How did blizzard get away with putting this in the game?
How did blizzard get away with putting this in the game?
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That's how british slags dress
i know, her hair is pretty disgusting
Because they knew that when I saw this pic on Sup Forums I would buy crates until I got that skin
fuck all of you
shes british
what do thongs feel like
>got this skin on my first box
time to oil up
Bags of sand
Kinda uncomfortable, IMO. Boyshorts or bikinis all the way.
accurate depiction of typical british attire
Like a constant wedgie. You get used to it but it sometimes makes the area around your tailbone sore.
You're really dumb, huh.
You've been getting the wrong kind of thongs then. They exist to prevent wedgies.
You mean her time?
Fucking normies.
maddox plz go away and make your shitty podcast funny
Almost gives me a tinge of regret for returning overwatch
then i think about actually playing it
you fucking what
milk and salty coins
I got this skin out of the very first loot box I opened in this event and I don't even want it.
How does someone on Sup Forums get away with posting the same bait thread everyday?
Maddox didn't invent the bag of sand joke m8.
I thought they existed to prevent panty lines. Their whole mechanism is wedgies, user.
any pc fags want to party up for the +20% xp? competitive rank 46 here
what a retard
If I had the skin I'd show that it's shopped please stop making these threads
>rank 46
lmao holy crap that's bad
i did half of my placement matches with my shitter friends. what rank are you sempai
and the way they slap whenever you take a step is seriously aggravating, i don't get how anyone can wear em all day
>wearing something that prevents you from running
>leaves your feet open and vulnerable to pretty much everything
>hurt your toes just by wearing them correctly
Why do they even exist?
god i love advertising.
college dorm showers
I think that's about it
I want to floss my teeth with Tracer's thong
>floss my teeth
What are you, gay?
Funny how when maddox and dick separated it brought out the worst in both of them. both podcasts suck.
How does Overwatch get away with not being sent to a /vg/ containment thread instead of taking up half the space on the board here with shitty reposts?
yeah that cape looks fucking stupid
the ebin 13:37 doesn't help either
Maddox sucks, dick is still funny.
It's shit, slipstream all day every day.
So is this pretty much confirmation that Tracer can be fucked? That time anchor isn't as bulky as people thought. You can totally smack it, flip it, rub it down with her. Too bad she's one of those adult child characters who wouldn't think of sexual thoughts before something childish, dangerous and stupid.
I want to rub her down
>83 stone
what is this in burgers
fuck your burger numbers get with the rest of the world
adult child characters can be totally capable of that kind of thing, there was an episode of Arrested Development about it
Suck my Imperial cock yurop
now kiss
How does touhou, nepshit, shitty bartending simulator with a known shilling dev, monster hunter, countless drawfag threads, and a bunch of other recycled daily threads get to stay here too?
theres no way this is real
is that real?
I play the game. It's an edit.
>hurt your toes just by wearing them correctly
If you're a bitch maybe
how did blizzard get away with forced 50 and still have people defend it?
Every online game has forced 50.
>smack it, flip Iit,rub it down
I love you
either these anons are wearing thongs wrong or they need to cut back on the carbs.
Thongs literally feel like nothing
There isn't even enough fabric to give you a wedgie and they're comfy as shit
You understand that MMR matches you up against people of equal skill and that if you're playing against people as good as you, you'll win and lose 50% of the time, right?
Furthermore, you understand that even if you started out with a 70% winrate (like the very best of the best players) you will, over time, average out to 50% because of the aforementioned mechanism of skill parity?
TL;DR, please just kill yourself. This has nothing to do with Overwatch
Yeah I agree, British nationalism is disgusting.
I don't understand, aren't your balls getting pinched by wearing a thong?
I knew there were shut ins on this site, but damn, this one has never even seen a female before
>it's balanced skill, also I've never played the game and talk out of my ass
when you're thrown into games with utter retards against a 6 stack, or just outright "DEFEAT" before you spawn, then matched up against utter retards with a 5 stack on your team, that's not people as good as you, that's a shitty rollercoaster running off of win loss instead of skill based mmr
TL;DR please kill yourself, and inb4 >but my games aren't like that :^)
You must be wearing your thongs backwards, bro. The thin bit goes in the back, not the front.
>This thread again
only people who gives a shit are feminist or Muslims
If you're in a game with retards, you are also a retard.
For proof, see:
The system is not "he won a game, gotta find an impossible game to guarantee a loss", the system is "searching for other ranked 31 shitters like this fucking faggot"
This post pretty much sums up the state of Sup Forums for the past several years. A this point you can't even call it neo Sup Forums anymore.
>woman that just likes to have fun
>adult child character
Then one: how do you explain the utter stomps
Two: you've never had a game with retards? because if you have then you're a shitter too
Three: that's not proof, retard, that's just using a wiki article to say >hurf ur retarded
I don't have that one yet, but I've gotten 5 of the new skins through normal crate drops. I think they have a higher drop chance.
Both Zarya skins
Tracer - track & field
....all without buying a single crate.
they have a retardedly high drop chance for epics and legends, they just don't restrict it to the summer stuff. I've gotten a shrike ana, scarecrow junker, and at least 3 epic coin boxes (what a kick in the balls) and some dupes within 8 levels
finally got muricree though, so I'm happy for now
I've dropped from 59 to 26 before. trust me shit happens in mmr. I've crawled back to 42 and I had to go on a healer spree to do it, since everyone hates playing them. I think a big part of the problem is how precise the mmr system is with ping matching etc. This game has 10 million players, but I always see the same old faces around which you would think highly improbable with those bumbers. Everyone knows everyone else, we always run into each other, and I think in my case I'm in Tardsville.
tl:dr - carrying a team ain't easy in Tardsville.
A bit weird at first, but you feel free when you finally get used to it.
What's a female?
that cape is dumb af like bitch just tie it round your neck goddamm
Apparently its a reference to a Brit athlete that cleared 100m hurdles in 13.37s, plus Tracer's new highlight is hurdles.
That or Blizz are saying 'Oh- yeah that's it. Totally meant that.'
they can seriously cut up the sensitive skin if you get crappy ones and walk too much, and they slip too much when you walk, not to mention zero protection from dirt or sand getting in you'd be better off with light joggin shoes desu
This isn't real is it?
Real as your sex life
Dick's show is pretty good, but Maddox's show is literally just a fucking echo chamber so he can suck his own cock.
Dick seems like a cool and funny guy. Maddox is just kind of... Eh now. I listen to both podcasts every week though
Holy shit someone else who listened to the biggest problem. Yeah Im not that big of a man of Maddoxs new stuff. What I liked about the biggest problem is that each episode always taught me some new interesting fact, gave me several talking points to converse with friends, and a few laughs. I don't get any of that from his new shit. And he's been hyping up his new network saying there is gonna be a ton of new content from many people. Nothing yet. Fucking lazy shit. At least dick is kinda like the old show.