which characters make shitty players feel like they're good?
Which characters make shitty players feel like they're good?
t. butthurt faggot
The entire Overwatch roster
He requires skill though
Not really, though using his ult efficiently takes some time to getting used to as you can get lost or disoriented easily while trying to slash and dash.
People feel good with retarded one hit kill combos and then come and say, "PUT HIS HOOK TAKES SKILL" despite having a giant fucking hitbox
Nobody in this fucking game requires skill
>Shoot at wall/floor near enemy
>Repeat until player is dead
>If hurt rocket jump towards health pack
>Repeat until you top score
well he's not wrong. If you suck, his abilities won't get him kills, just keep him from getting killed. If
actually, the person who posted Genji is totally right. Shitty players do jack shit but since they don't die they feel good. Nevermind.
any character that kills me
Who hurt you, OP? Don't worry, they can't get you anymore. You're safe
Your father and I love you very much
Rocket jumping makes it worse though. Bad players can't do that anyway
You really don't need to be good at rocket jumping to do good at soldier.
And basic rocket jumping (>changing elevations and moving long distance) is pretty simple once you realize that crouching is key.
Rocket Jumping takes soldier, an already easy as fuck class, and gives him endless mobility.
Forever making bad or average players think they're good.
both Australians coincidentally
>dont need to aim, bombs do the work for you
>just spam m1 in their general direction or through a doorway
>eventually do enough chip damage to charge your ult
>using mine as a projectile allows fuckhuge burst
>huge health
>huge damage
>huge heal
>anti ult chain
I don't know how many times we've been pushing the enemy team back and they bring out these two cancer heroes
Came here to post this. I'm shit but tend to make it up on the voting board thing almost every time as Mercy.
>mfw got 11 votes in one day once
Junkrat isn't even good but people see gold damage and just assume they're best with him. When will I stop seeing him in rank, he's in almost every game at 57
>has a failsafe that reflects bullets back
>can zip away like tracer
>has two different kinds of attacks
>can crawl up walls and is the only character that can double jump
>one of the fastest characters out
>ultimate is mash the button as fast as you can while mashing your powers
And all the shitters use it because the meta memes him.
Pic or it didn't happen.
But if they're not actually good with him they will lose hard and die when ulting. That doesn't make anyone feel like they're good
That's not the point, the point is that people play him thinking they're good when they're getting trashed without realizing it.
Not the guy you're replying to, but on launch weekend I got 11 votes after a match, around level 20.
Back then everyone wasn't a jaded dick head and voted fairly; I dominated the other team as tracer, before anyone realized tracer was a force to be reckoned with and the other team voted me up because of my skill, same with my team. Closest I've gotten since was 7 votes, and I'm almost level 200