No Man's Sky dev tweets about day 1 update

Is this the most pathetic attempt at damage control we've ever seen from a game developer?

you know, I think this is a shit game. but it's fucking hilarious how you guys can't understand why a guy would be upset something he worked on is getting shit on.

what has Sup Forums created besides tension is your parents marriage?

>reply starts on topic
>ends completely off topic to try and derail the thread
No excuse for this game being complete shit.
End of story.

Well if the game ships then that's the finished product, he should blame himself for that

A new transducer for linear actuators used in aerospace.

But don't let my shit posting fool you famalam. Noone gives a fuck about how he feels about being exposed for pushing out a game that REQUIRES a day one patch.

If I did that shit in my industry people would literally die, not only that but you niggers don't even think about the hard work of the literally thousands of people in every industry when you fly or use your faggoty devices that take advantage of GPS satellites to play pokemon. This faggot is upset people aren't sucking his dick enough over a video game.

Day-one patches are cancer, they've always been cancer. The fact that their Tranny posted on twitter about crying in the bathroom about how stressful their job is shows how fucking far from reality these people are.

If you can't handle people shitting on your work then you really shouldn't release your stuff publicly. And if the game really does suck it would have been torn apart anyway.

What if he's right?
I mean couldn't you at least gave them a chance?
I'm not particulary hyped about the game - the opposite actually, but nobody can actual know what the game will look like after tjahat patch. What is so wrong about a day one patch anyway?
You people really are cynical

It's better than nothing.

remember when destiny's devs said that reviews were unfair because the early game wasn't representative of the final version?

and remember when destiny was one of the worst games ever made despite which version you played?

remember that?

>What is so wrong about a day one patch anyway?
It's the type of behaviour that leads to no QA and games riddled with bugs. Oh, your game's completely broken? No worries, we can always "fix it later". Yeah, nah, this shit should have been done a long time ago.

Do you really think the day 1 patch is going to change the entire fucking game?


>Release game
>Release is criticized
>Y-y-you're not s-s-supposed to be playing t-t-t-that version!
>Reviews HAVE to wait and download our patch
>w-w-w-w-we're not a-a-a-afraid people will d-d-d-drop our game!


holy shit, these people

I'm not at all interested on this shitty game or these indie tier devs but I do enjoy watching shills and contrarians shitpost each other, so I will bump for the sake of lurking.

Wait, the game's out already? And it sucks? That's funny as fuck.

I'm glad. Those guys looked like white guilt, cuck faggots. I'm ecstatic the game tanked.

Or did it? Someone wanna give me a tl;dr on the latest news?

I actually believe it's more the fault of pressure from the editor than from the devs themselves but you're right
No quite frankly I still think the game won't be anything to be crying about but I can understand what he means by optimal experience

I'm confused by the reactions to this.
I checked the game's wiki a few weeks ago I I saw something resembling an August 12th release date or 3+ days after PS4 launch.

>Send game out for pressing
>Instead of sitting on your ass you keep working on it since you know you'll have time between disc creation and release

I mean they talked about working on their update right after sending out their gold copy for pressing. This update obviously has been a planned thing

The update might not change anything major, but if it does than any reviews that came from someone that used the unpatched version are gonna be fucking useless for consumers (since they're all getting the patched version)

honestly none of the criticism I've heard was around the optimization

>what has Sup Forums created besides tension is your parents marriage?
>y-you can't make anything better, so it's ok to eat shit and buy a game for $60 from a company who literally has only done mobile games before

Why are you such an apologist? I bet you fucking preordered it. Can't wait for all the posts in five months on reddit from sycophants like you complaining about the game, the cycle never ends with you casuals, does it?


>Release game

But it's not actually released yet

What a shilllllllllllllllllllllllllll

it's star citizen light

God these indie devs are gigantic vaginas

>mfw refund just went through

>post a celebration picture about the game going gold
>have to warn everyone that the game at launch isn't what is supposed to be experienced

Once it's on a disc it's the release version of the game, 1.0 if you will. The copy that reaches shelves is the release copy.

Are you fucking serious? This is Sup Forums, not facebook.

Give me a synopsis, you little fairy.

>p-please don't tell everyone how shit our game is! PLEASE

>But it's not actually released yet

The game was pressed and shipped.

In every other industry you'd see a recall, because it's vidya gaems it's a patch.

