That's what hotpocket said what he deleted my thread for no reason whatsoever.
Anyway, let's continue. Filename thread Vol. 2
That's what hotpocket said what he deleted my thread for no reason whatsoever.
Anyway, let's continue. Filename thread Vol. 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Was wondering what the hell happened. Are filenames thread against the rules now or something?
I think janitor was just being a faggot for some reason, maybe run out of hotpockets. If he deletes this thread as well, I'm seriously writting a lengthy e-mail to Hiro. My perfectly good thread was deleted from Sup Forums just an hour ago, as well
can't think of a good one
haha no!
Do your best, user! Also, reposting my OCs from previous thread
What should I name it?
I really hope they bring this back for MD
I just started chapter 5 like an hour ago user holy shit this is apt
Remember no fun allowed, Sup Forums is a serious mature videogame discussion forum, no gross nude women from game screenshots either, Sup Forums is a Christian board, the mods do their best to serve as Christ's eyes and hands on our good board keeping it safe from filth and fun.
that didn't even need a filename to be funny
Yes, and at the time I was making my second thread, I found a thread with picture of vagina as OP and 250 replies
such splendid moderation
No more rules, now the faggot mods just delete whatever they feel like deleting.
I've seen legit video game threads discussing game mechanics get deleted, while threads like "Post your waifu" are allowed to reach post limit.
he deserved this
>user thought that CS players would make a swastika. What he really did blew his mind...
That was perfect, thank you for that
I like how confused he gets. Fucking swastikas are too complex for them.
yeah, you can really see the mental gears turning in his head when he's not sure how to proceed.
Sauce for first gif pls
I don't get it.
>playing wow in the [CURRENT YEAR]
pinecest, or something.
Took me a little. Not bad at all.
Think hard.
It's a picture of a phone.
That's the 2nd gif dude
Thanks for trying though
ok, this one is pretty good. nicely done
>Mabel being that mature and cool
Yeah, right
is it cause mobile users can't into filename threads?
What's going on in this gif?
not vidya but still pretty good
I get it
what the fuck is that
Duda looks nothing like Spacey, mate
>not cheetus
i'm legitimately upset
Yes, the joke is that phoneposters can only posts pictures called "image".
And now, like any living thing, by dissecting the joke, we've killed it.
Every time you see a filename 'image.jpg' you know it came from a mobile phone. That's it
he didnt read the filename!
This triggers me.
I see, it will be funny the next time I see it.
The fuck are those?
why would you do that to mama cat? she must have felt terrible :(
is there any joke to that other than it says delta?
>not Craster.jpeg