The first 151 are the best and the only ones that truly mattered. What the fuck counts as pokemon now? Keys, a fucking ice cream cone? Also Mewtwo is the only legendary we fucking need, fuck that blue fish, fuck that lion, Mewtwo should be the strongest bar none. Also the show was actually worth watching. Now it's just the same repetitive shit with a Misty clone with no real charecter. Even gamefreak acknowledge that gen 1 is the best with Go and the alola forms.
The first 151 are the best and the only ones that truly mattered. What the fuck counts as pokemon now? Keys...
If you're going to make a shitposting pasta at least be more original
Even if this is pasta, I got to admit I agree with it.
The new 151 are the best and the only ones that truly mattered. What the fuck counts as pokemon now? Magnets, a fucking egg? Also Magearna is the only legendary we fucking need, fuck that cat, fuck that bird, Magearna should be the strongest bar none. Also the show is actually worth watching. It was just the same repetitive shit with an Alexa clone with no real charecter. Even gamefreak acknowledge that gen 7 is the best with Go and the alola forms.
People who actually use the word "genwunner" are right up there with the people who say "Goobygoober".
And if they're being ironic, they are still retards, for other reasons
Cherry picking at it's finest.
>Mewtwo is the only legendary we fucking need
Yeah, fuck the birds.
Same ol', same ol'.
This image was made by an idiot
I miss gen 5 sprites ;_;
>trying to defend Rhyperior
>a pile of shit
>a BIGGER pile of shit
>a magnet
>a bunch of eggs
>literally just a fucking circle with eyes
Yeah, the original 151 are sooooooooo much better.
>mewtwo should be the strongest bar none
A human created clone accident should be stronger than the creator of the universe?
>the show was worth watching
Johto is the best season of the anime. Also the anime is terrible in general, read the manga instead.
>alola forms
>anything but directly worse than the original versions
If you are going to shitpost, at least apply yourself.
They are keeping me in Gen 5. 2D>3D
>Things were conveniently best when I was growing up
>It's not nostalgia I swear!
The new Pokémon are hit or miss, but not every single one of the originals were incredible either. It's just become easier to dismiss newer ones because there are more to compare them to. Although the change in art style makes the differences more noticeable.
I don`t get why would people complain about rehashes. Similar animal exist in real world, and most of these rehashes actually look better. I`d prefer if all new pokemons were rehashes(or even alola like forms) then some shit keys or icecreams or other shit.
>Not wanting a giant mechazord on your team
>every gen has good and bad designs
yeah, but what people argue is that gen 1 has overall better designs. You can scream muk and voltorb all you faggots want, but for every bad gen 1 design, you can find 10 bad gen 5 ones
I'm fond of gen 1 but I like Klefki's design more than Charizard's desu
shouldn't you be playing pokemon go genwunner?
You gotta give some credit to the later generations for adding more pokemon with dark back stories. Capturing human ghosts and making them fight is too deep.
You expected people to take this shitty bait?
I think second gen has the best designs, but yeah if you think the last two gens are somehow on par, better or even just slightly worse (they are much much worse) than the first three you simply have bad taste, as simple as that
>Alola version of Psyduck
Genwunner crybaby whiner confirmed.
>gen 1 has overall better designs
>but for every bad gen 1 design, you can find 10 bad gen 5 ones
Point them out, then.
>Also Mewtwo is the only legendary we fucking need
You're not even a real genwunner. There's also at the very least Mew, Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres. Here's your (You).
I unironically agree with this pasta, and no amount of calling me a genwunner will change my mind
>Tries to argue that nature is bland so it's a good thing that the game is bland
This is a fucking troll or I'm Donald Trump
pokemon apologists are truly in a league of their own. I think some of them would honestly go to war to prove that their modern cartoons are as good as they old ones
Fun fact: When they stop making butterflies, birds and rodents in favor of outlandish shit, that's when they'll really start to run out of ideas. From another user:
>I like to think people buttmad about Vanilluxe and Garbodor are mostly disgruntled Fakemon artists jealous of the fact that something as simple as Ice Cream and Trash become Pokemon but not their ideas for Earthquaking Turkeys, Fighting Dolphins and other such fan flickflack they spent 8 hours spriting in MSPaint or GraphicsGale. If anyone remembers Generation 1, it was constantly said "Never judge a Pokemon by its looks" because there were some useful Pokemon that didn't need to look like badasses to be a valuable part of your team and there were guides showing how to make your Pokemon a menace in battle. Flash forward to today where we have people nitpicking Pokémon because they don't think they look enough like Pokémon or idiots bitching about Vanilluxe having a fair BST total and focuse more on how it looks as a means to knock it down a peg. Way to shit in the face of all Gen 1 taught us OP. Shame on people like you.
People shit on Klefki all the time, and I don't get it.
Its a kleptomaniac OCD fairy obsessed with hoarding people's keys.
What's not interesting about that?
The fucking ice-cream pokemon is the worst, but Klefki is cool.
People who get upset over "Object with a face" pokemon like klefki are autistic. Its been a thing since Gen 1, why is it an unholy sight now?
Absolutely fucking BTFOd.
I love you user.
Nice I love these threads
It makes total sense with Pokemon lore too. Pokemon based off artificial things have been around forever, look at Grimer and Magnemite. There is really no reason to complain about it.
