Really makes you think

Really makes you think

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bump my shitpost

But it's just a theory

Kuki is japanese you fucking mong


Fuck Overwatch

>I need to find new ways to spam Sup Forums with threads about my shitty fotm
why don't you people just stay in /vg/? is the thread moving too fast? are your shitposting ignored there?

But Number 3 showed no interest in video games.

Numbuh 3 was Japanese, D. Va is Korean.




Nah, she's numbah 1.

I thought that this would be one of the same voice actor things, but it doesn't even have that.

How is dvas mech a bunny in anyway?

Also her real name is Hana

>tfw would totally watch a cheesy movie

Why was it cancelled?


>implying those are different things

Really makes you use your head

That doesn't make sense because DVa isn't slant eyed like Kuuki is.

Because it was shit

Here's how your average episode joke went

Person says stupid thing
Kid goes "yeaahhh" or "riiiiggght"


I liked the first episodes, maybe i had shit taste

I remember some of it getting pretty weird/dark and there was a lot of shit they wanted to do with the series they just didn't have time and money for.

Honestly, it grew on me, but it probably wouldn't hold up today.

It got six seasons and two movies with the last episode and movie coinciding for an ending. Ending had some sequel bait to it but it was still a good enough ending point. Also fuck off it was great.

actually it was a complete definitive ending, I know they tried to make GKND happen but the movie had the characters as old folks, clearly intended to end there.

the spic dub was goat

>Hero of my Storm
>Heroes of the Storm reference
>You play as Heroes
>But there is no actual storm


Chinese or Japanese?

Aren't most nips descended from Korean settlers?

>I know they tried to make GKND happen but the movie had the characters as old folks, clearly intended to end there.
It was never an attempt. It was a ruse.

>Watch the episode of KND where Number 3 goes to Japan while the twins chase her
>"Holy shit, this is way more racist than I remember"

I think it's been a lot longer than a month user

ow is set 80 years into the future

look to OP when you want to see how retarded overfags are

So what was everyone's job again? All I remember was that 1 was the leader and 2 was the pilot. Also, why were they given the lowest numbers possible despite the knd starting with 1's dad?

go*ks are subhuman

arr rook same

One's dad is number Zero, despite this he didn't start the KND. The book exosted because there were earlier generations that wrote it, Nigel's narration at the beginning of the movie mentions he started some number of generation, implying several generations preceded him before grandfather recked them.

Oh ok, I remember bits and pieces of the movie. I do know that his dad was 0 and that delightful kids from down the lane used to be members as well.