So they pressed a version of their game with game breaking bugs. Which means the game wasn't finished when it went for retail sale, and review.

desu I saw a lot of rant about how much pop-in the game had and just looking at the leaked videos one can obviously see the ugly textures and technical fuckups

But desu I always thought those devs weren't actually thinking that large about the game - to me they're more a victim of Sony's extraordinary marketing operation to pretend they had a big game coming out in Summer 2016 than anything else

>have to warn everyone that the game at launch isn't what is supposed to be experienced

The game at launch will be what's supposed to be experienced. The game hasn't launched yet


I don't know why anyone would get a game that's likely to be very CPU dependent on such a piece of shit as the PS4

I wonder if that patch will enable high-res textures

shitty textures != optimization. There's no way in hell they have a day one patch that replaces all the textures

ok just tell me what the fuck is wrong with simple abbreviations

Up until this morning on Steam, its been Aug 9

>Game that isn't out yet is found to need a patch
>The patch will be applied for all when they receive the game to remove bugs
>This is someone considered a bad thing
How are day one patches bad? They fucking fix shit so that we don't deal with worse shit at launch. I hate you cunts who will shit at a game for any feature. Before you say I'm delusional/a fanboy I'm not even buying this game. I'm just not retarded.

>In every other industry you'd see a recall, because it's vidya gaems it's a patch.

Welcome to /currentyear/

Should they have sat on their ass doing nothing after sending the game out for pressing? If they knew they'd have a month to work on the game after sending it out they probably knew what they could keep working on before the official release date

hang about. i'm not interested in this game at all, and never have been. (it always looked like a big, empty, world. procedural generation sounds awful to me. it's basically an excuse for not actually designing anything.)

but why are people refunding? because the game was delayed a few days? what exactly is everyone's beef? are there some massive, unforeseen issues? what are they? it's just another few days. am i missing something?

what's all the hubbub about? pic unrelated.

You serious or fucking around?
How is talking reason being a shill?
Just because it supports the devs pov because this action is reasonable doesn't mean he's a shill. It means you're an idiot who attacks his character instead of the argument because you have nothing to fight for.

the game looks like a 2nd tier game from 2007

Didn't even think to check that as I'm pirating.

>what has Sup Forums created besides tension is your parents marriage?
This must have sounded so much more clever in your head.

I design the structure of buildings. I don't give a shit if you don't like them they are solid and will fulfill their job set by law or I will go to jail.

I agree with you though, this guy is clearly doing damage control because people are shitting on his game and basically saying "day 1 update will save the game!"

because what has been shown of the game is utter trash. devs are already scrambling to put out a "content" patch.

This is the real problem. If it wasn't hyped, and being sold at $60, Sup Forums would buy the fuck out of this shit. Also it's worth mentioning the devs did enough of their own hyping without Sony, saying shit like it'll take Quintilian years to explore everything, even though you can literally say that about anything that is randomly generated.

Fuck nu male's sky though, hopefully it fucking burns so that other devs take a hint.

>Day one patch
>Increased performance in up to 2%*
>Now we already got the bulk of sales thanks to hype, feel free to review us and give us a 4/10.
>* 2% margin of error.

>our game without our update
>leaked copy (of a retail release)

He's saying that the game on launch is out of date.

>Sup Forums
you need to go back

to put it short: it's a shit game
shorter version: it's shit

>fix it later
But it isn't later? It's a day one patch? As in it will be applied when we get the game? You serious?
You people have clearly not worked on games. Sometimes bugs and various problems are found later. Especially of a game this "large." It'll obviously be hard to find bugs in such a large world. I'm not even buying this game. Quit being an idiot who shits on a game for shit reasons. It's okay if you don't like a part of the game but at least give a proper reason.


It's been known they've been working on an update for like a month dude

If he's upset, he should have sent out review copies.

And to answer your question, the Xbox one update that just launched.

knowingly putting out trash and then trying to "fix" it after the fact.. even worse tbqh

damn there is so much damage control they tried to remove it from pornhub

As one who doesn't know shit about this game it looks like destiny but with even less (yes it's possible) content. Go planet to planet.. no real story.. supposed content will be driven by grinding.. sound familiar? It's destiny with less gun play and rng beasts running around. This game is being toted like a triple a but has all the elements of something very indie. Don't buy it guys.

But everyone's getting the update at launch...

How is that a negative if they've planned for it to be fixed at release?

Are you people actually shitting on devs for releasing a bug fix before the game comes out, simply because it wasn't on the original disk? Even though the game hasn't released yet and they state it will be fixed when the game actually releases? What?

the fact that they claimed the game was done but it clearly wasn't, to the point that they've now had to delay it's release on PC, doesn't look good for them

And you should be killed as well

Did they even bug test this game? Pathetic and quite expected of nu male devs.

