I still can't believe it's really over.
What the fuck am I meant to do now?
I still can't believe it's really over.
What the fuck am I meant to do now?
i am asking same question for 3 weeks. my life is too boring compared to witcher. should i kill myself?
Play a good game
You actually managed to play through witcher 1?
I tried so many times but i just couldnt get through it I was so bored
It's a good idea to get your life quality on a decent level before you start playing
Wait for cyberpunk.
Is the following an acceptable way to get into the series?
>Play TW1
>Play TW2
>Read the books
>Play TW3
I figure Geralt being amnesiac would make it a neat way to learn about his past just as he remembers it.
but user witcher 3 is the best rpg of all time.
Play a better game with a true and full of life open world! Like fallout 4
Play a game that isn't based off of blatant plagiarism?
fuck you, Todd. that's bullshit and you know it.
yeah but it's fun
Is this meant to be serious anyway?
One's a murgerorgy albino dark elf who drinks potions made of slave blood to fight a creeping disease, mumbles to his sword and summons eldritch powers to take revenge on his betraying brother ; the other is a mutie mercenary with two swords and drinks potions to get superbuffed. If having white hair makes Geralt an Elric knockoff, then I guess Dante's an Elric knockoff.
His entire problem with the Witcher is that Sapkowski used the name "Conjunction of the Spheres."
I only have Razorfist's tumblr to link because blind sheep like you will eat up whatever CD Project Red shits in your mouth.
We aren't talking about the characters here. We're talking about major events that took place in Elric that, coincidentally, also happen in The Witcher.
Sapkowski also uses snow motherfucking white and the seven dwarves, if you want to go down that way.
Play a game with good gameplay?
If you can't make the difference between CD Project and Sapkowski then you need to buy yourself a brain asap.
>major events
one major event named "conjunction of the spheres" lmao
When is witcher 3 going on sale again REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Read the books nigga they good. Except tower of the swallow holy shit that was unbelievably boring
Because CD Project totally didn't base "The Witcher" off of Sapkowski's books entitled "The Witcher."
They're guilty by association. Just like the hack writer's name, you're a sap.
If you haven't read the books yet, then I suggest doing that before you kill yourself
>tfw read all the books and played all the games
>tfw you see nothing on the horizon that could suck you in for so many hours and get fully immersed in the game
razorfist pls
>What the fuck am I meant to do now?
Get the fuck off Sup Forums.
I fucking wish, but I don't care for the Thief games, the original Deus Ex, or 90% of the metal he likes.
Just play cp77, its right around the corner.
Didn't the dev crew mention they're just taking a break from the Witcher universe?
They're bound to comeback with something despite Geralt's ending, probably focus on a new protag and not be a direct sequel.
play some good games for a change
>didn't watch the movie/tv show
Not many can play through TW1. Its a snooze fest, gameplay feels awkward. I'd suggest trying it at least. Your order is fine.
The conjuction of the spheres is also an event in shanara chronicles. It's actually in a ton of fucking things as it's based on realworld lore and legends.
Play better games
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little witcher hate post and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click "post" that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a game. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic witcher hater NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "WITCHER IS SHIT WITCHER IS SHIT WITCHER IS SHIT." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
how do i beat it without falling asleep tough
>Witcher 3
It's not even an RPG, let alone the best one.
He's a goddamn idiot.
>le TW1 is boring meme
when will summer end?
play a different game, you fuck.
Go play fallout and dont forget to pre-order skyrim remastered!
With ease. I personally loved the game. The gameplay is clunky and the voice acting a little off (besides Geralt's) but the story itself is great.
>tfw old people are Elric knockoff
I'm so happy Todd posting is still alive
>mediocre AssCreed ripoff
Somehow still smarter than you by not posting here.
>Look mom, I posted it again
>Am I COOL now?
I am happy to, my dear fans. There is one thing that bugs me.
Why do you guys keep complaining about Fallout 4?
It's a great game!
3/10 for effort
>asscreed ripoff
I'll bite, explain why you ''think'' that.
he used to shill himself here all the time
>Nothing to do with real historical events
>Based off a book series started in the 80s
>Nothing to do with modern time either
>No parkour and stealth
Kill yourself.
Take up knitting, I dunno.
Do you realize how much time I spent working on Fallout 4?
Do you realize how many sleepless nights we spent to deliver you a superb gaming experience?
How do people actually dislike W1? After the pretty horrible prolog and tutorial, I was instantly hooked. The game is fantastically written and well made, each quest kept me engaged and the combat was fun. It also has more content than W2, which I liked less than 1 by a lot. W1 brought back memories of cherished bioware rpgs like Jade Empire and the Kotor games because of their shared engines.
Disliking W1 is a casual as fuck opinion.
You're not even trying
Go find a better game. It surely isn't difficult. :)
I tried playing TW1 before and didn't really like how it felt, do I really need to play it to get into TW2?
>After the pretty horrible prolog and tutorial, I was instantly hooked.
>cherished bioware rpgs
It's almost as if you have shit taste.
uhhhh zero?
>because of their shared engines.
no, TW1 used the Neverwinter nights 1 engine
heavily modified
>implying "lel play a better game xDDD" is trying
This, fuck shitter 3bitch hunt
Bioware is a detestable company now, but to say the Kotor series and Jade Empire are bad is pretty retarded.
>implying Bioware wasn't God-tier until they made Mass Effect
I'm going backwards down the line, from Witcher 3 through Witcher 2 and so fourth. I've had no problems keeping up. I'm also starting to read the books now.
