Sup Forums wasn't kidding

Sup Forums wasn't kidding.

This really is one of the best Action RPGs i've ever played

Other urls found in this thread:

It's an exceptionally mediocre game, nothing more or less.

Name a better Action RPG

>skyrim: weeb edition
its 5/10 at best

I need help...
Should I switch to Mage or Sorcerer for my Mystic Knight build?


Dragons Dogma >> Your favorite game

Nothing about this game is even remotely similar to Skyrim or any of the Elder Scroll games.

>Nothing about this game is even remotely similar
they have one thing in common, they are both incredibly bland

Except the fantasy setting you mean.

What us DD bland in comparison to? You cant just state a conclusion.

This is hands down one of the best games I have ever played. I think what sold it to me was when I was fighting the cockatrice and my pawn said,
"will I become a living statue... "
And then my party just slowed down until they were stone and shattered.
Dogma 2 when

>Skyrim - Norse Mythology
>Dragons Dogma - Generic fantasy into a more "Berzerk" type of dark fantasy

Nothing alike

>monsters, dragons, magic

Fuck you.

So Runescape fits in with Elder Scrolls and Dragons Dogma?

>still want to finish my playthrough and get 100%
>remembered that I'm still on the beginning and every single monster can 1 shot me on hard dificulty

I just wanted to finish the game and farm a bit in BBI but I don't want to oplay through the entire game again. What do?

Honestly everything about this games world, lore and story is absolute garbage

That being said it has the best combat mechaniics of ANY rpg out there, ithout even having them properly polished yet. If this shit gets a proper sequel people are going to implode.

Were they the same type of game - like skyrim and DDDA being both TPS ARPGS, then yes.

You cannot say "nothing alike" when they are actually "very alike" at their core themes, you butthurt contrarian fuck.

I like DDDA, but theres no need to be such a fucking defense force drone about it.

I made one post in this thread, so you can fuck right off.

>butt into a conversation without any indication you are someone new
>hurr fuck off

Why do it then you stupid bitch?
Do you post without even wanting an answer?

Its an anonymous image board you fucking retard.


How stupid can you even be?
You contradicted your fucking stupid self in 2 posts.

>This really is one of the best Action RPGs i've ever played

just wait until you use mods that allow you make a character with no vocation skill limitation.

Did Warrior 6 skils ever happen?

Lower your difficulty

I never expected anything from you, sperg. Go back to riddit. Identity is not important, rather the quality of comment. Youre just embarrassing yourself with what you said to the last guy, and you look even more pathetic trying to justify someone explicitly announcing they're "new" to a conversation when it doesn't matter at all.

why should he
it's exceptionally mediocre. go cry about it

I agree, I don't think I recall playing a better action RPG

obviously it has its flaws, but it completely makes up for it with some pretty magical moments in the game

I've responded to both, I'm literally talking to two people who embarassed themselves by their own posts and now in defense force mode.

It is about the quality of your post - and yours is bottom tier shitflinging at best.

See - I responded to the content of your posts, you are the ones stuck on the person - simply because coming at me with ad hominem is the only thing you can do now.

You started the ad hominems, i asked a simple question because you seriously expect people to take you seriously when you compare DD to Skyrim. Then you go off with your buzzwords and ask me why i didn't tell you i was a different person responding to you.

Have a good night retard, you're a waste of brain cells.

>Dragons Dogma - Generic fantasy


Better than your favorite RPG. Cry some more

dinput mod fixes like fucking everything and more, it ieven gives you back full camera control while climbing

there's generally a tradition here when if you're not the same user as a previous poster in the chain you say "not him but..." "not that guy but..." or whatever

Dark Souls 1, 2, 3.

Fuck off.

this. too bad sequel probably never. also DDO probably never. i did play DDO with the translation patch for a while, but i actually got pretty bored of it quickly

Man, I've played this motherfucker to death on the PS3, but I got the itch to play it again.

