Why haven't you started learning 日本語 Sup Forums?

Why haven't you started learning 日本語 Sup Forums?

You could
>Play the game earlier then the rest of the world
>Play the game in its original state uncucked by demi boys and SJWs
>Don't have to play eng dubs
>Feel proud about something you did by yourself

If you dont.
>Have to wait for the game which in some cases can be as long as 3 years since the West has shit taste
>Get millions of spoilers before the game ever comes out
>Censorship up the ass along with SJWs and apologist

The market for vidya in the west is a fast sinking ship and those who have ears listen and well. The western vidya market is slowly churning into a massive shithole Japan is taking notice of this and realizing it isn't worth porting a majority of games over to the west and the situation will only get worst.

it isn't that hard when you get right down to it friends you can learn Japanese Sup Forums

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I fell for the RTK meme. I'm sorry.

It's too hard.


Because the only jap games I'm interested in playing are the ones that eventually get translated.

If my tastes were that niche, I'd already have learned japanese, as would everyone else.

I'm not going to dedicate thousands of hours to learning a language, just to play a couple videogames.

I'd rather not regenerate my virginity, no thanks.

Silly user, not falling for the RTK meme is the true meme.

Flaming is not allowed.

waste of time
i'm waiting for auto translation brain implants

Because I'm not a fucking degenerate weeb.

>demi boys
I'm getting too old for this shit.

I'm planning on starting to learn eventually. Should I just crack open that Genki .pdf and get to work now?

>Why haven't you started learning 日本語 Sup Forums?
I tried, but it proved to be too difficult to learn on my own.
Also, using Genki while only being able to communicate with yourself in Japanese is so demotivating that I just gave up.

I don't care enough about playing games early or censorship to spend more than a year of my time learning a language that wouldn't benefit me in any way outside of playing Japanese games. Playing Japanese only games is tempting, but I have enough games to play as it is

I won't have a use for it.

That's what ends up happening when I try to learn languages. Reality sets in and I realize I'll forever be stuck in the location I'm in.

I'd love to learn Japanese, I just have no idea how to go about it. Japanese lessons are expensive as fuck.

I like english dubs

I have, though I'm not progressing much. I know moonrunes has near zero similarity to latin languages, but is it normal to feel like you're stuck in the first few months? It's been a decade since I last started learning a new language.



Tae kim fuck genki.

Its meant for a learning enviorment and its 100 pages of literally nothing. Your going to be learning as fast as you were if you were in a college group.

I tried genki and felt it was far to slow and changed to tae kim which is great for solo learners.



>Spending money to learn japanese

I haven't spent a cent and I'm doing fine

All you need is
>Tae kim
>Other sources that are free but niche

Do I need to know the kana perfectly before going to tae kim?
I'm sick of this I want to move on, I'm sure I'll remember them better from reading than by playing realkana over and over.

How accurate is this?


I don't want to be made fun of for learning a non white language. There's already enough chink speak in my family and city. Don't need to add another one and piss off the white people even more.

>been using Anki fairly consistently (new words only every few days, I hate overloading 20 new words day after day and not retaining old ones) for a year now
>pull up a doujin
>I recognize 1 out of every 10 Kanji

Just fuck my nihongo up, senpai. I need more Kanji knowledge. I estimate at my rate it'll be like 2 more years before I know enough to read a regular level doujin

I lack the discipline required to learn another language.

I dunno. My motivation comes in short bursts. Like I'll go a whole month being lazy and generally doing nothing, then one day I suddenly feel like I have to energy to learn something. If only I could make that energy last.


too much effort for too little return

no I don't get triggered by so called """censorship"""

No, the easiest way to hammer it into your memory is to just read. Studying kana flashcards for a month straight won't get you as far as having to use kana for a week.

i am. also planing on getting myself a nip waifu.

I'm 1.5 years in and reading adult literature with no problems
You done fucked up

No Taekim uses kana but very rarely (only for words that need it) everything is hiragana.

Use these sites



to quiz yourself.

Long story short you NEED BOTH but hiragana is far more important (Kana is just really easy though.)

you shouldn't bother, it's too hard

motivation is not something you have for a long time

it's something you have to renew every single day

tfw no qt japanese waifu to teach you japanese

I started studying Japanese in 2010 and now I live in Japan, specifically Tokyo.


hello Sup Forums hello Sup Forums

Are you an english teacher?

>studied for a few years
>moved to the country
>stopped studying but surrounded by everything Japanese and live with one
>only conversational

Not devoting my life to learning Japanese. I'm content with getting by.

So where can I start learning Kanji? I did the other two, but I just don't know where to get resources to dive into the endless ocean of shit that is Kanji.

>all those loli VNs that will never ever be translated
knew i should have stuck with it after getting the hiragana down, but seeing some kanji shit just destroyed my morale


how big is your shlong?

