports game of the year?
Red Dead Redemption Emulation
This thread is for POISON LOVERS ONLY
Meet cute girl
Can pokemon go help me date chicks and get laid?
So I just got an old playstation 1 from a pawnshop
Anybody here hear about vibeo games
I like it when she says "Night night!"
10/10 vidya ost
Tfw JonTron removes videos
Who is best girl and why is it fuuka?
Post a video game girl that you would marry and have kids with
The first 151 are the best and the only ones that truly mattered. What the fuck counts as pokemon now? Keys...
Win match's done nothing wrong
Paying for digital downloads
What's the Sup Forums consensus on Sonic Adventure 2?
Reminder that this is the only acceptable way
ITT: Games nobody remembers
What would be the appropriate nerf, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 6
R6 Siege thread
Videogames are a luxury
Which Character designs suffered the most?
Was he the best or the worst final fantasy main character?
Who is bigger liar
How do you feel about PlatinumGames? What are their best/worst releases...
Is there any game where i can be like harambe?
A masterpiece. A fucking masterpiece. I can honestly say this is the most fun I've ever had playing a video game...
Misconceptions video games gave you
Tfw no sister to play video games with
DDDA Arisens
EDF - Earth Defence Force 4.1
ITT bad video game music
Humble Monthly
Sup Forums in 2010
Give me one good reason why you haven't bought the Trails games yet
Why the fuh does Aredesh have an accent?
( Morrigan Disapproves -10 )
Kingdom Hearts Voice Thread
Nintendo to start production of NX in early 4Q16
Best game you ever experienced
Post your favorite racing game
When did you realize the vita is the best handheld of this generation?
There are people roaming free among us who unironically say this is not the greatest game ever made
Tell me 1 good reason why Charge is still a thing in fighting games in 2016
Overwatch is a Ripoff: Blizzard Sucks
Filename thread
Fallout 4 Season Pass
Is Miyabi a man? Because she looks like one
Forget about it, Mario!
Do you think star fox wears a spandex suit in his arwing secretly
Giant Bomb: UPF 8/5/16 Edition
Do you think they will ever add belt fed machine guns to kf 2? or would they be too op? also, what's your fave perk?
Your opinion on Shin Megami Tensei if
She is evil, a driven Jagged Alliance 2 Thread
You groove you lose
Lmao rekt
I just got a 1 credit clear on Lunatic SA. What Touhou game should I play next?
Did you just throw a fucking Monster Hunter Thread
Its only been less than a month Sup Forums
Your opinion on this game?
Sup Forums Plays Oregon Trail: Card Game Edition
Happy 30th anniversary Samus
Just bought the quake bundle on steam. Never played any of them before...
Best game of that company
Games Only You Played
Are there any games out there where you play as a disabled person?
3DS Games Thread
Meanwhile at canadian Sup Forums
When you could be a badass orc warrior clad in spiked armor while brandishing an axe bigger than him...
He's too hard
The year is 2016
What went right?
Did anyone get their keys for the Escape From Tarkov alpha yet?
Are you going to get it?
Dota 2
Mirrored characters
Trigger Sup Forums
ITT: Free games on Steam that are actually good
This is a list of the best bosses in the Dark Souls series. Notice how one game is missing?
Thoughts on this VIDEOGAME?
Fourth game when?
Name a bigger crossover fuck up
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...