How honest are you with yourself?

So this thread was inspired by this post in the doom thread

>I'm still pirating because I aint supporting denuvo dude
>if nobody buys their tripe and they decide to abandon pc gaming whatever I have consoles too, so NOT AN ARGUMENT

I think it deserves its own discussion because it's fascinating to see how some people think:

> you have a modern console and a good gaming PC.
> a game comes out that you like
> you can afford to buy it and would get it on consoles except you can also get it on pc (usually cheaper, with mods, better controls and so on)
> however on PC you can also pirate it
> you decide to pirate it

And this is where things get interesting: here we have a game that you would have had NO PROBLEM buying if it were console exclusive, but because it's on PC and its cracked you have no problem pirating.

And why is that?
- because publisher X is the devil
- because company X is run by jews
- because I don't want to support denuvo or always online systems
- etc etc etc

But we already established that you would have bought it if it was console exclusive so those reasons pretty much fly out the window and don't tell me giving money to sony and MS is better than giving money to denuvo

You know what the reason for you pirating is?
> because you can

It's that simple. If you can look deep down in yourself, past the bullshit and petty excuses you'll see this very simple answer. Are you honest enough to admit it to yourself?

I pirate any and all non-exclusive games.

No exceptions. However, if after a few hours I feel that the game I am playing is genuinely good, I will buy it. The most recent game I did this with was Furi, and it's a 10/10 game, so I will be buying it even though I've already beaten it.

I generally only pirate things if I can't get them another way.
I bought doom on console because I don't want denuvo destroying my hard drive.

I bought doom on steam and so did a ton of other people and surprise, surprise, my hard drive is ok and I haven't heard of any issues of people who bought doom having their hard drives destroyed

I pirate cause I'm poor.
Even if I wasn't poor I'd still pirate because that money could always be used for something I -cant- get for free.
The only time I buy a game over pirating is because I really like the developers or want to support the game.

and here's the thing though: why not buy it on steam so that the devs get their money, and you play the pirated version to keep your fear of denuvo in check?

This way everybody wins.

But let me guess: you also want to send a message to devs that using denuvo is bad. In that case get it now on steam as it's on sale. Devs will only get a part of the money they were supposed to get and you can also post a message on steam saying "I only bought this on sale because denuvo is bad"

Why don't you do that user?

Have there been any examples of denuvo actually destroying someone's harddrive?

I buy games I'm interested and ignore those I'm not
I buy more games than I'll ever play
My shelves are full of unopened games and my steam library is full of unplayed games

and this is the classical case of everybody is a thief until you add guards around

you see user, people like you are the reason why they made denuvo in the first place

because a lot of people will steal if they can get away with it

so when this user here complains about denuvo, just be sure to remember people like you were the cause, denuvo was just the instrument that made it happen

and we can blame corporations for caring nothing about the fans, devs acing like jews and so on and so forth
and that is right but it's only half the story

the other half is that gamers are just as guilty for the current state of gaming as the big companies are

Sup Forums and gamers in general are their worst enemy

I heard there were some cases long time ago, but you can imagine that if this was a widespread problem currently every gaming news site would be reporting it

As far as I know, denuvo still does what it does even if the game is pirated.
I also just lost a hard drive so I'm very cautious about that sort of thing.

>>you see user, people like you are the reason why they made denuvo in the first place
>because a lot of people will steal if they can get away with it

I'm fine with that, I 'm not gonna try to justify or excuse it, it just is how it is.

as long as people who do it are aware of it, that's a step in the right direction
at least you don't bullshit yourself with excuses to keep your ego and image of self being artificially inflated

>As far as I know, denuvo still does what it does even if the game is pirated.
well in that case I take it you won't be playing doom in which case there's not a problem

I just googled it and I could only find forum posts from people claiming it was using their harddrive a lot. No reliable source has said that Denuvo actually destroys harddrives.

So basically it's just another excuse for pirates to use.