No. Everything I heard about being one suggests it's terrible.

How were your first few months? What materials did you use? and how long it took before you had basic understanding of japanese?

>play the game
no thanks


Then what job are you doing?

I guess no one's ever really told me how to renew it.

Spoilers are only an issue if you don't even make an attempt to avoid them

dumb frogposter

Ok so I learnt jap. Then you're telling me the only use I will have for it, is games? I will spend more than a couple of years just for games? Fuck that, the only games I'd play at that point would be some eroge shit that reeks of virginity. Instead of being a total davido-kun weeb, I'll spend that time getting fit and focusing on my studies.

>neets learning jap
Such a funny thing to observe. How about try and get your money up instead of wasting away like that?


Hectic. I used custom textbooks written by my teacher. "Basic understanding" can mean many things. I mean, you have basic understanding after you learn the basics of how Japanese sentences work.

>Then what job are you doing?
Normal student now, switching to 研究生 status later.

Because it's hard

>Rosetta stone
Not entirely

my advice
>First learn Hiragana and Katakana seriously it should only take you a solid day to learn both
>once you feel confident in those start up anki and get Nihongo kanji deck and start studying some kanji (kanji isn't fucking scary relax)
>2k/6k or even 10k core deck to learn vocab
>start reading kids books and nintendo games

My daily studies consist of Anki: Study both Kanji and Core decks when I finish then move on to grammar for the rest of the day once I finish tae kim I'll move onto reading .

>play video games my whole life
>move to Japan
>been teaching English for 5 years
>still play video games
>have hot Japanese girlfriend

I'm content. Living in a one room apartment, 530,000 yen a month. Barely getting by, but I can still go on vacation to Osaka and buy $400 bluetooth bose headset. All I really want is a Lamborghini.

Japanese is way too complicated. I don't care enough to learn it.


Knowing more than just english is pretty helpful in finding jobs.

I mean, 53,000. Whoops.

How the fuck are you barely getting by with 530000 yen a month?

My one room apartment costs 75000 yen a month, like 15000 more for utilities. If I had 530000 yen a month I'd live like king.


How long did it take you to start being able to read and eventually get fluent?

How much does it take to use the subway?

Okay correction of , then how the fuck do you even live?

It takes at best 3 years to learn it and 5 to learn it good.

By that time automatic translators will be good enough to do everything themselves.

>Why haven't you started learning 日本語 Sup Forums?

There really is no point in learning Jap since I'm never going to Japan.

I actually enjoy English dubs, they remind me of Saturday morning cartoons.

How do people in Japland treat you? I always hear about how racist they are.

I like grammar, feels like I'm progressing every time.

I hate vocab, feels like I'm running in a dark tunnel with no light at the end, in fact, it has NO end.

I haven't done my reps in a month and I have a LOT of due cards.

>stop for a few days
>100 due



Is there any porn of this whore?

Not related but
>tfw Chinese qt Co-worker is teaching me some of the language
It's pretty fun

3 years to read and understand as in read and understand most stuff by myself without having look up things.

Obviously if you only care about eroge you can Reddit-it and "read" like a month in, but that means you look up everything and make up meanings in your mind. But that's start.

Depends on the distance you travel, just look it up. If you're a student you can buy cheap pass between your home and university.

Everyone treated me fine. Of course I don't see in their heads, perhaps they think "reeee baka gaijin get out", but what can I do about that?

I am not a native, so I can speak 3 languages as it is. At the same time, learning nip isn't very useful unless you want to live in that hellhole. Not even learning chinkrunes is worth it, trust me.

Taking a Japanese course starting September. Bonus is that the teacher is supposedly energetic and likes anime.

Asians are subhuman, enjoy your freak kids with identity issues if you ever decide to breed out of race.


I know enough to translate doujins and CGs and that's all I need.

You don't need to be a polfag to know halfbreeds are outcasted in japan dipshit. Their media has only recently started highlighting their existence so there's better public awareness.

More like 500-1000 due. Not to mention the bad feeling of not knowing some of the ones you did know before stopping.

>likes anime
This is a minus.

You should stop getting your information from Sup Forums



Why do you insist on making these threads here and not on Sup Forums where they belong?

You know the Whiteu piggu go home shit is a minority of nationalists, like in almost every country right?

How viable would it be to try to get a job in localization?

But I did.

I'm not recommending this shit here to anyone, it's definitely not worth it just for vidya.

It would be stupid.

k have fun staying ignorant while jerking off to your javs you weak jawed nerds, halfbreeds have been more outcasted than foreigners out here since fucking forever

nice, do you get your information from youtube personalities?

When I'm trying to read something written in hiragana, I first change it to english characters in my mind and then read it
Is this what romaji is? Should I avoid doing it?



do you get your generalizations of an entire country from one YouTube video and assume everyone is like that? Nice.
