ITT: Characters absolutely no one likes

ITT: Characters absolutely no one likes.

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plenty of people like quiet because looking at her makes their penis erect

This thread's fucked.

Learned to change the picture huh?







But I did like her, she ended up being the only reason I completed MGSV just so I could see how her story and relationship with Venom panned out which says all kinds of shit about MGSV.


There was no relationship.

There was, it wasn't very expressive due to Kojima's need to turn Venom into a mime, but it was there despite OP's need to spam his meme daily.

Quiet was literally there so Snake could get someone to like/love him so he could reject her.

Let me literally end all of humanity as we know it and doom the entire world in order to save this one angsty teen who thinks I'm a creep and doesn't even like me. Derrrr...

mr jefferson did nothing wrong

10/10 literally the height of vidya can't wait for the inevetable re-remaster for PS4 Neo.

>let me just not listen to those audio logs that explicitly state that procedures like these have already been done and have yielded no results

fuck outta here


Alright I'll repeat it. Just because you force the Quiet meme daily, it doesn't make it true.

I just played it for the tits and ass

the rest of the game was shit

I remember at the very end the main antagonist drops her weapon in front of him and asks him to let her live, and that he can leave with ellie if he really wants to as long as he spares her life.

And than he is all like "Fuck you bitch" And shoots her point blank anyway. And then leaves the hospital walking past the innocent unarmed scientists he killed as well as the man who he shot the testicles off of and left to die.

wtf dude he's a psychopath
he killed chloe

>being this wrong about everything

Can't blame ya user, it's not like MGSV had anything else to really care about.

>Solid eye on front
>Regular Eye patch on back
>Tail strap just like Venom

The fuck is with the design of this thing? why are its boobs hanging out? Surely it doesn't breathe through its skin like Quiet.

Fucking MGSV with its shit character designs.

>couldn't have one those girls as a soldier you can play as

fuck isn't there a mod for that yet


It's not a meme that Punished Snake rejects her, he was too good for her and he knows it.

You're the real straw grasping memester.

>39 minutes ago
>no big boss hated quiet and made her sudoku pasta
Come on man.

Glad I killed her down-syndrome ass the first chance I got, she looked annoying as fuck

Because no one cares enough to make it user.

You need to take a break from Sup Forums, memes are warping your judgement.

You guys are just jealous of my sweet helicopter jump footage.

People's posts I see, I see it and I'm not dumb, Snake never liked her. He never cared about her. There was a one sided relationship that she loves him.

Quiet is Quiet, she is not a Snake. Punished Snake is Big Boss, same as Naked Snake.


>Quiet is Quiet, she is not a Snake. Punished Snake is Big Boss, same as Naked Snake.

Straight up off the deep end. What has any of that shit got to do with their mutual attraction? it's all solidified in the rain scene and further shown when she near kills herself for that kids trinket.

Fuck no wonder Kojima made Venom into a mime, anything he might have said would have gone straight over your heads.

I unironically liked Quiet.

And I unironically really like Sera, who I'm surprised hasn't bee mentioned yet.

How can anyone possibly hate her?

Venom Snake wasn't attracted to her. He only likes blondes, just like Naked Snake, and spies, which Quiet is loyal to him, so he doesn't like her.

Quiet was flirting with him but he never cared about her feelings or her well-being. He only cares about himself.

If you like this whore unironically you're probably lying.



though it's not denial if you're memeing because you know it's true.

why hate kenny when you could hate duck

t.guy who doesn't get what "t." means



And if you picked him over Jane you have high-functioning autism.

I gave examples of their relationship, you gave memes built by a spammer. Seriously, a few days away from Sup Forums will do you good as you seriously can't handle it's content for very long.

Yukiko is the least like in P4 retard.

Who is this

Semen Demon
Jizz Genie
Lovegoo Lass
Sperm Summoner
Ejaculate Empress
Mayonnaise Maiden
Jizz Jockey
Spunk Monk
Sperm Worm
Penile Perpetrator
Erection Confection
Salami Tsunami
Boner Condoner
Fluid Druid
Urethral Umpire
Wang Wizard
Knackers Knight
Prick Pirate
Dong Dominator
Cock Khan
Stiffy Sultan
Sausage Sergeant
Middle Leg Major
Pole Privateer
Shaft Specialist
Pecker Prodigy
Boner Benefactor
Baloney Poney Behemoth
Dick Juice Masseuse
Tallywhacker Smacker
Willy Ghillie
Spooge Scrooge
Ejaculate Advocate
Skeet Treat
Jism Prism
Testicular Temptress
Spunk Trunk
Nut Slut
Cum Chum
Testicle Vestibule
Dick Duchess
Cock Sock
Cock Clairvoyant
Scrotum Totem
Mattress Actress
Penis Machinist

There is literally no relationship with Venom and Quiet.


fuck both of them

No I honestly don't know what "t." means and no one will tell me

her face is kinda dumb

Well you look dumb and are dumb

It basically means "quoted from".

So "t. Delusionist" would mean that it is a quote from a delusionist.

But... how? What is the "t" an abbreviation for?




Shes ugly in game, but her art is pretty great

The best.

Incorrect, Donte became bro tier by the end

I just wanted to post joost.


>tfw watching a joost stream

why is she so cute bros

You wouldn't?


>Makes fun of the "villain's" dead baby as well as earlier threatening to kill his pregnant wife.

> the player was supposed to side with the manipulative demons who are trying to kill you!

jesus you veetards are bad at spinning the narrative

it's an abbreviation of some finnish word that means "regards" or something
blame Sup Forums if you don't like it

>blame Sup Forums if you don't like it
I just wanted to know what in Hell it meant. I only found out what "kys" was like two days ago. You crazy kids etc. etc.

Anyway, thanks the explanation.

>that gimp face

I mean Joosten herself isn't the best looking chick I've seen, but what the fuck happened with Quiet..?


I believe this is the response you're looking for.

>Joosten spent her birthday on twitter and twitch

What a fucking cute little nerd

Do you honestly think Joosten is anywhere above a 6?

Oh, it's this faggot again.

It was on purpose, make her so ugly that no one wants to be with her or cares about her and she dies alone.
Quiet was literally dead weight. Kojima wanted you to think that Snake liked her and cared about her but in all honesty he never did.

A 7 no problem.

11 :3

Not surprising Sup Forums has low standards. You're probably a brony too considering you find horses attractive.

I like watching her stretch on my helicopter.


Did you guys play MGS5 with keyboard and mouse or a controller?

My penis

>downie eyes
>buck teeth always visible
>trying so hard to be kawaii uguu

No wonder the Japs love her.


I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how bad


Christ could she get more padding? Pathetic.

Etrian Oddessey Untold was a mistake.


>low standards
>not at least a 7
They let any old homosexuals into this shithole nowdays, don't they?

Mr. Joostposter, tear this thread down.

Ohhh fug nigga that last fucking chase scene

she needs to get a lip job

her bottom lip makes her look like a drooling retard with those teeth

>“Come on user, get off that anime imageboard and come for a swim!”

What do?
