When you could be a badass orc warrior clad in spiked armor while brandishing an axe bigger than him...

When you could be a badass orc warrior clad in spiked armor while brandishing an axe bigger than him, what sicko would play a gnome?

This is a retarded meme stop forcing it you sperg.

gnomes are small and cute


someone that doesn't overcompensate by playing a giant nigger on steroids with a hunchback

But pink-haired pigtail gnomes are so funny!! XD

You are black aren't you?

I don't want to play as a gnome

But I do want to fuck one

I want to impregnate a Gnome

would a Gnome/Human baby just be a Dwarf?


There's probably such a size difference that it'd not be possible.

Or at least, it'd be smaller like the gnome if the female is a gnome, or more like a human if the female is a human.

Now I want to see a Gnome/Dwarf baby so badly.

Problem is it'd be too small for me to even fucking see it.

t. wizzle fizzlebang mcgee jenkins the half-pint warlock tinker

I don't think you're thinking the right way here.

it is more badass to slay giants all day, than to just stomp on things smaler than you

>Dwarfs are small
>Halflings are small
>Dwarflings are small^2

The logic checks out.

I can't fault that

Gnomes are funny. I have more fun being a goofy character than just another generic fantasy character.

I don't need to overcompensate on an MMO where i'm supposed to have fun.

Because gnomes are sweet and cute.

And that gnome is adorable.

What's smaller, 1 or small?

cool niggas

it's gonna catch on, at this point if the retarded quiet meme caught on why won't this?

stitches is one of the best things that came out of wow

Only randumb niggers player gnomes

Every single one of them, I knew one guy on Nost that was cool, but he was also the best fucking warlock on the server


Orcs are the niggers of fantasy settings

>Gnome Necromancer.
Literally god-tier choice, mate.

>you will never be a tauren with a cute gnome girlfriend.

I dunno I don't play alliance anyway. Seems like all the shitters on horde play taurens and male belfs.

Tauren players are weird in that they are either really good at the game and total bros, or complete retards who have no idea what they're doing. There is absolutely no in between.
Same thing with Male Draenei.

The new animations look absolutely great on Gnome warriors and I am happy to have her as my main in Legion.

Also, I have no idea why anyone would want to play green nigger or undead edgemasters unless they are underage or insecure about themself.


fuck. i miss my moocows

female gnomes have the most annoying voices out of every race
I was doing timewalking and our tank was a female gnome dk, and I fucking hated every second of it

the only thing that is stopping me to play horde is their fucking architechture, GOD FUCKING WOOD AND STONES ewwwwwwwwwwwwww faggets

How, when they will never be slaves?

Orc plz go.
