Blatantly ripping off hearthstone

>blatantly ripping off hearthstone
How does bethesda get away with this?

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Because the game is better than hearthstone, except for the art. And because their survey at quakecon specifically brings up the art, they might start redoing that as well. Then what will Hearthstone have?

Arent the Witcher dev's doing this too?

Who cares really, these games are gay as fuck.

>better than hearthstone
In what way? This game doesn't offer anything new or exciting.

>better than hearthstone
This game has more rng at launch than hearthstone at gvg

Gameplay is just better than HS. That's just fact. It has much more complex stuff going on and is far far less RNG based. (also lol new HS expansion same boring shit over and over, nothing new and interesting. Fuck is HS garbage.)

It's also far far less jewish, following in the steps of Duelyst, Eternal and Faeria, where you actually get tons of gold and boosters and don't have cards locked under multiple 3500+ gold dungeons.

The art is fine in most cases and pretty great in others. Nice voice acting too.

You're stupid.

>this is why they sued notch over "scrolls"

they're lucky that dude is so fucking lazy. he could have spent a fraction of those billions to fight back and then actyually, y'know, made a game

>blizzard fanboys trying to imply blizzard invented card games

Yeah but at least gwent is fun

>prophecy keyword

two dog shit casual copies of mtg

They settled long before he got his billion dollar payout. By the time Microsoft payed him, Scrolls didn't even exist anymore.

Get fucked aggro shitter.

I like that i can farm soul gems on practise mode so that is a plus for them

>What will Hearthstone have
Blizzard backing. That's all a game needs to succeed.

what's good about mtg?

The fact that you have to be lucky enough to draw your resources AND good cards makes the RNG far greater in MTG than games like HS.

Not to mention something like a 2/2 flying creature played on turn 1-2 can actually kill you if you don't draw a specific answer to it.

Game is inconsistent as shit.

>being this much of a retard
Don't talk about this as if you have any clue on the subject.

A player gets to decide how many lands and mana-related abilities they put into their deck. Also, unlike Hearthstone - a player has the ability to mulligan more than once.
Meanwhile hearthstone is full of rng that the player has absolutely no control over. Furthermore - because of the simplistic nature of the game, in order to retain some "fun" factor Hearthstone is BUILT around these rng effects, as evident by the fact that many of the must-have Legendaries in the game have some sort of an rng mechanic attached.

They should the story mode, it's really boring playing through it, forced cinematics, shitty voice acting and animation, uninteresting story, etc. I just wanna play a card game and the game takes such a long time before you start building and doing whatever you want.

Still, the cards are also really uninteresting, they are quite boring to play, but I like the idea of the 2 lanes with special rules, but that's pretty much it.

>draw 5 lands

>mulligan draw 0 lands

>mulligan draw 4 lands

It's very easy to mana screw yourself and the power curve / synergy of MTG cards is so great, games can be won within 1-2 turns.

A perfect draw in MTG is far more devastating than these games, and being unlucky enough to draw 5-6 lands in a row is less fun than drawing 5-6 off curve shit minions / spells that you can utilize to maybe stabilize yourself.

MTG seems much inferior to these games in terms of actual fun and competitiveness.

Oh and I forgot to mention that with the price of a single MTG deck, you can collect multiple accounts of full decks in these card games.

>Someone made a digital card game so one else can

I bet you're the kind of faggot who never shut up about who never shut up about how digimon is a knock off of pokemon

>blatantly ripping off magic the gathering
How does blizzard get away with this?

Bethesda have gotten lazy as fuck. Every since Skyrim proved they could serve shit on a plate and people would gladly eat it, Bethesda have just stopped caring about quality entirely.
It's not even that they try but still make bad games. They just don't even try anymore because they know they don't have to.

Best thing for them now is a massive failure.

Is this shit out for Android?

Bethesda didn't make this game

>literal whos on the cover

>A perfect draw in MTG is far more devastating than these games
This is only the case because most equal-skill matches in Hearthstone are decided by RNG.
>You have an inferior deck or a bad starting hand? Don't worry, your Sylvanas might snipe your opponents Tyrion for an instant win. So fun and competitive!
If you like mechanically simple games that are decided by dice-rolling - go ahead, but don't try to justify them with some bullshit arguments about mtg having even close to the same level of rng as Hearthstone.

>Literally whos

Can't you tell? That guy is literally "Handsome Dark Elf Thrower". You don't remember this character? He's so memorable!

I bet you don't even recognise "Evil Elf Mage" either. Do you even play any Elder Scrolls games?

It's pretty fun desu

MTG has more RNG in its draws than HS.

Like I said, you have to draw your lands and your good cards. So if you have a specific combo spanning across 2 colors, you have to specifically draw the required lands plus the cards. If you draw those you win the game automatically.

In MTG, the game can spiral wildly out of control at a much faster pace than these digital card games.

