I need ideas for possible bills for a city management porn game. These bills, should they pass...

I need ideas for possible bills for a city management porn game. These bills, should they pass, will deviate the population as a whole
show us what you have, Sup Forums

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Make up a religion that revolves around deviant sex
Make it the city's religion

Lolis must wear string bikinis around the house.

Add sexual classes in the school

>not in public

FC Dev?

Gotta worry about exposure (the environmental kind). What if the city is in a northern climate?

Once a month, there will be a city wide orgy in the convention center.

Attendence is mandatory for ALL citizens.

Those with diseases will be separated into their own pile.

The orgies are to be filmed and made public record so any one can watch and re live the majesty

Fur bikinis

Here's another.

At the start of every year, the mayor and his staff will select no less than three and no greater that 10 women of any age and race to be their love slaves for the entire year.

To compensate the citizens for their service they will receive a fair stipend as well as heaping helping of baby batter on the daily.

everyone should carry a dildo regardless of the sex

Give us some examples, OP

Women must sleep with their lovers penis still inside them

Free Cities is pretty good.

Whole game idea.

Set in Germany, Sweden, France or Britain. Most likely Britain.

You're a (((progressive person))) in charge of immigration of Muslims. Of course they rape little girls, being Muslims. Your goal is to control information about this. End goals could be stuff like white men offering their wifes and daughters for muslim rape machine.

Required paired/group sexual activities in class

ban NTR

Don't really know my way around here, but I'll try.


Dev here.

Hmmm... I'm looking for broad ideas, but if you wanna know how it'll look like in-game, I'll go over it quickly:

Bills are the way to raise "ecchiness" in the game. This ecchi level will determine what content the player can access, progressively. Therefore, they can basically be a bill which simply raises the ecchi level or literally unlock specific content, such as "lolis in string bikinis". One example for each type:

"To add sexual education in the schools."
"Prohibiting panties usage in X situation."

Also, it's OK to make up bills which unlock "better" ones, the latter being 100% dependent of the former. Example:

"Allow minor sexual acts in public." < "Allow any sexual acts in public."

That's it. Thanks.



Encouraged sex with boss for personal gain?

Right of the first night, of course.

Well the obvious thing would be to have a sim where prostitution/bordellos being legal, public sex and nudity being legal, and

So, solid public sex booths > clear public sex booths > dedicated sex halls > orgy halls? That sorta thing?

All public baths and bathrooms become unisex.
No limitations for sexual content on TV, magazines, commercials, etc.
Tax relief for people who wear skimpy outfits.
Add a small amount of some aphrodisiac liquid into the water supply.
Prisoners can get their sentences shortened if they make their bodies available for public use in parks.
No punishment for public nudity or sexual acts.

All residents must have torpedo tits

Fuck year lolis in string bikinis

Penis length/cup size and virgin status must be listed on all forms of identification.

Yes. That works perfectly.

But don't feel limited by this format. Broad ideas are nice because I can polish them, or even make numerous bills from it.

Also, it does not need to be serious. If it makes sense in raising the ecchiness of people, I'll accept it.

Some of these, as the aphrodisiac one, are simply perfect.

Thank you.

I'm not sure if I know what torpedo tits are. Are you talking bout the pointy, antigravity ones?

Yeah op. Torpedo tits are the best

Groping is now polite and common courtesy

Public paizuri is expected

Have speakers in public places that play a low sexual moaning 24/7 - just quiet enough so people aren't conscious of it, but they still affect people
Have all public servants wear sexy uniforms
Sexual favors can be used instead of money
Subliminal sexual images in the TV during the news
Police and security will start doing very intimate frisking on the public

Everyone is required to become foxgirl/boy

You rang?

Are you fucking trying to call Barneyfag, you little shit?

Maybe ;3

What is this even? I don't read runes.


Fuck Barneyfags and fuck their existence.

Decriminalize indecency law bullshit

Sex Ed classes

Sell Billboard add space to porn things

Annual sex-positive parade

Annual beauty/bikini contests

Look at HHS+ for ideas on school level. The games implies further city corruption via hospital/city hall/church/police station manipulation

>/agdg/ shitposters have come to Sup Forums to steal our life essence for their Lewd Jam

frig off

>Implying we have lives lol

HHS+ (and Ashford Academy) is my biggest inspiration, since I have no artistic skills whatsoever.

you have to go back

I'll be your artist user-kun

What about expanding the bills to affect the sex industries of your city, mainly sex shops, porn and red light districts? Some ideas off the top of my head:
- Tax subsidies for industries
- Allowing the state to take control of certain industries (such as having all sex shops be state run)
- Selling advertisements for sex related products and services as one user already pointed out
- being able to choose whether shops and brothels have to try and stay more covert in their operations or can be more open about it. There has to be a trade off, such as being more covert means less people become unhappy about it, but they make less money, and the happiness penalty is nullified when the city reaches a certain threshold of lewdness.
- Increasing security at red light districts, making them safer from crime, but might scare off potential customers
- Promoting/suppressing certain fetishes (possibly would require anything affected to be state run to not have consequences); Having certain brothels that cater to certain fetishes raises the money for the services , but requires enough people who cater to that fetish.
- Illegalising "free porn", which would increase the money of the porn industry but cause unhappiness.
- Importing toys could also be an option if needed, and you could recruit porn stars from out of town.

Just a couple of suggestions on how you could affect the sex industries of the city.

Lax regulations on loan payment means for partly government backed institutions like schools, colleges, hospitals, some types of banks.

Where lewd stuff can be done for payment by cakes and waifus.