Quake Champions will dominate


As soon as this game is released in 2017, CS:Go, Overwatch and TF2 are going to get raped.

The king is back.

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Hows Quake Live going

This is superior to Quake Live and all previous Quake games and you will live to see it with your own shit posting eyes, all nostalgia cucks will get silenced.

Dear posters of this forum,

Tune in today at 6PM CDT to twitch DOT tv/bethesda for an exclusive first-look match of Quake Champions played by Quake Live professionals!

As a nostalgiafag, I have Toxikk, UT4 and Reflex.

I don't mind Quake Champions as long as they don't overdo with character skills. Gameplay itself already has strafejumps and rocketjumps, and albeit it looks slow as fuck, proper 120 fov will change that.

One thing to note is that with TF2 and Overwatch it will be hard to take a bite out of Moba-type fps on nostalgia alone. They are taking a risk there.

Then why is the running speed as slow as Q4's ?

Dead genre general?

Who still /pong 2008/ here?

> slow as Q4's

quake 4 is actually faster than q3 / q4 with its crouch sliding and shit.

quake champions seems like it has cpm / qw style bunny hopping and if that's something inherent to every character than it will be faster than q3 ql q4.

> faster than q3 / q4

meant q3 / ql of course.

I would be willing to look forward of this game irrespective of the class system, but:
>Slow as fuck
>barely have to aim rocket jumps
>the speed that the game should always be at is some sort of temporary boost
>railgun clearly kills while aiming away from the enemy

Nah, maybe next time.

>railgun clearly kills while aiming away from the enemy

Blatantly false, please stop shitposting and actually pay attention.
The other screenshot was a frame later, as the player aims down, the beam follows the gun showing it's a screen-space effect for the player's perspective.

Also complaining about run speed as fast as DOOM(2016) is pretty dumb when strafe jumping is in just fine.

Why is 120 fov still a thing people do?
90 fov wasn't so good on a 4:3 monitor but in widescreen a fov of 90 is so much more. 90 is the new 120 and yet people feel the need to stick a high number in their config and distort the view.

>barely have to aim rocket jumps

Didn't you notice they gained HUGE vertical height in exchange for little horizontal momentum? The jumps are perfectly fine because even though they're aiming a bit forward, the air control is strong enough to keep them moving forward while gaining more air.

Obviously it's not Quake 3, so the physics should be expected to be different, and I can only see them as improved because god damn that was basically a free bounce pad anytime with that height with one rocket.

Peripheral vision gets extended to a more realistic view while fine aiming isn't affected too badly. Also helps with platforming.
90 was never the new 120, the main difference is vertical is the preferred FOV for games now over horizontal, and even then consoles are dragging it down further.

110-100 is usually enough for most players, 120 for the pros that can nail a railgun at any distance.

Stop lying, you shill.

You have it mixed up.

Given same height and distance widescreen monitors cover a larger view angle than 4:3. This has to be compensated by having a larger fov.

Speed is fine, have you played the game autist?

diabotical looks way better

Running speed is slower than in Q3/QL. I need my speed fix, it's an addiction. Can't have arena without speed man

>Implying anyone gives a shit about arena shooters anymore aside from a handful of PC players

That's why they added abilities and will be more focused on team gameplay :^)

post more sexy grills

This will fail just for the simple fact that the game will be much more demanding spec wise compared to Overwatch.

Companies really underestimate the amount of people playing on toasters. Which is why WoW was so successful.

it's why blizzard and valve are the most successful pc companies.

WoW wasnt particularly toaster friendly on its release date user.

It's running on DOOM engine, which runs at a solid 120FPS on highest settings on AMD's yesteryear tech.
Literally no excuse for not running it well faggot.

By comparison Overwatch only runs about 70-90FPS and feels absolutely terrible for the 20 tick shitting up basics such as being yanked around by abilities.

id literally promised 120fps on any moderately up to date PC. If anything it'll run better than Overheater.