>Package and ship new potato chip snack to stores for sale
>Someone discovers the chips taste like human fecal matter

Go away shill, preferably forever with a bullet in your skull.

Doesn't mean people can't criticize it.
The food analogies make themselves.

>food analogy


>its a food analogy

Honestly, you seem to just be trying to find a way to shit on the game even further.
It's quite cute, and also childish.
I don't want the game because it looks like a heaping pile of nothing.
Even with that, I have 0 problems with devs adding additional content, fixes or patches before OR after release. Especially if it's bug fixes before launch. You're retarded.

>another E X P E R I E N C E game
I'm fucking tired of this shit.

Okay seriously, who actually thought this game was going to succeed?

it seems highly unlikely any patch will fix the core issues with the game

>It's a food analogy



>food analogy
Stay retarded Sup Forums

>how you guys can't understand why a guy would be upset something he worked on is getting shit on.
He has already made millions from this game. I have no sympathy for him if a few people "hurt his feelings."

They must be so fucking stressed out after working all this time, at least they'll get to make a shit load of money. I'd never work in the video game industry.

then maybe they shouldn't have asked for a AAA price

>fucking food analogy.
Are you seriously going to try and counter me by comparing video games to fucking food?
Why are you even replying if you're going to do that shit? You may as well just state "I'm a huge fucking retard who can't create proper analogies." Christ I fucking hate Sup Forums why do I come here.

Evolve says hi

>you live in days where game developers make patch for release day of game
>they don't check the game first, fix all the problems and then release it

>i-it's only 15 people charging $60 price it's not like they can afford to bug test guys!!!

>its a food analogy
Fucking pottery with you fags

>at least they'll get to make a shit load of money
wrong. the way publishing deals work is the studio is loaned money by the publisher. until the game sells X amount the studio doesn't see a dime. If the game flops they could very well go bankrupt because they'll still owe sony money

>Implying you know how good the game is, like the "shit tasting chips"
>Implying they would make other people do things by "applying a packet"
>Implying that this analogy in any way makes sense.
You must be 13.

>only 15 people made this
So why is it retail price? Braid wasn't retail price.

This is a fucking stupid argument.

You could take any product, and claim that a million years later, after it came to market and died, that NOW it's "finished" and the "way it's meant to be released."

The reality is that the product was shipped with defects, the fact you had to fix it AFTER release WHILE telling reviewers they shouldn't play your released game shows how you don't give a single fuck unless your bottom line (wallet) is being hit.

>leaked copy of Tetris
>only S pieces drop
>I-It's not what players will experience. It doesn't have our update.

>It's a food analogy

spotted the samefag

Never thought I'd see the day Sup Forums takes the side of the big companies and shits on the little guy trying to make the best game they can

I'm amazed with how clueless Sup Forums are about the video game industry, when you guys seem to act like you know fucking everything. Games have to be printed to disc and ship weeks before release. That leaves them with weeks of either working on the first day one patch, or they fiddle their thumbs doing nothing. Which would you prefer?
Leave it to Sup Forums to spin patches as a bad thing.

One guy.
What's your point?

>Releasing a patch to fix bugs for release is now considered trying to fix an "unfinished game"
You do realize a game is considered "done" all the time, yet bugs are found and fixed for release for almost every fucking video game you buy, right?
You aren't this retarded, right?


did you somehow miss the fact that the game is so unplayable on PC they aren't going to hit their original launch date?

Back in my days I didn't need the fucking internet for a game in my disc to work properly. The moments servers are down for PSN/XB1 those discs are basically worthless.

>big company makes game
>leaked copy is shit
>hahahaha fucking greedy AAAfags you deserve this hahaha burn in hell serves you right for wanting money and not testing your shit

>indie devs make game
>leaked copy is shit
>stop picking on them they're innocent they had to meet deadlines

No, fuck off. It's not okay when either does it.

no update could possibly change the overall experience of the game to the extent that it could radically change people's minds.

>no graphics
>gameplay is repetitive gamey bullshit
>no visual design, no experience
>tiny game world
>jap bullshit that doesn't belong in games
No Man's Sky shits all over this game, are you kidding me?

You mean a game so large that they needed to create "bug finding probes"?
If you didn't expect bugs, you need to kill yourself, as you are too fucking stupid to live here.
Every game has bugs. Expecting a game of such a large caliber to not have bugs, or to insult the devs as "pathetic" because they couldn't properly "bug test" is idiotic. Once again, you've clearly never worked on a game in your life.

And the long answer: it's shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit