ITT:Developers who can do no wrong
ITT:Developers who can do no wrong
their games are edgy and suck
This deysu senpie
both are shit
I don't know. I think GTA:O was a fucking mistake. Instead of doing kickass expansions like LATD and TBOGT they just shat out garbage shark-card bait. Pretty fucking cancerous to be honest familiar.
>can't do wrong
>greatest successes come from bought company
The only good games they've made are GTA:SA, LA Noire, and Red Dead
This. and its pretty obvious too that Rockstar is cranking up the prices of new items with every new DLC only to sell more shark cards.
>Milking the fuck out of their boring pay to win multiplayer
>Not releasing a single player dlc
GTA V sucked. Thier losing there touch.
Just a bunch of hacks with a lot of money to spend who have lost their way.
When they thought gameplay was the most important thing their games were fun as shit. When they decided their writing was the important thing the gameplay took a nosedive.
Reminder that gta 4 exists
>GTA 5 SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Manhunt 2
State of Emergency
About half of Red Dead Revolver
Nah. Rockstar has screwed up plenty.
>can do no wrong
-Dumbing down GTA with the abomination that is GTA V (regenerating health, skip mission option, no single player DLC,three protagonists with little character development, no fun allowed online mode, first person gimmick for call of duty kids and dudebros)
-No more Midnight Club
-GTA V's horrid characters (Trevor "too edgy 4 me" Phillips and Franklin "I'm only here as a CJ replacement" Clinton.
Only Michael is halfway tolerable.
-GTA V in general
Sure OP
>first person
you say that like its a bad thing
>first person
>in a GTA game
>Liking GTAV SJW feminazi garbage
Fuck off
Reminder that Claude was so psychopathic he didn't even talk while killing people. Hell, Tommy is just as nuts as Trevor.
If we are lucky there next game wont be so cancerous and multiplayer focused but most likely it will and they are going downhill.
How to spot an underage faggot
gta 4 main game
No gta 5 expansions
No rdr for pc so that you can play the game with half decent controls
Shitty PC ports in general
True but Trevor is edgy for the sake of being edgy.
In some random encounters he is shown to have restraint but in some missions he goes from 0 to 100 at the slightest trigger. His writing is all over the place and inconsistent.
I never even touched an EA game until I got a PS3 earlier this decade and I've still played more of their games than I have Rockstar's. Only 3 with Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, and Alice Madness Returns but 3 games is more than none.
Every game developed since the PS2 had been good.
In other words he's a perfect GTA protagonist
>Trevor is edgy for the sake of being edgy
Is that not just GTA?
>GTA V "gameplay"
sounds like every other gta protagonist
>don't release anything
>don't do wrong
no shit sherlock
Exactly this. And I don't see how they're going to be allowed to make a game from now on without their publisher telling them to cram it fucking full of gtao and shark cards shit.
Hell, ten fucking bucks rdr2 has been ready for a while but they've had to go back and make sure they've got a properly monetized stream of shiny new horses for the fucking multiplayer.
I thought V was alright and I like their new engine but I was (foolishly) expecting them to actually use it to make new games in the vein of 3/vc/sa or at least to put out a fucking xpac or two.
I'm not going to rag on people for enjoying gtao, I did for a solid couple hundred hours, but I think its killed the series.
imo GTA:O should have had dedicated servers
but Rockstars are such pussies about people playing pirated online or using mods
SAMP was fun as fuck thanks to dedicated servers, just replace the P2P system with centralized servers to improve connectivity
>Shark Cards
They have quite obviously lost the plot, after 4 I was suspicious that they had started the downward trend but V just proved it.
It was the 'no mods allowed' bullshit that eventually killed it for me.
Also I don't remember having too much connectivity trouble with a buddy on pc but I played it on ps4 for the first time at another friends place last weekend and holy fuck.
It was worse than 2013 on my goddamn 360.
Nothing wrong with bait threads but at least make an effort.
GTA:O is GOAT if you have friends to play it with
>GTA online
>Holding back the next gen and PC ports of GTAV just to get people to double/triple dip
>GTA online
>holding back
It's called dev times you fucking aspie, you would know if you had a job at all 2bh
GTAO is great, you would know if you had friends
GTAV is also good, you would know if you played through it and weren't just a bandwagonning neo-Sup Forums fag
Shark Cards are completely optional, no reason to use them anyways when "hacks" are plentiful even after every unsuccessful attempt to ban them
Got any other 'points' you'd like to attempt to make? Perhaps next you'll say call of duty games just aren't fun like the /r/gaming faggot you truly are. Seek ways to ensure your family doesn't ever have to deal with your humanity ever again.
I think youre referring to Valve.
GTA V is a good game it's just not a good GTA
>It's called dev times
Yeah because they couldn't have just delayed the game and release it on next gen systems, there was even less of an excuse for the PC port getting delayed since it was just a port of the newer versions
fuck off shill faggot
>delayed the game
are you retarded
do you know that delaying games, especially at the scale of GTA, COSTS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS?
Like holy shit, I was right, you truly have never had a job and all of this shit just flies right over your dumbass head.
Looking at sales obviously they were smart to release it on PS3 and 360 first, that's where the bulk of the sales were, something like 40-50 million copies.
>cost them millions
>game made close to $1 billion in the US alone within the first day of launch
>already were planning their shark card bullshit for GTAO right at launch
Stop defending jews user
>game made close to $1 billion in the US alone within the first day of launch
That's because they released it on a pair of consoles with a combined install base of 160 million units
their last non GTA release was over 4 years ago and they have nothing announced, that feels pretty wrong to me
And what was stopping them from delaying the game for a next gen release AND releasing it on the older consoles are the same time
Oh right niggas like you defending giant greedy companies who don't give a shit about you for some reason
lol what am i reading
Because they knew they could sell more copies by releasing it on the PS3 and 360 while it was still alive
Most games that released on 7th gen and 8th gen simultaneously sold much worse on 7th gen. Plus, tons of people bought it on 360/PS3 only to buy it again on PS4/One/PC
I don't give a fuck about Rockstar but I'm also not a retard who doesn't understand economics. Rockstar is in the business of making video games for money.
Its good business for them but its fucking over people who bought it at launch
Exactly the point I was trying to make then you got anal about how I insulted your sweatheart R*
How is it fucking over people that bought it at launch? No one held a gun to your head and made you get it on PS3 or 360. Those copies of the game still work, and Rockstar still updates those versions.
Stop crying because you're too dumb to realize that Rockstar is a business with the sole purpose of making money.
Naughty Dog
And nobody is allowed to talk shit about their business practices? especially with that garbage GTAO?
You should shill for a company like Ubisoft user, continue doing it for free as well
Gtav is not a good game
Fun is subjective I'm not debating that
but it's not a well made game
I hope Rockstar's next game waits 2 years to release on PC just to spite you.
Just kill yourself mate
Gta 5 was already more shallow than gta 4. Hopefully it's not a trend.
>can do no wrong
>GTA IV exist