No Man's Sky Servers Will Be Wiped Before Release

No Man's Sky Servers Will Be Wiped Before Release

>No Man's Sky has made it out into the wild a bit early — from an early copy sold on eBay to retailers breaking street dates — but those who've gained access to the game's endless universe won't see their discoveries saved when the official release comes.

>Harry Denholm, a programmer at Hello Games, posted on Twitter that No Man's Sky's severs would be wiped on Sunday, before the game launches on August 9 on PlayStation 4, and August 12 on PC.

3 days from release and still no review embargo,I wonder what they are afraid of :^)

this indirectly confirms that the copies that were used for the leaks were final and not a demo.

Hmm I wonder what other games did this and were successful...
Take your head out your arse.

servers? but there's no multiplayer

The servers only hold the names people give things

Must be quite annoying working really hard making a piece of shit and then having people potentionally find out before they paid for it can you blame them

numale leader boards m8

Curious as to why the servers were publicly running anyway.

Can anyone tell me why do we call it nu-male sky?

Is it because the devs are all goony eyed neckbeards or did they actually do something political like endorse hillary?

They never denied that idiot, its just having a patch on day 1 as well.

Fuck off


So the game journalists can play

They still get to try it, they just cant talk about it until release date

>they have beards, but are skinny nerds
>they are therefore SJW
Thats literally it. Sup Forums is pulling a tumblr again.

they have the nu-male look
that's it really
oh and yet more millions dumped into fucking space vidya lies :^)

I wonder why a dev wouldn't want reviewers to play his game before the day 1 patch.

It's a mistery

I quit GTA V and put my ps4 away in the closet for this subreddit. No Man's Sky will probably be the true endgame for me, the final frontier, the last game i'll ever need or desire. Simply put, satisfaction. P.S. I found this game by accident. However, I feel it was meant to be so. It's the first and only game i ever followed before release. HYYYYPPPEEEE!!!! :)

I wonder why a dev would release a bugged game in the first place

It's a mistery

The fact that there are people that wwrite stuff like this unironically deeply upsets me

This game is the blunder of the year. It somehow ended up being even worse than Battleborn, which is a fucking achievement.

can someone please post that webm of that land shark thing? looked like a bugged out fish

Don't reviewers play games before a day 1 patch hits?

its a meme you dip

People have unironically done this for Minecraft.

Bullshit excuse. If they're not comfortable with reviewers playing their July 7th build, they're totally capable of releasing a patch pre-release that they're comfortable with reviewers playing, unless you want to argue that the last week before release is going to be the difference between garbage and goty.