I hope it goes on sale sometime in the next few months. I could pirate, but this is the kind of shit I want Capcom to produce.

might be a mod for it

>dark souls 2 better than dragons dogma
kill yourself please

better yet, i hope you die fanboy retard

might as well pirate, user. doubt capcom will produce a sequel or something in a similar vain, ever

> This game is incredibly mediocre
> You ask why? Fuck you I don't need a reason
> Lol butthurt fag I insulted his favourite game xD

>DD releases on PC
>constant shitposting in threads

I could potentially agree but Dark Souls has a different focus than Dragon's Dogma

Dark Souls is more about the context, world and atmosphere, most boss fights aren't that intriguing mechanically

Dragon's Dogma is mechanically more interesting but lacks in context

It's like an alpha version of a game that could've potentially been really good. Honestly there's no reason to launch it ever again once you're past the initial honeymoon period.

>skyrim and DDDA being both TPS
Kill yourself already, you idiotic cocksucking piece of shit

>le dark souls 2 is bad meme

neck yoourself irl autist.

B-but... what about cute waifu pawns?

>useless scripted shit said by a npc with broken combat ai
DD fans have incredibly low standards.

>Name a better Action RPG
Deus Ex
Mount & Blade
System Shock 1 & 2
Baldur's gate
Jade Empire

In DD the combat is better than in any of the games above. But everything else is so terrible, the story, the pacing, the missions design, the open-world design, the level design.

Imo it should've been a Zelda-like. One big hub and Bitterblack-like dungeons everywhere because in the end the open world was so poorly designed it just made the game more tedious not more fun or challenging, and the best part of the game is the part that is linear as fuck (BB).

>haven't launched the game in half a year
>tfw imagining all the riftbucks I get when I come back
I won't come back though

>le contrarian for the sake of it
it's concentrated S H I T

cute pawns, you say?

>your pawn will never receive 5 stars in appearance and a hard bone item

yeah, the whole pawn thing is very dissapointing, its a neat idea, but the implementation is just some retards following you that keep repeating the same shit over and over again

That game looks so boring

>Action RPG
It's an action game with stats.

>Name a better Action RPG
Fallout NV, VtM:B, Gothic 2.

>dogma 2 when
never because capcom is shit
just watch them announce DmC 2 at tgs

The combat and pawn system is the only good thing about this game.

It's fun but it gets old after a while.

>Fallout NV, VtM:B, Gothic 2
What the fuck do you consider a pure rpg?

pretty sure those are less action and more RPG

action RPG =/= anything that is not turn based


>dragons dogma threads are constantly bombarded by contrarians
>just wanna talk about the game and she-goat memes

>we'll never go to the moon

Looks can be deceiving. Playing it is pretty rad. Granted there are plenty of issues but it's a fun experience overall with lots of flexibility in the combat system.

>What the fuck do you consider a pure rpg?
RPGs where combat is more character stat based, than player skill based. Fallouts 1/2 and Arcanum are RPGs, because the combat is more stat based. Fallout NV, VtM:B and Gothic 2 are ARPGs, because the combat is more skill based, than stat based, but the stats still play an important role. And I'm not even going to explain what separates an ARPG from an Action game with stats.

I just wish there was more substance to it. Game basically has Pawns and combat system and does those well, but the open world is pretty shoddily implemented.

>action RPG =/= anything that is not turn based
Then name me a single turn based action RPG.

It can be, but you also kinda have to create your own fun, there is a huge sandbox aspect to it.
Major problem is that the game is really unfinished and there is not enough tools to make full use of the sandbox.

don't play on fucking hard the first time, it's not remotely balanced for that you'll just get 1 shot by every single monster for most of the game
just ng+ on hard and breeze through it

>give 5000 cloudwines to mercedes
>still end up with aelinore

Does Namco x Capcom/Project x Zone count?

>holding down a button for 10 second while doing nothing
>release button
wow this totally looks not boring at all.

t. guy that only started gaming in 2006

It's a shame they didn't expand the Everfall in Dark Arisen.

that's not what I meant, there is no turn based action RPG as far as I know

all I wanted to say was that if an RPG is not turn based it doesn't mean that it's automatically an action RPG

>Does Namco x Capcom/Project x Zone count?
Sorry, I don't play Japanese games, so I have no clue what you're talking about.

>dragons dogma is good meme

Everbody knew fir years that it was shit, what's so different now? Oh, it got a pc port.

