>you kill a wild animal
>it drops a sword bigger than itself
You kill a wild animal
Other urls found in this thread:
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
So yeah, it's another OP is a faggot thread
Kill them all
Execute them
>posters 3
Did you forget to change your IP barneyfag? lmao
I hate them
I really want them all killed
This Barneyfag thing has really gone off the deep end. I don't see how OP's post pertains to it at all.
I feel sorry for the mother that had to give birth to you.
She didn't deserve the pain you caused her.
They really should die
Wow, how did I know you made this thread?
It's part of some injoke which involved a bunch of people drawing art of Rarity fighting a giant crab.
Oh, she's fine, don't worry.
Otherwise, all these degenerates should die
Nobody cares about this thread dipshit
Well, they really should die
Seems like you post the most obscure low key referential shit just to complain about it being pony related.
I don't even know how the fuck this crab even relates to it but I guess it must be connected somehow if you're doing your tired ass barney shtick using it as the op picture.
She's hiding it you know.
For some detective you're shit at figuring out people.
So anyways, removing GR15.
Could it happen? If it did happen, I feel like Barneyfag would be the turning point that would be needed to make the decision on account of how much of a faggot he is.
What about you, you pretentious waste of space? How would it feel knowing your hissyfits would be null and void the minute the mods made that happened? Traumatized, hopefully.
And I hate their guts.
>Seems like you post the most obscure low key referential shit
>I don't even know how the fuck this crab even relates to it
Refer to
I'd just leave entirely knowing that it would be then I'd know for sure the site would be better off without me.
As I see it, you're all tsundere for my existence.
>As I see it, you're all tsundere for my existence.
Why would I like cancer?
Heh, you keep bragging people have no proof of you doing this but who else would be this fanatical in posting the same thing over and over, changing proxies and probably dodging 50+ (and counting!) bans for this very thing.
So enjoy your pointless self-manufactured crusade I guess?
So then it would seem that we'd need to actually remove GR15 to get rid of him then. I'm alright with that, in all honesty.
And no. Tsundere implies I have feelings for you and express them through pushing you away when in reality, if I ever met you and confirmed who you were, I'd take the nearest heavy, blunt/sharp object and crack you across the head with it. I can promise you that, my friend. Don't you worry.
>kill a wild animal
>drops a gun
Whats going on here?
based lori
I might enjoy dickgirl porn in private but that doesn't mean I should walk around advertising that fact to the general public and expect that everyone accept me for who I am
I think these fuckers just don't have a functioning shame department in their brains. Feelings like fear and shame are fucking there for a reason, they keep you alive. In shame's case, it keeps you from getting fucking kicked out of the herd for being a goddamn weirdo.
>understanding an autist who shitposts
Can you sperglord? If user brings a picture of MLP will you not have a breakdown you triggered fuck?
Oh, I will. I just need an address, which you won't give me or ultimately lie about because you're too much of a cuck to face anyone.
I'd beat you to near death until the police arrived where I'd then take my jail time like a man knowing I scarred you for life with injuries that you may recover from. Big talk, I know but still it'd all be worth it if it ever happened. I genuinely wish harm upon you.
But we certainly know how autistic you are.
I meant to say "may never recover from" there. I apologize.
I hope there was no confusion.
>Canadian manlet starting fights over the Internet
user he wouldn't be worth risk.
Mental harm would be fine.
calm down a-log.
did somebody say crab thread?
This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about.
It's only because their shit isn't allowed outside of containment.
Whoa, whoa, take it easy, I'm not Anthony Burch.
>kill Skellington
>drops 60,586 Gold into a massive pile on the ground
>pick up every single coin in half a second
Pssh. As if he has feelings I can hurt. I'm almost positive this guy's life has been nothing but a living hell to the point where it just doesn't phase him anymore. I could say whatever the hell I want to him and he'd just sit there, blank-faced like the virgin he is. Not that I didn't mean what I said, but still. He's a no-life with nothing to live for. Who gives a shit?
