What's your favorite EO title, Sup Forums?
I tried getting into IV but the classes are just so dull in comparison to 3 which had baller classes like buccaneer, monk, zodiac, ninja etc
What's your favorite EO title, Sup Forums?
IV, since it's the only one I've played so far.
I'm a couple of floors into III, and I like the music much better already.
I like III the most but the remake of 2 is becoming one of my favorites.
It's really comfy.
I liked U2 the most. It's balls hard, but without half the classes being horrible shit like in the original 2.
4 is my favorite.
4 > 3 > 2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>> Shit > Untold series.
Untold was a fucking mistake, and this community is forever fucked because of it.
EO2U is amazing, even the story mode is good. Classic is incredibly good too, and it has near perfect difficulty.
If by dull you mean locked behind level caps then yeah I agree. I think 4 was pretty awesome and fun though, top 3 6th stratum out of all of them so far. My favorite however is EO3 just because it brought the most change and had the overall best stratums and OST.
My favourite EO is the one on PSVit- ohhh, sorry. :(
I'm getting mixed signals here. Is U2 GOAT or JUST?
Your opinion is even more shit than EO1/2. How the fuck were the untolds a mistake when they put 1 and 2 on top again.
>3 posters say U2 is amazing
>1 faggot disagrees and the signal is utterly mixed
U2 is GOAT...until U3 comes out.
The only issue with U2 is that HP on bosses is excessively high to balance out how strong the Force mechanic is. It's a very high power game, where your characters feel very strong but the bosses feel strong as well.
U2 is an amazing game, I'd highly recommend it.
Nah, the "hp bloat" is a non-issue. Unless you run a excessively defense-orientated team you'll BTFO of bosses fast.
I still listen to EO3's OST regularly. Easy bosses though, too vulnerable to instakill. Fucking beautiful game too
Guys I've tried really hard but I can't get into EO for some reason. I know I love DRPGs since I enjoyed Demon Gaze and Dungeon Travelers on the Vita.
I've tried EO 1 remake and EO 4 but I couldn't force myself to go on. Is remake 2 the one to go with for newcomers?
Also maybe some starter tips could help me allong.
I used a pretty heavy offense team. It's mostly that TP runs out fast so you have to manage it decently, it's hard to just spam your best stuff. But a full Force Break turn deals shit tons of damage so I can see why they made the HP high.
You walk into the tower and this guy starts staring at your waifu's ass. What do you do?
The answer is obvious. You don't like mapping things out.
This series is not for you.
If you ask me, U1 is kind of dull since the power level is kinda low. Nothing feels particularly strong. U2 might not be the best to start, it's really good but can be frustrating, especially if you choose Expert. Personally I like it a lot though. Playing DT2, I'm enjoying it but the bosses don't have the same intimidation factor and ailments aren't as useful.
And then they spit in your face by introducing the untold series.
teach pls go
classic exists
>Get to Colossus in EO2 original
>stonewalls my shit for months, spend a shitload of time grinding and trying new strategies
>finally beat him
>get to the lord of the labyrinth
>Beat him in one try with little trouble
I hate EO2
You hit the nail right on the head, does this mapping thing get more intrusive later? Do you just get used to it?
I'm going to try U2, if I can't go on, then I'll stop trying.
Classic existing doesn't prevent story mode from existing.
Etrian Odyssey CLEARLY had a goal in mind of letting people use their imagination to help create the amazing world of Etrian Odyssey. The idea of, "It's all based on how you imagine it" no longer exists with Trash Mode existing.
3 > 4 > U2 > U1 > 1 > 2
Original 2 was horrible for the sheer fact there was no exp for FOEs, drops were much harder, and some classes weren't useful until higher levels when skills were maxed.
At least that's my experience.
V and Untold 3 can't come any sooner.
I liked IV but then I reached the second labyrinth
I haven't touched it since then
>You hit the nail right on the head, does this mapping thing get more intrusive later? Do you just get used to it?
Mapping is quite honestly my favorite part of the game.
