
The last two games you played have now combined into one.

How good is it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>romance of the three kingdoms 13
>diablo 2

all the glory of rotk city/force management plus isometric arpg battles would be great

>yugioh legacy of the duelist
>marvel ultimate alliance 2


>Assassins Creed Syndicate

An AC game set in a post apocalyptic world filled with magic and genies with 90's tier Disney music? sign me the fuck up.


>Star Control 2
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Jumping *peppers*! So much joyous *dancing*!

>This is the Police
>Quadrilateral Cowboy
Not sure how you'd play it, but sounds good.


>Rune Factory
>Monster Hunter
I'll finally get to marry Guildmarm after giving her a ton of Brachydios parts.

>Life is Strange
Emergency prescription for Prozac and Zoloft, inbound.

hyperdimension Neptunia rebirth 3 and Baldur's gate......

>Sonic Generations
I'm not even going to think about this

>Advance Wars 2

So I guess kind of like Battalion Wars, but crazier/ more sci-fi?

>dragons dogma

Basically the same.

>Dominions 4
>EDF 4.1
Shit just even more crazy. Fuck yes.

>Medieval total war 2
>Fallout New Vegas

>GTA: Vice City
>Borderlands 2

Literally GTA where literally everyone carries around guns and speak with references to 80's pop culture, and guns are the only thing that matters in the game.

>Grim dawn + Serious Sam

>The Guided Fate Paradox
>Memelands 2
Uh, GFP set on Pandora I guess? Could be pretty cool.


Strangely familiar

>Final Fantasy X

A Final Fantasy roguelike that has a focus on space exploration. Why hasn't this happened yet?

>league of legends
>dota 2

Is this like a double negative thing or is it worst of both worlds? I don't know. At least I can play my mains without switching to the other anymore.

>the last two games he played are league of legends and dota 2

>Phantasy Star II
>Valkyria Chronicles
They are both sega, so a crossover is actually not impossible.
Yet, somehow it doesn't seem right no matter how I look into it: JRPG with bullshit dungeons and a battle system that makes every battle take 30+ minutes unless you exploit how broken a certain class is. No, thanks, I'll pass.

B-but DotA2 is already a DotA 2 x LoL crossover.

>Silent Hill 2

Roadhog vs. Pyramid Head is something I'd pay to see


No idea how this is going to work.

my computer can't play most of the new games that well, so I'm stuck with them and older titles until I can upgrade.

>Dark Cloud 2
I love both of those games but get me the fuck away from a crossover like that.

>monster hunter generations
>pokemon fire red

>Pokemon X
>Custom Maid 3D 2

Oh I am going to have a fucking field day with this.

>Cave Story
>Hotel Dusk.


I guess you play as Hyde walking around the caves and talking to people, trying your best not to piss people off or Misery will send you to the Labyrinth, meanwhile you buddy up with Quote to try and give him vital information about locations and bosses to help him in the long run?

>castlevania aria of sorrow


The japanese have a field day with rebuilding the broken cities.

>Dungeon Travelers 2
>Violated Heroine


>heroes of the storm
>hotline miami

no thanks

>Dwarf Fortress
Could actually work. Fortress mode is you building your own Temple HQ. Adventurer mode has you going in FPS to shoot stuff to death and earn Brouzoufs.
Culter = Dwarves
Jian = Elves
Feds = Goblins
Looters = Kobolds
Metastreumonic critters = Werebeasts, creatures of the night, megabeasts, etc.
>This is a masterwork Scrabouillor, it menaces with spikes of bauxite

>crapcom has been keeping the main titles exclusive to nintendo portables
>and yet deep down we know they'd never allow Pokémonster Hunter to be a thing
Why live?

Same here Pokemon Go and Overwatch

>Total War: Warhammer

I have no idea how this would work

>Halo 2
So ODST but with gopniks?

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

>rocket league


Warhammer RTS where you take down massive evolving alien beasts?

>Earth Defense Force 4.1
>Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

I literally don't know.

>Bayonetta 2

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
>Dwarf Fortress

>fistful of frags

Could actually be really good tbqh

>Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
>Deus Ex Human Revolution

Augmented Gorilla FPS with a focus on platforming?

>Metro 2033
>Fallout: New Vegas
I like this

i'd be okay with a pikachu palico costume or something

>Fallout New Vegas

Doomguy having VATS is no fair to anyone.

