>august 6th, 2016
August 6th, 2016
it'll be 2017 before you know it
good day to browse /r9k/ or kill yourself
What games do I play before I have to ship out for the navy in a couple months Sup Forums?
Time is actually non linear.
take a jog and work on your body you useless shit
What the fuck its still the 5th
I'm already fit though pham, got my pushups above 60 and mile and a half under 10 min
>East Coast
you should be able to run a mile in 5 minutes. although i guess you are joining the navy, not the marines. so you will get fat again anyway.
>2020 is less than 4 years away
>Bannerlord still wont be out
>got my pushups above 60
Fucking how? I can only do two pushups.
How do I become not a weak little faggot?
he said he can run nearly 2 miles in less than 10 i think his mile is less than 5
>that one user that was born in 96 that thinks he's a 90's kid because he saw jumanji once
Well I've never been fat before, but fuck that as long as I run under the time limit I'm good with it. Even marines only need to do like 9 minute miles
>Arnold Schwarzenegger turns 70 next year
That sounds oddly specific, you projecting, kid?
Look up pushup progressions. If you can only do two regular ones you should try doing them at an incline first
>I can only do two pushups.
Then do those 2 pushups EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.
Eventually you'll work your way up to three, then four, and so on. I managed to go from where you are now to doing 50 in 2 minutes. If you actually want to improve, put in the work and you can make it.
Any regular human should be able to do at least 10 push-ups wtf is wrong with you? You don't need training to do 10
>summer almost over
>done nothing fun/normie/interesting
I hate myself
Its my birthday
>soon it will be my friend's birthday, on sept 27
>mom acts like she can't understand the words I am saying even thought I am intentionally speaking slowly, clearly, loudly and making direct eye contact
>all the things she tells me to do
>sends me into a rage every time
Could you imagine how frustrating it is to be a shutin neet and the only person you can talk to pretends they can't hear or understand you?
Go out and meet some new people you can use Pokémon GO to do that just don't drop too much spaghetti now it's your chance before Pokémon it's back to be autism material
>Then do those 2 pushups EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.
How many times a day?
>Look up pushup progressions
this stuff?
I finally am doing it guys. I'm getting my learners permit
>just turned 27 yesterday
>still a virgin
>it was my birthday a few months ago
>birthday coming up once more in a few months
>march was just a few weeks ago
I honestly cannot understand ths mindset.
Why would you do something normie/"interesting"? Just so you can tell other people, so they consider you something you're not? If you really liked doing that shit, you would be doing it instead of posting on Sup Forums. Stop deluding yourself.
Don't you like videogames, user, aren't those fun? Just play them.
I'll never amount to anything.
No, but having studied psychology I could understand how having a mother like that would make you a shut in.
>make a post that's longer than 2 sentences
>"is this bait?"
>"is this a new meme?"
>"this is autism"
How can I communicate my opinion properly if every time I try no one takes it seriously enough not just to dismiss it outright?
Get a dip stand and a door pull-up bar. Push ups are "okay" but you can only do so much with them
Had to take some xanax thanks to your reminder.
Yeah exactly. Mix in variations in addition to trying to do your real pushups
>post the truth
>"this is bait"
>post unpopular opinion
>*tips fedora*
Go play videogames and stop thinking your opinion has any value in an anonymous image board.
>tfw i'm going to be 34 on monday
>taking anything anyone says on this shithole seriously
Don't. I did for a while and almost killed myself.
Don't worry user, if a jerk off like me cab get a gril you can too.
Believe in yourself, have confidence, have pride and shame, and most of all be outgoing. And if you can't do that then fake it, it'll come to you eventually.
From your new homeboy, Michael. You can do it man.
uhm gunna break yer legs
Don't forget the popular "shill", as if that helps anyone's argument, assuming they had one in the first place.
What a stupid post by you. Not only have you made a lot of assumptions you've proven yourself to be a coward. Don't respond to me because you will be ignored.
No user.
Don't leave me.