I don't think it's intrusive at all, but I can understand why you would think so. Personally, I love the feeling of stopping, mapping, and then proceeding like that until the entire room is mapped. It's exhilarating. It definitely is "more intrusive" as the game goes, though, because dungeons and floors can get pretty hectic.
Yeah this is what I love about customizable DRPGs, Making your own story as you explore and fight monsters. Having your own team, your damage-dealing machine made out of handpicked cogs.
Just ignore it if you don't like it, added content doesn't hurt, it's an improvement. You can still do that, the original idea is still there, you just have more content now, you don't like it and can't ignore it, stop playing
To be fair U1 fucked up hardcore by locking certain weapons and dungeons behind the story mode. Seriously, fuck that.
There's a setting that allows you to auto-map walls and floors, although you might still have to put icons in. Personally, I love mapping. I play SJ, or some other game, and I have to walk on those detrimental floor panels or else the map isn't finished, and it pisses me off.
Yeah, a shame that they introduced story mode complete with, "UWAHH, ANIME ANTICS XDDD"
le millenom girl
I posted this in my own EO thread a few days ago but then it died. Reposting it in hopes of getting some feedback on my team.
EO4, first time through. Only listing skills relevant to my battle plan. I'm at B3F of the sixth stratum.
Fortress, sub Dancer: Party Shield maxed, Guard Mastery maxed, HP Boost maxed, most of Iron Wall, and Vengeance Bash maxed. Spam Party Shield with the recovered TP from getting hit. Vengeance Bash if possible. Dancer sub is for Speed Boost and Fan Dance abilities to increase evasion.
Imperial, sub Runemaster: Drive Mastery maxed, Assault Drive 7/10, three elemental Drives 4/8, Accel Drive 6/8, Ignition maxed, Sharp Edge/Charge Edge invested as low as possible, Heat Sink maxed I think. Assault Drive first turn, Heat Sink second turn, do whatever the third turn, strike a weakness or use Accel Drive the fourth turn, Ignition on the fifth. Runemaster sub is for Free Energy and TP Boost.
Dancer sub Landsknecht: Quick Step maxed, Trick Samba maxed, Sword Dance maxed, Mist Dance maxed, Energy Tango maxed, various other dances middling. She supports with dances and for offense she uses Trick Samba with Sword Dance to get lucky and hit a bunch of times. Sometimes stunning with Mist Dance. Landsknecht sub is for Swordbreaker to improve the Fortress's survival and I think maybe some Power Boost/Iron Wall.
Runemaster, no sub: Runic Gleam maxed, Free Energy maxed, Runic Guidance maxed, first six spells learned minimally, three elemental spells in Master tier 4/8, Origin Rune 6/8. Her plan is Runic Gleam and then nuke stuff. I don't know what kind of subclass would benefit her.
Medic, sub Sniper: All healing skills have various investments, binds heal has single target while status weakening heal and ailment heal are line target. Revive might be the only maxed one. Sniper sub is for the three bind moves and Spotter. She pretty much just heals and revives those who die.
I'm sure it's all far from optimal but it's been working for me so far.
I really want to enjoy more of the same style of rpgs like DG. Maybe if I take it slow, I'll start liking to map areas out.
You mean Gladsheim? Yeah that was irritating, I hated that they locked it out. U2 remedies it at least.
Are you going to say this to every mention of untold?
I'll just continue to not buy the untold series, and that's all I can do.
I'm not going to think my words or thoughts have some powerful effect, that's stupid.
It's just a shame to see one of my favorite series get chucked to the "PANDER TO OTAKUS" pile. The art style and character design is whatever, because at the end of the day I still get to decide how characters act. But when your main focal point now becomes a trash story mode filled to the brim with anime tropes, I'll just continue to sit here and be sad and wait for proper Etrian Odysseys like EO V.
More of the same style in what way? Anime? Or just DRPGS in general?
Go play Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey and Dark Spire.
DRPGs, the kind where you make your own characters and decide what their classes and skills are.
Well enjoy not having fun and being bitter about your perceived "otaku" stuff, I'll keep playing U2. Story isn't the main focus of anything but the title.
The best thing about 3 was how you had complete meme builds, some of which that were even viable.
