Are you going to get it?

Are you going to get it?

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Looks worse.

it's free so why not

it's free cus i have all the dlcs anyway and if it's not free for you it's going to be easily pirateable anyway and even though we all pretend to hate skyrim we all play it anyway because it's more of a force of nature at this point due to it's universal popularity tbqh

Cover everything in an orange haze and lower the draw distance and slap a pricetag on it. Thanks, Todd.

its free

i already have it on pc finished it and all the dlc
modded the bejesus out of it and am done

Yes, for free.

Does it still have the same shallow quests and combat system?

I installed a fuckton of mods, still stopped playing because I realized it's literally just fetch quests and kill draugr simulator 2011

That won't stop console kids from gobbling it up for $60.

Getting it for free so why not, I'll probably finally play through the DLC with a few mods.

I had my Skyrim modded to look better than that like 5 years ago

Any chance they fixed any of the bugs? Or actually bothered to update the engine so game logic isn't tied to frames?

I actually fully expect it to run even worse then the original did on consoles.

Free? Well, that's kinda courteous, don't you think?

Why not buy it and show some real love.

the only difference is slightly higher resolution textures you could have done better yourself with mods and shitty filters you also could've done better with mods. It's the most blatant lazy cash grab I've ever seen. They're putting less and less effort into every game they make and everyone eats it up, THEY'RE LITERALLY SELLING THIS AS A 'NEW' GAME FOR FULL PRICE.

it should be pretty cool

Graphics were not the problem I had with Skyrim. If that's all they fixed then it is still total shit.

>there's a moose now.

>add some barebone mods without SKSE and god rays
>there are people who will buy this shit

Here is a mod that does the same fucking thing

Skyrim: Come see our ONE moose!

>its just BLOOM
>still a shallow piece of shit that needs 2 days and a team of modders to fathom

nigga that is clearly a gazelle

>all that distance fog and sun bloom to hide all the z-fighting and terrible lod

well i guess that's one way to fix something.


desu it's a good thing because the point of modability is increased from the remaster being equivalent of a decently graphically modded skyrim. So you start with a decently modded skyrim as base game stabilty allowing for higher degrees of visual and mother mods

This, my mid-tier build couldn't handle heavily modded Skyrim at 60fps before so this should be really helpful.

nothing pisses me off more than 2d foliage.

Can't change the engine with mods.

It's a cash-grab sure, but still a gain for PC users since you'll be getting it free anyway.

More bloom and better textures won't help with the awful gameplay.

if you thought console begging for mods was bad for fallout 4, just wait till this shit comes out.

>yfw this is how they get paid mods back since it's a "new and improved" skyrim

OH FUCK look at that moose.
My dick is DIAMONDS.


It is ok. Console users finally get some Skyrim mods. For PC it is not much of a upgrade, surely 64 bit will be help but mods need to be updated first. I have no idea how the new textures, shaders and lightning look. The footage shown in the trailer was console version.

It's not even a gain for PC users because it's worse than mods in every way. It's like the Deus Ex: HR director's cut that has inferior textures to the original and replaced it

Does the remastered version allow mods on consoles?

This is way better than paid mods. I still get my free mods, and anyone else can buy the remaster.

Why couldn't we get a remaster of New Vegas on an updated engine so it doesn't chug like ass even on high-end rigs?

no I'm saying they seperate all mods on the workshop, old skyrim is free, nurim is paid mods and only paid mods

Reminds me, everyone knows about the horse dick mod but what abot other animals?

It will eventually be a gain for pc users. You can mod the remastered version to look greater. It will come up with its own updated textures and other stuff.

If you have coin.

Oh, hey Todd.

Community made HD textures are already superior to the shit that Bethesda churns out. The base engine is the same so there is no benefit.

Go away, Todd

Does Todd have the balls to release Skyrim: Remastered: Legendary Edition a year after this comes out?

Community made HD textures don't retexture everything in the game. We have no idea how the new textures are. We don't have pc screenshots.

the 'remaster' already includes everything

No because I'm not 12.

its an elk you STUPID FUCK

some do

Do you get the remastered version free only if you buy all of the DLC as well?

Because fuck that

I dont get it, is the remaster just more orange? because thats all I'm seeing from every comparison

Why is the sun shining through the mountains?

its skyrim with fallout 4's shader package, that's it. any new textures will just be the "high res" dlc pack they released years ago.

honestly, i'd pay $100 for this game

free for me, i only buy remasters if i didn't play it. i have god of war hd because i never played 2. i think i should play it.


holy fuck Bethesdrones will buy anything. KYS.


Anybody have the todd with the ebola guy and it says "Game dev with pre orders: I am growing stronger"?

it's not free cuz i don't have all the dlcs

Todd is giving it to me for free, so I don't need to get it.

Not to worry, Stranger! I recieve a free upgrade since I own all the DLC for Skyrim that I got for dirt cheap prices.

I'm probably gonna pirate it if mods work nicely out of the box and it doesn't end up running a lot worse.

I have the base game but I've been pirating it for years anyways.

I got Skyrim and all the dlcs for a dollar last year

I paid like $50 for the Anthology so I'm totally okay with a free remaster