>35 is old enough to be the ancient experienced veteran
Yeah... heheh... those mid-thirties people sure are old, right?
35 is old enough to be the ancient experienced veteran
Surviving to 30 in constant war is a big achievement
Surviving adulthood was uncommon.
Dying as a child was common.
Dead before 30 as a solider? Thats fuckung 15-20 years of warfare. In pest and pestilence.
Can you fuck her?
Well most of the countries in Fates are shitholes so I would assume living that long is actually an accomplishment.
To be fair, Japanese people don't usually live past 30 because they commit suicide
Made me giggle, I dont want to sin...
Next month I'll be 24.
In one year from then I will be 25.
That's one quarter of a fucking century. Just three more times and I'll be triple digits.
Fuck, I'm going to die of old age soon. I hate this. I want to go back.
>not killing yourself when you turn 40
I want to impregnate this sadist.
I don't even want to think about turning 40.
And then you can go and ask her parents permission for marriage.
Just wait until you're 50 and realize that most people don't live to 100, meaning that over half of your life is done.
The trick is to make it to 50 without minding that half your life is done.
I'm 29 and it's not like I'm going to take over the world, but I'm working and living and can look myself in the mirror without feeling disgusted with myself; so I'm content.
she's over 30
her womb has already dried up and if you do manage to get her preggers the kid will have autism
Late 20s is old as fuck dude.
Is there any backstory for her scar other than it's a scar? Was it caused by some big name Nohr?
assuming she joined at 16-18, she's been a soldier for almost 20 years
Meh then have crazy sex it's fine too.
>yfw mid-thirties and still stuck in Sup Forums without achieving anything in life
the only thing i hate about japan is their cultural age, it seems when you reach 30 you are reaching 'point of no return' age and if you dont do anything great before that you are a shamefuru human and only allowed to be wage slave for rest of the live
living 30 years in a war torn land is a kinda big yea.
people in medieval times usually didnt live past 30.
if a person whose literal job is to face death on a daily basis lives to 35 they might aswell be experienced veterans.
also women after 25 are used up old hags with brain problems and a waste of time to mingle with.
How old is too old for 4chun?
Best girl shame you can't have a manly Corrin. I hate playing as that twink.
you're here forever
reminder that average lifespans were brought way down by high infant mortality
After suicide you're old enough to graduate from this shithole.
>Medieval setting where people tend to die around their late 40s
>Bitch gets to mid 30s despite war and all other shitty medieval shit.
>"Muh unrealistims to call a 35 year old a veteran"
Veteran doesn't have to mean old, you flaming faggot. Just has to mean "Guy/gal with a lot of experience earned the hard way"
But if you want another reason, it's simply cause most jap videogames have most characters be the age of the average highschooler cause adult life fucking sucks in GLORIOUS NIPPON!!! so most people beyond their 25s are automatically the old guy. Don't like it? stop playing weeb games.
Yah, because they usually died before they were five. If you lived past puberty in any age you were usually good to go into old age, at least if you were male (childbirth always having a decent chance of death for women).
Fuck I'm 21 and I already feel old.
She's one of the few girls i liked.
Nigga what do you think forever means
counterpoint: at 21 you're just fucking starting out
Past 25 max 30
I'm 19 so I should try to make a better effort to spend less time here but sometimes in between games I get bored durring those 5 minutes in the lobby y'know?
Why does the relationship with her feel so, er, "rapey dapey", so to speak?
>not killing yourself when you turn 30
Fixed it for ya. If you hit 30 with regrets you seriously have no hope because it wont get better.
See you in twenty years.
When my dick is no longer aroused.