>front line arbalest
>gladiator's nine smashes
>punch monk
>all of wilding's side summons
>shogun and robot shenanigans
>fucking farmer in its entirety
It was a gimmicky game and felt rewarding for it.
I know this is going to be a boring reply and seem like a shrug of the shoulders, but... So long as you have A tank, A healer, and some form of Magic damage, you are basically guaranteed to do well throughout the entire game.
The BIGGEST thing about skill points is actually the hilarious fact that the higher you go, the less you get. For most skills, after about 4 or 5 points, it's not worth investing into them anymore, unless you just need to use skill points.
Specifically for character creation and skills, try Class of Heroes for the PSP and Dark Spire for DS.
>tfw instakilling all stratum story bosses with summons
>Well enjoy not having fun and being bitter about your perceived "otaku" stuff
Nice projection, friend. I'll enjoy myself by replaying the classics and waiting for a true Etrian Odyssey A La EOV.
See, that's the OTHER beauty of non-untold trash. I can replay the games, recreate new adventures, try new builds, and do new things.
>made my Ninja sub as a Monk and spammed low TP clone heals
Ha, really? I love all the EO games, if you don't like them that's your problem, I can replay all of them without limiting myself to the older titles only.
Fuck off you fucking piece of shit. The untold series goes a step farther and literally leaves the core game and concept in with classic. You have ZERO reason to complain about a feature you have ZERO reason to play and use. You are garbage and thank god this series doesn't listen to no fun allowed fuckers like you. Enjoy your (You).
Fucking imbecile, it was Untold 2 that added the multiple save files to allow all that shit without restarting your old save. Just relish in that thought for a second.
Nice backpedaling, retard.
Do you need some sort of validation for playing your anime trash? I've said why I dislike Untold, and that's that. It doesn't mean I dislike Etrian Odyssey, it means I dislike Untold. Me not liking a game disguised as Etrian Odyssey doesn't prevent me from enjoying the REAL Etrian Odysseys.
Thanks for the recs, I'll look more into it these.
>remakes with an additional feature to bring in more fans is bad
>originals still exist
>classic mode is present
I figured this was the case since it worked for me the entire time. I just feel like I hit a wall with the Warped Savior and Fallen One all of the sudden and started to question my builds.
Class of heroes is very anime-y, but the game is still pretty fun. About as much as you;d expect from a DRPG. It's very very similar to Demon Gaze.
Dark Spire is a super heavy old school DRPG. It's an extremely hard game with absolutely zero hand-holding.
Series almost instantly go to shit the minute they try to bring in the otaku crowd.
See: Fire Emblem. Shin Megami Tensei.
ha nice comprehension tard, I love all the games, just because you think an official game isn't real doesn't mean shit lol, enjoy hating good games
eo4 has been really easy. Completed the main game and there wasn't too much challenge. Just have the endgame/postgame dungeon to go.
Honestly, I liked EOU more since there's a huge focus on story and character development.
Is the cast in the EOU games endearing? Is the writing good? I was planning on just playing classic mode when I got to them, but I like a good story in a long RPG.
>A tripfag with stupid and retarded opinions.
Take off the trip, you fucking snowflake.
Imagine every stereotypical post 2010's animes characters, settings, and scenarios.
>tfw having a party of ninjas
>exploding ninjas nonstop as the clones die
Ninja was a fucking ridiculous class that could do practically anything or improve anything
What was Atlus thinking when they made Monks the primary healing class exactly? You COULD go Punch Monk but in general you were better off using a Gladiator/Monk for most of the game or a Zodiac/Monk late game.
>Series that almost died would be if they continued to pander to fedora wearing hipsters
FTFY. Though I fail to see how SMT has changed all that much outside of just moving along with the times.
You don't like Untold, that's fine, but stop pissing on those who do and don't agree with your ignorant logic behind why you don't like it.
If I take my trip off, my opinion doesn't magically change, retard.
(totally fucked up that original post)
EOU has decent characters but they get little development and he story is eh, but U2 is infinitely better. U1's story characters are more just cute and don't add too much to the original plot. U2 has much better characters, who have development and better writing all around. Bertrand is one of the best characters. Very endearing.