There's no card or sequence of cards in these digital games that allow you to draw your entire deck in one turn or deal lethal damage with 1 mana.

Actually Blizzard did invent MMORPGs, MOBAs and Card Games.

What the fuck did I just read

I've been playing this game this morning to see what all the fuss is about. The story mode battles are fucking annoying.

>wolves that constantly summon more wolves
>pirates that move your cards across the board
>spiders that constantly summon more spiders and can lock down your cards for free
>nords that constantly summon more nords and gain power when they attack

It's not fun enough to justify putting up with this bullshit.

I'm on chapter 19 and I've only lost 1 game.

Can we talk about this superior game instead? $60 unlocks every card in the game, or you can grind

I don't understand why it's got a $8.99 price tag, if it were F2P it'd be a winner

Forgot my picture :(

Sounds pretty jewy just from what you've said.

I heard it sucks too

I'm really happy for you bud, you're really good at this game. I hope you have a nice day.

It shows you haven't even played it. They'res not even one card with a random chance effect.

The best part is it confirms the Thalmor were working for the Daedra.

I knew Azura was behind every major event in the games.

She is bringing about the end of this age and the start of the next.

I've been playing this on and off, and seeing as how fucking awful the new expansion for HS turned out to be I might just switch to this.

It has a lot of the good things that both HS and Magic uses, with its own little flairs. It's also a game where the meta isn't centered around aggro and zoo. Midrange and control is doing pretty well here.

>It's also a game where the meta isn't centered around aggro and zoo.
I hope you're not implying that Hearthstone's meta is centered around aggro and zoo.

>ripping off arcomage

How is "pay once, receive all cards" jewey? Most CCGs / online CCGs, including Hearthstone, you can spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars and not get all the cards

Even Kripparian, Blizzard's contract Hearthstone lapdog, has positive things to say about it.

The things that are bad are: 1) nobody fucking plays it or has even heard of it, and 2) the Arena mode has a mechanic whereby things happen to the entire board (impacting both sides), while interesting on paper, can sometimes really really screw you up in a way that's pure RNG

Zoo Warlock and Face Shaman are all that you see now. The only other decks you see are decks that can counter the aggressive decks like Warrior. Priest is completely gone.

Pay to play the game

Pay again to have all the cards

sounds pretty jewy m8

Came in expecting shit, but it's actually pretty fun. If the economics aren't fucked and the expansions are ok I could see myself sticking with it.

>References spear maidens
>Spears haven't existed in TES since Morrowind

What did Beth mean by this

i just want to play yu gi oh

Azura wasn't behind Oblivion, that was Mehrunes Dagon

You pay all at once and get everything, or pay a small fee once and then grind stuff.
That isn't particularly... mercantile, compared to HS where you're forced to spend *huge* sums to get everything.

The only thing i don't like is it seems like going second is too good. You basically get 3 coins.

It will be F2P when it is out from Early Access.

Also the core collection will cost $75 when the game goes F2P

They should really drop the pay2play fee, I can only guess there's some shenanigans with profit sharing with Valve if they do that

That's kind of lame, I mean in the end it's still a better deal than HS but that's a bit much for a game that will NEVER be tremendously popular

Anyway, at least they're trying; it's a shame stupid shit like this TES-themed thing will do better purely off the power of marketing, despite having a more costly business model

There is plenty more than zoolock and face shaman. Priest is fucking dead though

What does early access even give you now that it's in open beta?

How can you even have trouble with the wolves? Just have big guards in your deck and it's free.

Game's pretty fun desu senpai. Trading hero powers for lanes and runes is a pretty good trade-off in terms of fun mechanics.

Lands are dumbest thing ever all it does is slow a game down. I'm glad yu-gi-oh! Never pulled any shit like that.

You also never have to reshuffle or """mulligan""" like in mtg. Seriously how fucking dumb are magic players That they're okay with reshuffling and having a made-up term for it.

Well, this game definitely has the pants on head retards that HS has.

Roping every turn to figure out how to play 1-2 mana cards.

Because ESL doesn't have this.

It's better in every way.

I beat the wolves on my first try, I just thought they were annoying to fight.

I only lost one game in the story mode which was against the final boss. Once I knew his deck it wasn't hard.

>No Lusty Argonian Maid legendary card

>being this much of an activision shill

Only the dankest memes allowed.

im surprised they still remember goldbrand

They will probably get away with it the same way Blizzard got away with ripping off League of Legends, Magic the Gathering, and so forth, OP-faggot shill.

How did you beat Bar Fight? I've been using the Argonian smuggler deck. I got thrashed and went to play something else for awhile. ESL just doesn't seem fun enough to justify putting up with annoying shit like that.

I didn't do anything special and used the same deck. I just replayed it now and it just wasn't hard.

Same, but 3 losses against him.

they better have a stop right there criminal scum card

The lack of any real historical figures in the cards tells me they're going to milk the shit out of them in future expansions