I pirate because I want to. I buy games because I want to.

You know what would be really funny? If at a gaming expo, says Gamescom, random PC games were invited in a room to take a survey.

They would be informed this is anonymous, none of their personal date will be requested, and that they should be honest.

Then ask them about one of the popular releases that came out recently, even Doom though it's not that new, and if they pirated it. If they say yes, ask them for the reason for it. Most of them will make up their usual bullshit excuses and being poor might not be one of them since I'd wager they'd be nicely dressed and at a gaming expo, not quite fitting the poor profile.

And when they say why they pirated it, invite one of the devs who worked on it in the room and let the gamer look that guy in the eyes. Becuase it would be a peeson just like him, who loves games, who play games but who also happens to work on games. And look that guy in the eye as he tells you how many years of his life went into that game and you saying why that is worth $0 from you.

I would pay to see that

Being poor is not a justification for thievery or piracy, it's just a poor excuse.
I'm poor and I manage to not pirate by spending my money wisely and not dropping $15 on every new FOTM indie game.

It's that just normal rational/economical man thinking?

When all options are laid out in front of you, you're gonna go with the best option balancing cost and efficiency. The PC version's flexibility is makes it the more efficient version, as well as cheaper (so cheap that it's free) if you don't mind pirating, meaning it's indisputably the best option for you, if you think purely about maximising personal profit.

If it's console exclusive, the free version is not an option, so you'll purchase it normally since that's the best way to maximise your personal profit.

I don't have a job, I have zero income.
There's nothing for me to save.

Them get a job.

If you have internet you're not homeless so get a job memeboi. Even then just play some old-ass video games that are free now, there's plenty out there.

I'll be completely honest, I pirate for two reasons: I either don't have the money or I'm giving it a try. Generally if I enjoy a game I pirate I'll buy it when I can, like with Sunless Sea, FTL, or Civ V. I actually don't own a computer that can play most games from this and the last generation but I have friends who do, so the least I can do is find games we can all play and enjoy together.

>used to pirate more than half of all games on PC, but some years back decide that it makes me not play them through a lot of the time
>now have over 200 games in backlog that I'll never get around to
>rarely pirate games for PC anymore, only recent game in YEARS has been Sims 4 because it's both EA, it's Origin, AND it's overpriced not to mention the ridiculous charges for DLC
>will never stop pirating series, movies, music literally simply because it's what I've always done, it hasn't even occured to me to pay for those things
Judge me

>It's that just normal rational/economical man thinking?
but we are not rational beings at our core, we are emotional ones

if you are in the middle of nowhere and a person is dying but you see he is wearing a nice suit and figure probably has quite a full wallet, do you let him die to take his money?

surely the ration part of our brain would say that would be the best economical decision (easy money, no witnesses)
but is that what you do?

same thing with paying for games
dozens or hundreds of people worked on it, people just liek you, gamers
do you feel no guilt in saying 'fuck em'? How would you feel if someone did the same with your work?

>Judge me
you are a horrible person and you know you are
but then again I pirate movies as well therefore so am I (to a lesser extent though, at least I pay for music)

Now this seems like a sensible answer.

>and you know you are
I don't mind either way

I pirate because that means I can spend my money on other things while still playing vidya.

Same reason I pirate anything, really.

Game developers already get paid as they're working on a game, you stupid fag. I'd tell him "Nice salary"

I pirate because I can nigga
Dollars are pretty expensive in comparation with local currency so fuck it is not like my pesos are going to feed somebody besides the bank
(and I already use credit cards and shit

>want to buy a game on steam
>steam asks me to put in my ccs security number
>too lazy to find my wallet
>open tpb and download the gog version of the game

If steam wants my money they have to make it faster and easier to buy games.

Amazon lets me buy stuff in one click, so why doesn't Steam?

i do it because it lets me play games i wouldn't be able to afford on my budget otherwise

the ones i like, i sometimes buy if i can afford to spare a few bucks

it's pretty simple