Hey Sup Forums
I just bought wow today in anticipation of the new season but I only have one friend to play it with.(I'm completely new to wow and mmo's for the most part)
How do you make friends in an mmo when you're completely new?
Hey Sup Forums
>making friends
>in current WoW
lel, enjoy your solo player story campaign and doing dungeons with people that might aswell be bots
Go to a major city. Stormwind or Orgrimmar depending on your faction. Try and whisper people or hope you get invited to a guild. The guild then becomes ur frend
Join a guild and dont be a needy dickfuck
Join a guild, that's the way to do it. Especially guilds you have to apply to, since they are the tightest knit. However, you can find friends in mass invites. Don't be shy in the guild chat, get to know folks and help people out. You'll make friends fast as long as you aren't insufferable.
its a pretty solo experience last time i played
>Making friends
>In neo-WoW
Go back to 2001 I guess? You can't make friends in MMOs anymore, they shifted from that to a genre that you're supposed to play with your existing friends.
>unable to make friends in an online video game
I started WoW knowing no one and now my guildmates are mainly who I play video games and chat with all the time. I even dated one. What are you doing wrong? Is it a lack of trying?
My demographic doesn't play MMOs anymore, it's all kids or super serious normalfag retards.
With something like 5 million people who play WoW, I'm sure you can find at least two memelords above the age of 30.
You'd be surprised, the last ones I had high hopes for just started talking about how they're from Dubai and drive fancy cars and fuck whores and whatnot one day.
>Be high-ish level in an MMO
>Remember that I made my first online friends by asking for help and tips in maplestory when I was new
>Try to help some new players but they either ignore me completely or just ask for free shit
>Get invited along for some harder dungeons by other high-ish players, nice big group
>No one says a word and everyone disperses immediately after
Where did it all go wrong
>guy helped me when I first started in WoW
>lost contact due to circumstances
>never got to properly thank him
>this was a decade ago
>how do you make friends in an mmo?
progress to the point where you can't continue without help from other players. Hint: this is max level if you aren't shit
If you ARE shit, though, you can meet people in battlegrounds or low level dungeons pretty easily.
Nobody just straight talks to eachother in public.
Try joining a noob-friendly/leveling guild. Don't beg them for shit. If you're on voice comm, you can level without wasting time typing.
>how do I make friends that don't suck?
It's trial and error. You have to be good yourself to be able to tell if other players are good.
I made a lot of friends by being the fastest dungeon runner on the server and only taking the best players I met while running.
By harassing them about their performance, I made at least one of them into the best of their class on the server.
In BC I learned how to properly CC and AoE on my mage when some guy asked me to 2-man RFC with him (I guess one of us must have out-leveled it by a bit but i didnt know shit about shit at the time). We went through the whole dungeon with him running down the strat for every pull and telling me who and when to poly and blizzard etc.
After that we'd meet up to fuck up crossroads and other horde quest hubs even though neither of us were max level. He even bought me my first mount which was an insane amount of gold to me at the time.
>I just bought wow today in anticipation of the new season
You are everything wrong with WoW please kys
>New season
Yep, that pretty much sums up why WOW is shit these days, its plays more like a Diablo 3 ladder then a persistent open world.
Hey Wyrmrest faggots, where are the best hubs for RP in Orgrimmar or Silvermoan?
lol it was a typo because I was talking to a friend that wanted to play diablo since the new season dropped today while I posted this.
Chill out faggots.
Please do use a favor. Don't play wow.
Demon Hunters in 4 days, boys
Be honest Rogues and Feral Druids, how bumblasted are you?
It's not that hard. Just don't be a fag. I came back at the tail end of WoD, left a week or so into Cata. Only been back a few months, no friends from back in the day, started fresh. Now I have 45 people on my friends list, play with at least half of them regularly, and a solid active guild. Just don't be a quite timid bitch. Talk and chances are somebody will talk back. Wow needs more communication between players and less clicking interface panels.
How are monks looking this expansion? Are they viable?
Not as viable as my rsham with my dank gust of wind. It's pretty much impossible to kill me in pvp. my rotation is undeniable.
Good one m8
>people say to go 2H Frost
>can't use some abilities with a 2H
Tauren might I add, helps with those pesky warriors and pansy hunters.
Join a freshly made guild
I only have 2 friends in that guild, but we play nearly everyday and sometimes we rp and [/spoiler]erp[/spoiler]
Seriously user are they not? Am I wasting my time leveling one? I honestly don't enjoy any other class except warlock but i heard they got nerfed hard
not since Mists senpai, where the fuck are you reading this from
The in-game tooltips?
>How do you make friends in an mmo when you're completely new?
Stand in the fire. It's gives a haste buff.
not in 7.0.3. Frost is entirely based around dual wielding now
Well yeah, I got that since I could only use some abilities with two weapons so I guess some user lied. Oh well.
it was possible to play 2h frost in WoD, but it was objectively worse than DW because Obliterate is a garbage ability that Blizzard refuses to make either good or fun
Yeh if a 2Her drops, I might snag it and try Unholy again.
at 110 Unholy is one of the best melee DPS specs in the game. The only reason to play frost is for the cooler artifact
Oh I'm leveling an alt. Sorry. Only 77 right now.
oh, before 90 it'll hardly matter, but after that the differences become more and more noticable
Think I am actually going to main one if the demon hunter ends up being as boring as it looks for the moment.
really like WW monk atm and I was somebody that fucking hated that class before. I think it was mostly because they took away Tigers brew and to actually made the spec really fun for reasons I really can't point out.
>get into pug group
>Say hi
>noone says anything
you don't have to by shy anons