How was your day, Sup Forums?
How was your day, Sup Forums?
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get in here
Pretty good just came home from work and about to finish up my anki reps and gonna spend the rest of the night on grammar. I havent played vidya in 4 days and learning Nip is actually relaxing.
hollow, empty. just like every day
>Hillary is a good president because she knows what shes talking about
>Hillary is needed because shes a politician and that must mean she knows what shes doing
>anyone right leaning is a neckbeard and isolates themselves from society
All in threads today
Why is Sup Forums so motherfucking leftist nowadays. We're actually Tumblr levels of insufferable Clinton supporters
not vidya
Alright I guess I got off a work and am celebrating a friends birthday at a hipster ass bar
Cool strawman, I'm sure someone will bite. We have a board for this shit, you attention-deprived fuckstain.
hold up when did these start happening at not 4 am
I'm still regretting leaving my comfy carpentry apprenticeship because I'm a self-deprecating piece of shit. I'm pretty sure the owner of the place still hates me.
I guess McDonalds isn't all that bad. It is.
Thats actually what people said
Also this board is off-topic as well if you want to play that card
I actually really liked the Stu meme, it never got out of hand and died naturally.
Moving hurts, my body was not ready for exercise after those 8 months of doing nothing, vidya wise it's kind of boring, not looking towards anything other than PoE's new league and No Man's Sky's drama, Phantom Brave is pretty damn good so far and I really hope VA-11 Hall-A goes on sale before I spend all of my money on useless shit.
It was good.
I bought a CRT tv to play my retro stuff on, it looks good.
>rewatch Rugrats as an adult
>show was nothing but heavy-sale Jewish propaganda all the way through
>all of that went over kid me
>Sup Forums is leftist
lol no
They're all paid shills, I have yet to see an actual supporter of her outside leftist news comment sections
the same shit has been happening in gun threads as well
Been replaying Deus Ex HR, but I'd forgotten that the game gets pretty boring near the middle
Might watch the olympics for the next couple days
Reading up on some sci fi, might start writing for a game I wanna make
I'm sad because my cat died and I want to play vidya to get my mind off it but at the same time I don't want to play vidya because I'm too down in the dumps so I turn on my PC to talk to friends but the PSU is dead so now Sup Forums is my only outlet.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Also, enjoy this (You) you wanted so goddamn badly
Been doing good
Ive been wanting to dump a comic for the last two days but Ive not the drive to actually make an LOL thread for it
I am genuinely voting for Hill and I am not being paid to do so though, actual shills, please offer me money, ask me anything
>half day friday at my wage cuck job
>get home and take a nap in my hammock
>fap for a bit
>order a pizza
>play some games on VR
>didn't go to a party because I'm afraid of leaving my apartment
>watching TV and trying to decide if I'm going to stay up late or go to bed early.
Why do you want the country to die
Here is the entire thread fuckboy
go to the end of it