>Doomguy is going to turn up in this game straight up ripped out of DOOM

Ho boy!

>His ability is Glory Kills


The game universe allows any character to be there, provided he is meta-strong enough.

No Orbb, no buy

user, the reason that is false is on the first fucking frame. MAY CONTAIN CONTENT INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN. People from Overwatch and TF2 will not even want to play this.

I miss high populations in UT2k4 the most.

He's embedded in one of the maps

it was runnable though

compared to Everquest 2 that was released around the same time witch had much more content and features but bombed because there wasn't even a GPU out yet that could run it on max and the game looked fucking terrible on low settings.

I love the Q3 player models.

>Anarki is in

I don't care he was shat on and didn't show any abilities, he's my dude and I'm made up.

Notice how alot of Blizz and Valve's customers are slavs and chinks, both who mainly use toasters for PCs.

Fuck Orbb, where's Tank Jr.?

>Not Unreal

is orbb not in the game? is it official?

Its going to end just like Tribes.

Sup Forums is going to be all over quake, probably less OC because Quake multi just doesn't have the same level of personality as motherfucking Vegeta the Blood Eagle CO.
First wave of "new content" to show they are active developers!
First wave of "balance patches" skewing everything.
Eventual extra monetization.
Complete developer silence for months
Slow eventual death of the community.

Nothing is official yet, though one would think they would showcase such an exotic (and sort of iconic) character early on.

Looks hype as shit.

Hello Shill McKike, I deposited $0.1 to your account. Have a nice day.

It kills me that this is currently PC only

They said they might bring it to consoles but let's face it, my fellow console users (cucks) won't like to play such a game. Doom 2016 is arena heaven with a dash of modern zest and yet the MP's nearly dead. So QC wouldn't do well on here

>Playing arena shooters on consoles
>Playing FPS on consoles

Consoles are only worth getting if there's an Ape Escape 4

During vanilla I had a shitty pre-built my parents bought from Wal-Mart and was running it fine at like 20 fps, which is obviously awful now that I'm older and know better but people who casually play games deal with it, there's a shit load of people who play Overwatch/TF2 in resolutions smaller than their screens in windowed mode with all settings turned down on their shitty integrated graphics and they don't care because they can atleast play the game.

They can't and won't play this game.

I play the golden age FPSes on PC of course, but it can't handle newer games, so it's gotta be console for greats like DOOM 2016. Better than not playing it at all, you know. Still runs smooth at 60 and looks almost as good as the PC version, it's a console version done right

Esports can't be sustained on consoles. With every generation a port of a game would have to be delevoped and people charged again. Even if the dev wanted to give away a copy of their game port to everyone who owned the previous gen release the buyers would still have to pay console manufacturers. Once the gen ends it's over for an esports game.

>you will live to see it with your own shit posting eyes

God, I love Sup Forums. This almost made me choke.

Arenas just aren't that good on console anyway. The last one I truly played was Unreal Championship 2 on Xbox. Sure, it was great fun, but damn. If you play PC FPS mainly and jump to console, it feels so bad in arenas. Stuff like Halo and CoD is fine. Usually grabbed something popular just to have something to play with friends. Quake is not the game for that, console wise.

Reminds me of Max Payne 3 multiplayer where you can play as Max as a powerup

Then go play Paranautical Activity and get every speed update.

This could be him. His voice and the scan pulse thing he is shown to do also supports the character being a machine.

>a hero shooter now
>designed with consoles in mind

yeah i dont see any way this could go worng.
this is gonna sell 50 million copies and is gonna be played for atleast 20 years while receiving free updates and bugfixes and dlc that isnt a cashgrab.
clearly bethesda knows their audience extremely well and is completely grounded in reality.

I got the impression it's Visor. Question is if that hand turns into a Gauntlet or if that's just supposed to replace the gun arm.