>have PC
>get teased for having nothing but console ports, and 0 Japanese games that aren't ancient games
>get told that even if the games sell well on PC, they will make new games only for consoles ala Azure Revolution
>realize that I actually enjoy playing these games, and I'm letting Sup Forumss political console wars get to my mind
still a scummy move on sega's part though
>fucked by last two jobs
>NEET for 1 1/2 years now
>only remaining friends are just as pathetic and ambition-less as me
>actually had two different girls interested in me the past year but ignored them since I'm a fucking loser and I'm sure they'd drop me once they realized I have no plans for the future
>slowly shutting myself away from remaining friends and family
I got back into the job search game the past two weeks and it's already frustrating and soul-crushing. I even got rejected from a previous job that I left on good terms and befriended a lot of people through.
I just don't know anymore, guys.
>dad that I haven't spoken to in months texts me out of the blue today
>47 times in two hours
>lots of generic insults
>insane rambling about how I need to get a job (I've had one for four years)
>I supposedly have too many callouses on my hands from jerking off
>he really respects my mother but she's somehow doing harm to me
>other nonsense mixed in with random characters and typos and failed texts
>drives a little over an hour to arrive at my house at 11:00 PM and just slowly drives by my house over and over
>reading this nonsense thread when he calls me, obviously drunk, to tell me to get my head out of my ass
How do i get fit guys? is there a guide?
Iunno, I'm just using a Chris Evans workout thing that I found online.
You have to be overweight to understand.
I could barely do 4-5 being 40 pounds overweight.
Yes. Eat less and exercise. There are a few advanced tactics like lifting weights and getting your macros and micros in order but generally speaking just eat less and exercise you fat fuck
Stronglifts 5x5, download the app, it'll change your life. If your budget permits, I would pay for a single personal training session to learn all the movements properly so you don't injure yourself
Lose weight, fatass. You're trying to 'push' too much weight. The reason skinny Sup Forumsirgins can do dozens of pushups is because they're 130lbs twinks.
>birthday this month, always get sad
>years ago, my best friend died on my birthday
>my dog died a month after that
i got a lot colder that year
>soon it will be MY birthday, in one week and one day
how do I gain weight guys, I'm 6' foot and 125 pounds, I'm dying
if you're fat and want to lose weight it's far easier to limit calories than to exercise
but that isn't really being fit I guess
better than nothin'
Beer and soda
Ha ha, I am old and I haven't achieved my biological prerogative yet ha ha :D
Good thing the greeks are here to help me come to terms with failure and death, thanks Socrates and Epicurus, you are my bestest buddies you fat fucks.
>2017 is coming
>Will have done nothing like the years before
>Have no desire to do anything like before
>Get judged because of it like before
Give me cancer.
If you don't get to 100 before you die, you should have not been born in the first place.
>tfw Born on August 6
>tfw it's same day as the Hiroshima bombing's
>I'm 62 this october
thats nice user good job
Btw, this goes for pull ups and any other bodyweight exercise, as well. If you're overweight and don't have much muscle mass, chances are you won't be able to do a single pull up until you lose some weight.
I remember when I was 20-25lbs overweight. I couldn't do a single pull up, but as soon as I lost 25lbs (with no exercising, just diet) I could do 6-7 in a single set.
I'm trying to lose weight too but my family are all overweight and it's hard. They never stop buying junk food.
>have really shitty summer last year
>pretty much the entire year up to this summer was shitty from then on
>start feeling better
>"hey maybe I'm finally able to turn things around"
>cat is killed
>back to exactly how I was a year ago
>even worse because this is something no task or accomplishment will undo
Eat, you pathetic weak effeminate cunt.
>whaaa WHAAAAAA I can't eat because I'm a low test faggot
Get a grip, twink. Eating is the easiest thing a man can do.
junk or not, just count calories
drink lots of water in-between meals to avoid stomach pains and more hunger
That's my birthday :)
every night i think about the future and how my parents will one day be dead.
hard to cope with desu.
user, I won't let your sexual preferences label who I am
I am just a skinny man
every night i think about the future and how my parents will one day find me dead.
happy birthday
>just started a new job that makes a more than decent wage for my area
>weekends off
>evening shift
>finally will have time to play video games and do whatever I want
I wanna die
Tfw gf
>the old man's getting older
he's my only friend
holy shit
its an /r9k/ thread on Sup Forums
please kill yourselves