Also, no one ever complains about Rotom even though he's not that far off from klefki. A keyring is retarded but a lawnmower isn't?
I love Gen 1
Nobody needs to hear an autist nitpick pokemon.
>I don't have an argument
Got it.
im not arguing with you
Popular game isn't 100% perfect
>games had bugs in them in the 90s
big shock
No need to reiterate, I got it the first time.
The designs were better
No amount of saving image macros fro funnyjunk will change that basic fact
Pokemon Blue and Red had horrible development. Worst, it was actually bug fixed from Green and Red where they fixed even worst Missingno bugs.
No need to be defensive about it. The game was a trainwreck that fell into a dual lane.
Rhyperiors undeniable garbage but there were more good cross evos than bad
Nobody cares about all the bullshit in the picture. Gen 1 is loved for the Pokemon themselves, not the broken mechanics.
They actually were not. The artist only had descriptions for the Pokemons instead of images for some reason. So that's why they are a lot different from the Anime for that reason. The only good one is Rhydon because it's the first Pokemon.
Except that the mechanics are still there, and it's still broken You can like a broken game.
Look, I get your point. But just because it was buggy doesn't make it a bad game.
If anything, some bugs actually enhanced the game, like the mew glitch or pokemon cloning.
Imagine if we got Green as well. Now that would have been its own class of bullshit. Game Freak lucked out with the anime advertising the games, and the west gobbling it up.
>This thread again
I haven't played since Gen 3, but you genwunners are the worst. The first 151 featured such inspired designs as "eggs," "pokeball," "upside-down pokeball," and "slime" parts 1 and 2. Fuck off with your bitching about ice cream cones.
Also, are you saying that Pokemon Yellow sprites are not factually better than Red Blue Green?
I never said it's a bad game. I could replay Blue anyday. But it's still broken.
To be fair. Ice Cream cone was made by the first non Japanese artist.
Not really the same thing since Rotom can possess objects like lawnmowers whereas klefki are based on an actual object coming to life.
Well not an object. It's a fairy that like to collect keys.
Just like Comfey, the Pokemon that collect Flowers to help kids in hospitals.
>Tfw when probably the only one on this board and possibly this entire site who likes the Vanillite line
you're not alone man, i think the vanillite line is pretty cool
Not really. You have already animals collecting objects like Magpie. Why not an actual fairy collecting stuff?
yes pokemon designs are different now
you aren't chained to the franchise, feel free to fuck right off any time
If these were Gen I Pokemon, you'd love them.
This is relevant how? Also Golurk, Mandibuzz and Trevenant are fine.
But fairies do. Fairies are special types of Pokemons because they are "surnatural" Clefairy and Clefable are literal aliens.
No, because I like some of the nu-pokes
No. Stop. Stop it with the Nu meme. Bad user. Bad.
I love the original 151 just because they were the first, there weren't that many of them, and they were easy to remember. Now that we have over 700, there's no way I can remember them all, and the newer ones just don't resonate with me the same as the original.
That being said, the original designs were utterly lacking in creativity.. We had some crabs, some monkeys, dragons, lizards, fish, cats, birds... there were eggs and magnets, a palm tree, some balls, a bee, some caterpillars...
(You) made me reply.
Who also made the super-awesome giant ghost robot which can use fly. Also, all the previous "shitty" designs were made by Japanese artists.
Stop being such a nu-fag
Spotted the gamergoober
the evolutions of 4th generations did ruined them and yes id did cared about Electabuzz, Magmarimplying pichu is a pikachu ripoff
>implying its okay to make pikachu ripoffs because a pre evolution of pikachu exists
I like it too, don't worry. It's a pretty cute Pokémon and I used it in Black for the Elite 4.
spotted the retard
How is being vaguely racist fair? Shitty designs know no borders, as you've illustrated.
Another (You)
And that picture doesn't defend them. Marill was a Pikaclone done right. Plusle/Minun and onward are not.
I'm not racist. A lot of people are weebs who hate anti Japanese stuff.
whoever made this is a giant faggot
they could've gotten their point across without trying to make the genwunners sound even more retarded with bad typing
it's hard to read and comes off as really butthurt
There are a bunch of bad designs in the newer gens but people always tend to single out Klefki, Honedge, Vanilluxe, Chandelure and other mons based on inanimate objects
I don't understand
What is so wrong about Pokemon based on inanimate objects? How is it "running out of ideas"?
I thought this fucker was the coolest thing when i first saw him when i was a kid
Old pokemon definitely had way superior designs just look at this pic. all the pokemon on the left look like blobs, where as the pokemon on the right actually had an art direction and resembled something.
It's a pretty normal thing.
>people not realizing these are ironic
This, even a retard could see that the pokemon on the right had better designs.
if elekid was made on the newest gens he would look like this
Out of all of these, surely we can agree that Mew is the most wrong choice? It's not even the "first" pokemon anymore since Arceus is the true original.
He's the Genetic father of all regular pokemons. Arceus is God, but Mew might have made God.
gen1 fucktards deserved the shallow mess that is pokemon go
How would you know? Are you the creator or do you know the guy(s) who made those?
Chozos in No Man's Sky! But where is Samus!