The Witcher 3 sucks
Hello guys, Hideko Kojima here
I really think you should be more respectful about Fallout 4
I bought it along with expansion pass, and i absolutely loved it. Havent seen a single bug.
T. Hideko Kojima
For the love of Lebioda, don't subject yourself to that low budget turd.
But they are bad. Go back and play them, refresh your awful memory which is tainted by nostalgia.
This meme was never true, sorry /r/eddit. They were shit before mass effect, tolerable until mass effect 2, and went sharply downhill after. This is the objective reality. Don't let nostalgia get in the way of such. :)
But TW1 is the peak of the series.
It's almost like you are a massive fag.
>shitty combat 3
Oh? I thought all bioware games used a pretty similar engine, the Kotor engine is a modified version of the neverwinter one iirc, but I maybe wrong. Either way, the similar feel of the games felt extremely nostalgic to me and brought back memories of a time in gaming long dead.
>But they are bad. Go back and play them, refresh your awful memory which is tainted by nostalgia.
Not him. But they still hold up.
I only recently started to play some of their older games like KOTOR and they're pretty good. Even when pushing myself I can't even get past the first 3 hours of Mass Effect 1 or 2.
Play an actual game
You can immediately tell who's a bandwagoning retard by their inability to debate anything and only utilize very vague statements like "it's fantastically written".
This "game" is garbage
Kill yourself
No. You can pretty much get into any game you want.
It's actually reading the books that you really want to do. That is the stuff that makes you confused.
Though TW1 pretty much plays the nicest out of all of them I think. Since it was back when CDPR made PC games and not just console ports.
>should i kill myself?
No they don't. If you have a high tolerance level due to past experiences, you'll think they've aged just fine, but if you put yourself in a blank state of mind while playing them, they've aged horrendously. As with all other bioware games outside of mass effect, unfortunately.
You can immediately tell a bandwagoning retard by refusing to argue but instead attacking the individual. By fantastically written I meant each quest was well thought out and there wasnt much handholding or bullshit. For example the chapter two mystery quest or the rather consequential choices between shani/triss or the knights and scoiatel.
Maybe this sub needs ID's.
It's the same engine but modified as you said. Though it's counted as a "new engine" according to wikipedia.
I played through them for the first time like two/three years ago though.
Man I was on a major Bioware binge back then. Good times. Only games I couldn't really get into was Baldur's Gate.
I even loved Neverwinter Nights.
>start playing the game
>after about 20 hours, still can't get into it
>slowly start to enjoy some parts of the game
>get addicted to gwent
>parts of the story are engaging, other parts I just skip the dialogue the entire time
>get the HoS DLC, fall in love with it
>"Holy shit, now this is what I'm talking about"
>get the B&W DLC, a bit let down that the story/characters are generic shit again
>"Eh, at least it looks really good and the fairytale mission is great"
>finish the game 3 weeks ago, can't stop feeling empty inside, haven't played anything since
Jesus Christ, I haven't been this tsundere with a game in my entire life. I still don't know what the fuck to feel. If this game turned into a real person, I'd probably want to hatefuck it.
>Witcher Enhanced Edition
>Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition
>Witcher 3 ...
Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition fucking when? I've always waited.
why does this game draw out so many contrarians?
86 / 11 / 43 / 2
It draws couple contrarians who shitpost endlessly.
For some reason TW3 never clicked with me.
I think it's the Ubisoft style of open world that killed it for me. All that busy work with almost no returns.
>started playing TW3
>man, now I really want to play TW2
>download and install it instead
>start playing TW2
>man, now I really want to play TW1
>download and install it instead
>enjoy the ever loving fuck out of it
I still have my TW3 save left, and I sometimes think about continuing with it, but I feel like I've waited to long to jump back in, but also not waited long enough to replay stuff.
Didn't help that I couldn't get mods working either.
The objectively best ARPG in decades tends to do that to people. Joining the love for the game and acknowledging it's brilliance will make these dumbasses feel like sheep.
but user. it is best game of all times with userscores. what do you mean?
Play the Hearts of Stone DLC at least, that was my favorite part of the game. Only time I fully felt engaged with the story and characters.
I did
>TW 2&3
But like the other user said it doesn't matter that much. TW1 literally re-tells you a lot of important stuff from the books and TW2 has so little references to the books you're alright playing it without reading them. TW3 has a lot of book references so you can read the books if you want to get them but it's not necessary. Also the saga isn't as bad as people here say. Sure it's worse than the short stories but I enjoyed it and it has lesbian Ciri.
You can immediately tell who's a contrarian faggot by "quoting" something no one said in this thread.
>Ubisoft style of open world T. I have no fucking clue what im talking about or am just shitposting.
That would just feel hollow to me.
Man, if I wasn't already playing 4 damn open world games right now I would probably start it back up.
>relying on userscores
user pls.
>l4d higher than fallout 2/halflife 2/deus ex
Sapkowski ripped off the alternate universes that were prominent in Sailor on the Seas of Fate.
Even CDPR ripped it off seeing as how the Dark Ship is also a plot device in TW3.
And Aen Aelle elves are fucking Melniboneans if i ever saw.
Well. I meant the constant monster lairs and treasure hunts and stuff like that. Copy paste busywork that there's no real point in doing since the rewards are kinda shit but you do them anyway since they are on the way to your next objective.
The actual quests was really nice when they weren't just doing the same old Witcher Vision thing.
You don't 500 GOTY's without making a few enemies.