Screenshot thread.


I want to explore that cave.



game just got bypassed, having a great time



I want to explore her butthole.




nice horry hit






Are you running that game on a fucking potato?



no, using an oudtated texture mod that I didn't update




Well, it's a good thing you're not posting that screenshot anywhere; especially not in a screenshot thread. Otherwise, you'd look like a fucking asshole.

>start game
>see this
>holy shit Tomb Raider is fucking back!
>an hour later I'm back to rambo-ing my way through goons

I mean, I like the reboot, but goddamn did my hopes get crushed fast

He wants to make love to the mountain.

i forgot to check the save uncompressed option and they came out like this ;_;

You motherfucker




The most beautiful jungle exploration game currently out there imo. Seriously the second half of the game is like exploring a massive pirate island jungle and its soothing and calming and beautiful and immersive.


worst CastleKino ever

Get a fucking grip on yourself.
Imagine being one of the people who actually paid money for it, and expected a Tomb Raider game. Not a third person shooter with incredibly vague connections to the Tomb Raider franchise.


dont have ps4 :/ decided to build high end pc instead, ill get one eventually for uncharted and maybe bloodborne

oh, here you go then

Guess you won't be getting that raise tonight, Crystal shill.



kek moral buycuck

Oh, so that's what the console version looks like.


I want to fill her moist damp cavern with creamy love goo from my dick, if you know what I mean


Rise of the tomb raider was too much action and too little tomb raiding for my taste




So then it's exactly like the first reboot game?


I need help.



Can you set specific directories per game on Steam, or do you just move them after the fact?

Seriously if the game had better than FXAA and I didn't have to override it it would look truly outstanding. Hopefully Dishonored 2 has MSAA or better

Yes I bought it and yes I'm contemplating killing myself for making such a stupid decision. If I'd know what the game would have been like I for damn sure would have pirated it instead of wasting money on it. Also Lara looks like a complete fucking moron in that picture. How fitting for the game.
Kek extreme irony.



more or less sadly



its ok user :)


No. At least that game had a decent story that wasn't a complete ripoff of Indiana Jones and staler then my grandmother's farts, decent characters, and decent gameplay. Normally I only care about gameplay and atmosphere, but if a game is going to try and go for the Cinematic Experience I'm going to hold it to those sort of standards.

fucking nice

Force SGSSAA through Nvidia Inspector. It looks glorious with 8xSGSSAA.




>Hey lets bring back a character from the last game
>Hurr I know lets bring back the one character no one really cared about or even remembered
>Oh yeah while we're at it let's change his ethnicity from Hawain or Hispanic to make him black
Everything they could have did wrong with the game, they did. Of course the one thing they made sure to look good was the graphics, because they got to make sure they get those modern gamers interested in the game. You strip away all that eye candy the game has and you're left with a game that no one would like.


The Division just looks so good. It's a shame it wasn't that great.

>Red on his face means he's evil



i legit forgot who the fuck he was then i heard his dumb voice


wrong person

I wouldn't mind taking some screenshots on consoles but the device I bought a few years ago was pretty crappy.

Anyone know of anything I could use for the PS3 / Xbox 360?





>PS360 screenshots
Why would you inflict this upon us?

planetside 2 I think



thanks user


>light clearly not shining on the mirror
>still reflects sunlight into the camera



>hitler didn't speak english
>still says GTFO in the picture


>he didn't die by the end of the game
Every time I found one of his audio logs I momentarily got really excited because I thought it was going to show him dying.