>Widow's version of Silent Hill


Persona 4 Golden and MegaDimension Neptunia VII

Seems like an alright game.



How the fuck does Recettear and XCOM Enemy Unknown work?

>EDF 4.1
They're total opposites, how on earth would that work?

So Lucioball?

Yu-gi-oh! + Binding of Isaac

It's... well its something.

>Va-11 Hall-A
Time to get my waifus drunk and listen to their juicy gossip

It's called "Dawn of War", user

>budokai tenkaichi 2

That sounds fun

You're the unfortunately young heir to an arms company who handles XCOM's arms contracts or something. Make a profit, but don't gyp your soldiers or the world is overrun by xenos scum.

>Serious Sam the second encounter
sounds like shooter of the decade to me

>The Witcher 3 and Overwatch

Terraria + Pokemon

I wonder how it be best handled? I think probably it would play like Terraria outside of Pokemon NPCs creatures and combat

>Bomberman '93

Everyone has super deadly bombs, in addition to combat.

I like.

>Duck Game
How does this turn out?

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
>Hotel Dusk.
Not the most nonsensical combo really.

You're a near-human alien loli who sells weapons technology to races to resist the Xenos scum. You have to keep a good watch on your wares to make sure your clientele doesn't rip you off or try to steal your wares and mini game dungeon element is leading a squad to alien derelict bases and warships while navigating the danger with hired guns to set yourself up as the ultimate merchant of death in the cosmos.

Dark Souls 3 and MHG.
I really don't know what it would look like.

Banished to the shadow realm!

Monster Hunter and Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
That would be fun as hell

>Pokemon GO
>Hitman AR


>Mortal Kombat


would play it tBh

Pac Man Championship Edition
Demon's Souls

Oh shit mang Pac Man Souls, they're both Namco...

>Custom Maid 3D 2
>NekoPara Volume 2

>Demon's Souls

That's actually Sony/Japan Studio. Dark Souls is the Namco one.

Wario World and Red Faction 2

>virtue's last reward
>dwarf fortress
So basically "Saw Simulator: Ambidex Edition"

Starbound and Dark Souls 3
Mite be cool.

Monster Hunter
Final Fantasy XIV

I would enjoy a well-polished Monster Hunter MMO . I guess it could work fine with Final Fantasy critters too.

How could a single snail cause a whole colony to be flooded with lava?

>Dark souls 3
It's fucking beautiful, I've always wanted a sci-fi souls

>Pokemon Hunter never ever
I should kill myself.

>Metroid Prime 3 and DOOM
Where is my popcorn?

Dishonored and DAO.

It might be pretty fun, honestly.

I imagine it would be about some kind of mage assassin running around Thedas doing illegal shit as an apostate.

Alternatively you could have Origins system set in the Dishinired world. You're some special snowflake that the Outsider chose to go do something ambiguous. Travel the Isles, gather a diverse party of whalers, watchmen, ex-overseers, some crazy witch, an assassin, etc. and either fuck up all the whales or try to save them. No matter what you do the Outsider wins.

>Senran Kagura 2
>Project Mirai
It's already been done:

>Darkest Dungeon

Ehh...They honestly don't mix well at any level.
Trying to compromise the two makes me think of a 6 player co-op dungeon crawler with sci-fi horror aesthetic.

So...Diablo 4: Darkest Future?

>Monster Hunter
>Mobius Final Fantasy

But I already have that game.

>Mortal Kombat X
>Uncharted 3
The two don't mix well.

>Monster Girl Quest
>Fire Emblem Fates

sounds like goty material

>Wolfenstien: The Old Blood
>Killing Floor 2

I feel like this would work out pretty well.

lucioball but everyone is and dash has no CD

get on it blizz

>Darksiders 2
>Under Night
I guess Death becomes another guest character

>Master Cheeki

>Senran Kagura Burst (it's garbage, was just trying it out to confirm my suspicions)
>Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon with poorly designed anime girls that have ugly oversized tits?
I'll pass

>silent hill 1


>Dragon Ball Xenoverse
>Super Smash Bros. 3DS

It's either much worse or way better

>liking the gen 3 remakes
>liking gen 3

Yaegashi Nan can only design a handful of decently looking, non retarded characters.