God dammit, all of you fuck off, you contrarian, shitposting, crosseyed pseudo-intelligent superiority complex double shitters

Why are you here
OP just wants to talk about the fucking game, loads of people just want to talk about the game
It is GOLDEN for screenshots/webms/customisation and other things which allow for top-tier comparing and contrasting of content but NO you have to have your little moment being different


You're FAGGITY FAGGOTY FUCKITY AWFUL opinions and posts will never be attributed to you, they aren't part of your personality, they won't form people's opinions of you and they don't help you keep to whatever shitty personality you have

If you don't like the game, why the FUCK are you here

Every fucking thread there's some faggot saying "it's mediocre :^)" or some other faggot telling me how a different game is better

We aren't talking about different games we're talking about THIS one, you absolute pant wettingly retarded subhuman, and Dragon's Dogma is F U N and all we want is to have a thread about it without it being skullfucked by your micropenis while you mumble shittery which is either opinions about a game you haven't played or lies because "you have to hate video games to fit in on VEE"

Fuck you, fuck ALL of you. What happened in your life so that you hit a point where you can't physically stop yourself from posting some faggotry that contributes nothing to the thread? Contributes nothing to conversation? Just reply after reply of NOTHING until the thread gets pruned and you go be a faggot somewhere else

Fuck you.

Selene BEST girl.

you can literally say the same thing about monster hunter greatsword you maniac

Then you haven't played many
Its good, but only good

>Selene BEST girl.

sharing is caring
even if it's an opinion that you know won't be taken well

>Selene BEST girl.
The only thing worth reading in that entire post

>game comes out on console
>everyone is surprised by how awesome it is
>after some time the community settles on agreeing it's an good game actually not that great, with tons of flaws that might drive people off
>PC port
>hurrr dragons dogma is the best game evuuuur also im 10 and Im also a weeb who never played a good rpg in my life. NAME A BETTER RPG!!!!

Just like for Dark Souls, the PC port ruined the community. Now threads are about faggots trying to defend something inherently flawed against shitposters.

>port game to PC
>you can't discuss it anymore

I wonder

>all I wanted to say was that if an RPG is not turn based it doesn't mean that it's automatically an action RPG
Yes, because RPGs can be both turn based and real time with pause/real time, but all you do in those games is give your character commands like: attack this enemy or use this skill on that enemy. Arcanum is an example of both a turn based and a real time RPG, yet it's not an action RPG, because you do not control your character directly and the combat is mostly character skill based. However, games like FNV, VtMB or Gothics 1/2 are action RPGs, because you control your character directly and the combat is more player skill based.

So, yeah, in 99% of cases, if the RPG is not turn based or RTwP, it's an action RPG.


Calm your tits and get the fuck back to plebbit or wherever you came from

But Monster Hunter is boring as fuck too, at least the GS gameplay.
post assassin gameplay if you want to display something not boring.

>not the people praising a mediocre underrated game as the second coming of Christ

This, for once.

>assassin gameplay
>not boring
come on now
i liked the game, i played mostly assassin, hanging on to shits chest/back/head and mashing dire or deadly gouge is 99% their gameplay

Mustards really are the worst.


Being contrarian would be saying Dragon's Dogma was a good RPG. It's not. The only Western RPGs it surpasses are the shitty ones and the indie ones. Every Witcher game is better than it. Every Dragon Age game. Elder Scrolls games. Mass Effect games, including the shittiest first game. You have to have real talent in being retarded to make a game worse than Two Worlds. But thats what Dragon's Dogma is. The last Western RPG I can think of that is just as bad is that one Ultima game.

And thats just discussing Western RPGs. Every Souls game and Souls copy literally curbstomps Dragon's Dogma from existence. Your taste is shit, your choice of video games is shit, your whole defense for an awful contrarian game that misses the point of RPGs in the first place is shit.

>most people think it's good
>I think it isn't
>You are contrarian
>I am retarded please rape my face

it looks cool in DD but its just as boring, the only game where magic was actually fun is Arx Fatalis, since having to draw and combine the runes was very interesting and felt involved

dark messiah magic when used to help with kicking was more fun than DD too

DS1&2 are shit.
DS3 is fun however.

DD is still the better game IMO.

Sounds like consolefriends are used to games with low quality while PCfriends are able to address flaws based on their knowledge and experience

>elder scrolls
>mass effects post 1
>dragon age ever
jesus christ who gave birth to this monstrosity of a subhuman

>A game with an empty world and bad combat is better than a game with an empty world and good combat
>I am also a nigger, fyi