And this is still OP"s picture
Not as autistic as these degenerates who shit up the site
I can really tell you googled "Barney" and "My Little Pony" and didn't put any brainpower into reading the context of any of the posts you screencapped.
Same with your hatred cuck. Keep it in it ain't 2013 anymore.
They're still not allowed outside of containment.
Fucking kill them all.
What a fucking surprise. Looked for a keyword and went off that. So how about that address? Or did you just miss that because you can't read?
There's probably a few people in your area I could get a hold of that could make a quick buck.
I literally want them all killed.
I literally want you killed
All the fun lies in the mystery, user.
I thought that crab was holding a Microphone
And you're not allowed to shitpost. Same thing.
Better not cut yourself on that edge m8.
You want to look like the superior being, right?
>nu male manlet is a coward.
Barneyfags don't necessarily make the best artwork.
The only edgy one here is you.
How about a hint, then, shithead? Unless even that's too much for you.
Well, you get the idea. Same shit.
Not really, I'm just telling them to get back in their containment board or leave. They deserve it.
I don't understand why mods don't publicly execute you like they use to.
It'd be worth it to have a few laughs.
See That's pretty fucking edgy m8
Well, at this point they as a whole have caused more damage than I ever could.
Then they'd admit to siding with the degenerates they sent off to containment, and they don't want others to look at them like that.
Toronto if i remember correctly.
He's a university student.
you are one pathetic delusional piece of shit
Trust me, I've been there and back, and it ain't pretty.
I would fucking applaud them, whoever they'd be siding with in the process doesn't concern me as long as you're publicly humiliated.
Not as delusional as the faggots who leak out of containment to shit up other boards.
>bonk mushroom
>japanese currency from the meiji era falls out
Like you?
Hey. Leave Sup Forums alone!
Nope, just you. no one wants you here, or anywhere for that matter. fucking end yourself
I just want to know what you think you're proving when your posts are all screenshots of other people expressing their opinion, rather than any sort of facts or actual arguments.
I actually agree with your sentiment but you must be completely brain damaged if you think this is how an argument works. Someone agreeing with you is not proof that you are right. If it was, I'd be terrified of black people and flee the country because the government would all be lizard people.
You truly are a disgusting human being.
please explain to a unenlightened summerposter how this is at all related to barney or hating mlp
No, that's not me.
Trust me, there are other degenerates out there.
>no one wants you here, or anywhere for that matter.
Oh, you'd be surprised
If that's what it takes to see you lynched, then so be it.
It's part of some injoke which involved a bunch of people drawing art of Rarity fighting a giant crab.
>kill a random creature
>it drops a BoE epic
The only people that want you here are the people that ironically want you here or are just you samefagging.
to recognize something like that wouldn't you have to be a brony?
or at least spend a lot of time on brony websites
if barney and friends immediately recognized it and started shitting on it, despite it not having the pony in the picture, does that not prove that he's the brony?
or is that the joke and I'm retarded?
I genuinely have no idea what's going on
You really don't know what you're doing.
You'll get nowhere trying to understand pure autism, just report and ignore him for rule breaking
he actually got 3 (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)s on one post not too long ago, on [s4s] of all boards
>to recognize something like that wouldn't you have to be a brony?
Well, they're always trying to find new ways to shill so I have to take extreme measures to call them out. It's called "knowing your enemy".
I really hate these degenerates' guts.
Haven't seen you around lately bfag, been busy have you, ^:)
>knowing your enemy
This is not your personal warzone, you shitter. There's literately nothing wrong with 100% obscure images that don't even relate to the show.
>Defeat a cloud of flies with a sword
>drops full platemail
was it diablo that started this or was another game first?
Dumb piece of shit
I'll bet there were some older games that did this, like those text adventures or some shit
Cock-loving faggot.
>gets btfo
>resorts to namecalling
this guy doesn't have a leg to stand on
Barneyfig be my GF
Well, that's really what they are.
They have to educate themselves on this shit to see who's degenerate.
The only degenerate in this thread is you. Its always just you.
If GR 15 was repealed, and everybody out knew started enjoying mlp without telling you, what would you do?
They deserve death.