H-hay anyone wanna smahs
I got you bro
Do people still play on 3DS?
Yes but 3DS doesn't have tournaments.
I do, but only on the go and with others
Sorry about the items
I thought they would be off If i didnt even mess with the item switch option
I can make another tourney if you want
I like items so it's fine by me.
yay me too
Why do I fuck up u-b's so much
Zelda's Up B is good
I am just not feeling myself today
Damn, I was starting to feel like myself for a while there
Your Mewtwo was doing good
Are you 8?
nigga I aint no 8
I see you post this often but your format is shit. Like what smash are you even playing? What is that id for? Please be more clear.
Smash 4
The tourney
Didn't know Sup Forums played other smashes with each other
Im gonna make a tourney without items, as it seems to draw people away
Mfw 3ds
I can play with you
yeah let's play 3DS
The new id is 506-033-578-380-52
same password as always
Internet is kind of shit though atm
WiFi is kind of shit atm though
are these friend codes or what
well then
Who's gonna host?
I already am so me I guess
You fucked up
I swear I turned that off but whatever
Sent ;)
Sorry bout smash ball forgot I had it on
fine by me
Reminder that Smash is not a serious fighting game so play casual and have fun
What's with this shit formatting who the hell made this?
Also posting not playing today so here is a bump and a (you)
Tell that to 90% of the people that even go here
DAT ship laser
Fucking counter
Also ew why would you pick Male Corrin
He looks like an asshole and sound like a coward
is it early for smash 4 tournies or has interest died off?
Most likely its just too early for most
Too early we had 30 yesterday due to the return of the attentionfags
I think the Sm4sh Sup Forumseekend it's suppose to be up in 3 minutes
I wasted that one
But I wanted to be the loner
I see...
Kill me.exe
So are we all hanging out here instead?
If you want a new a new thread you can make one
I didnt really make this for the Sup Forumskend anyway, I just wanted a good time
Poor Mic
go ahead and make a Sup Forumskend thread so everyone can find it
normal thread maker won't be today
I think there should be a new thread, or else people will get angry.
Hol up Liam, My bro wants some 1v1s before he goes to work
Make one.
They keep these weekends alive unlike you, literally who shitter.
What's current tourney?
Make a new tourney instead of these 3-4 shit tourneys going at once.
Well, I did it as you told me But there seems to be another