Has EOU2 had its price permanently reduced by half yet on the eshop yet?
It goes on sale often, but I don't know if the base price is down by that much
There's practically no class game that makes a good monk.
Am I the only one who hates EO3's subclassing? All it does is make most of the classes completely redundant and practically the exact same.
Well Gladiator and Zodiac Monks make better Punch Monks I mean. They are still incredibly mediocre don't get me wrong except for the very end where fist damage scales like crazy surpassing 200 wAtk even. Atlus should have made fists scale better throughout the game is the thing.
I'm just going to leave this here.
Runemaster would benefit from Imperial as a sub, get Element Boost, Hawkeye, and Absorber.
>not bushi
>not wanting to nuke things
How do I force myself through the second land in EOIV? I want to like this game but everything about this area is awful
But don't you want to give your Runemaster a Drive Blade?
3 overall, 2 Untold for most polish.
no my nightseeker gets one while the runemaster origin runes everything
>I tried getting into IV but the classes are just so dull in comparison to 3
You shut your whore mouth! Even if you take aesthetics out of it (why would you?) it's still an amazing class and it's pretty much the only instance of a sword dancer that actually feels like a sword dancer in all of video games.
Not him, but wouldn't that make her slower? I mean I use Runie/imp, but idk about the blade, I guess it would boost her atk
Don't pick both fan dance and speed boost togheter, since speed boost deletes fan dance's incredible evasion buff.
Imperial would be stronger with bushi, but runemaster is ok I guess.
Dancer shouldn't take hits in the first place, but it's ok.
You should pick a sub on runemaster because you get extra skillpoints dude. If you don't know what to pick, just go for bushi and call it a day.
Medic is p bad for late/post game, arcanist is plain better for various reasons, consider picking that up.
Is it wrong that what excites me the most about Untold 3 is the new music?
I want an arrangement of Porcelain Forest and Cyclopean Haunt so bad.
Porcelain Forest had a god-tier remix in the super arrange album but Cyclopean Haunt wasn't as good as the original
I want the finished 6th stratum battle theme.
>Classic existing doesn't prevent story mode from existing.
Drive Blade is there for fun times when you want to see your Runemaster melee things.
Called it. Do we reach the moon?
>Do we reach the moon?
We were on the moon all along.
>fluffy swinging around a massive drive blade
fuck now I have to do it
>not using the weapon glitch
>not using a Monk/Zodiac for Breakfire Fist with Fire Mastery, Singularity, and Etheric Charge for huge damage
I've only played 4. The classes are pretty straightforward but I have fun with my triple Runemaster backrow.
never thought we'd see meaningful spoilers in EO
>needing a glitch to make a build somewhat decent
See this is why Monks need some serious fixing up.
>I know I love DRPGs since I enjoyed Demon Gaze and Dungeon Travelers on the Vita.
You just prefer kusoge, like how some people love watching MST3K tier films unironically. There's no shame in it. The Vita's the perfect platform for your tastes.
>Don't pick both fan dance and speed boost togheter, since speed boost deletes fan dance's incredible evasion buff.
Oops. Huh.
>Dancer shouldn't take hits in the first place, but it's ok
She doesn't, Swordbreaker is to lessen damage on the Fortress (since they're in the same row) and I actually don't have anything invested in Iron Wall now that I check.
be do and he go fun is game buny
Dancer is one of the most fun classes in the franchise.
Have you tried a Dancer/Nightseeker?
You get attacks4days, and the stun skill can activate anytime, it's pretty crazy. With Chase Samba, Dancer never stops attacking.
Also, I saw someone subbing their Fortress with Medic. Get auto-heal, heal mastery, revive and you tank is basically a bot, healing and defending at the same time.
Fists have weird scaling. They're garbage for most the entire game, but maxed out are pretty much the strongest shit if you overlook the slot thing.
>mfw dancer with dual stun forged weapons
EO3 > EOU > EO1 > EO2U > EO2 > EO4
Currently playing 5 but the language barrier is actually stronger than I thought so I think I will wait for the English version in 6 months.