I never enjoyed Quake

Looks shit, i already backed Diabotical

Its PC only, but yeah you are right about everything else.

Turning it into a hero shooter is just a cash in.

I thought this looked great and it's cool to see some of the old levels reworked to a modern standard but i seriously doubt it will hold any traction. The fps / hero shooter market seems super saturated atm

Its Windows only, which means you can probably expect it to get announced for the Xbox.

Id still has some good devs working for them, look at vkQuake, but management don't understand what it was that made Id great in the past namely their focus on the server running community, and open source commitment.

It is not a hero shooter you shit posting subhuman low IQ mongrel and it is PC only, get cancer and die.


Eh, I'd rather not give them any more money.

It's not on the same level as memewatch, but le special ability character shit has no place in an id fps

read subhuman faggot:

>Quad Damage


Theres gonna be atleast 12 classes for launch.
Classes gonna have different stats. Like speed or health.
Developer couldnt comment if all classes can strafe or do air control. So probaby no
Weapons look like shit.
Game looks like generic ut shit
Developed by shit tier studio, becaus id software cant be bothered to do it themselfes alone.

Trusting Bethesda with an Multiplayer game.

Diabotical looks way better. It already is funded only for stretchgoals to go.

Doesn't matter, as long as they don't define the gameplay, it can work, as we saw in the gameplay trailer.

It does looks sexy and fast. Why must you do this to me, vee?

Well, I didn't know that. Different player attributes for every character? That's gay as fuck

Its not pc only its most probably coming to consoles after launch.

>Classic mode confirmed

Who give a fuck nigga

oh god what.
time shift was made by the same guys that made god mode and ripd?
oh fuck.
i actually liked time shift.
but ripd was just a reskin of god mode literally.
and godmode was bad. really really bad.
i cant believe id would entrust quake to these guys.
holy crap.


running speed seems fine, and when he does the strafe jumping it actually looks fast.
the thing for me that makes quake so fun is the rocketlauncher.
and the rocketlauncher only works because you can go fast and use it for mobility while also obliterating enemies with a projectile weapon that requires skill to lead the shots.
as long as that is in there i will be fucking happy.

i recently played the lawbreakers alpha, and holy shit is it bad.
the rocketlauncher dude is a slow heavy type with more health, and the rocketlauncher feels like absolute ass.
you're a big slow target in that game and hitscan weapons have an easy time shooting you down.
fucking hate lawbreakers.

>Additional work by: Saber Interactive
Developer: id Software

A) >Wikipedia
B) Citation needed.

>The kickstarter page mentions Windows only, will there be a Mac or Linux port?
>Other platforms are not planned for the time being. By focusing on one platform at the start we hope to be able to provide a very polished and stable client and fulfill our schedule.

No money from me. Its not that hard to support multiple platforms just code for the most standard platform and since the non-standard platforms have to support standards to run most software it will just work there. If you start with the least standard platform first you're fucked if you want to bring it anywhere else because none of your shit will work on anything else.

Xonotic is everywhere and its devs do it for free.

Listen man either this game will be shit for dueling or it won't be. That alone determines if it'll be successful or if everyone will just keep playing what they're already playing.

>slavs and chinks
>paying customers
At first, I wanted to laugh at this, but then I remembered how convenient and easy it is to buy games on Steam and how cheap they are in those shitholes. Now that I think about it, it's actually impressive as fuck, that two of the biggest world pirate communities were at least partially converted into paying customers.

I dont like the dull drab art style
But i am looking forward to some hardcore gameplay

Problem with Q3 is it's only good for dueling, or else it's a clusterfuck.
Maybe for once we can have CTF that's fun amongst other modes.

>"xdxd shitty shooters gimme good ol' arena shooters"
>UT4 comes out, good as ever, mentioned once on Sup Forums

>"xdxd shitty shooters gimme good ol' arena shooters"
>quake is gonna come out, nobody on Sup Forums is gonna play it cause it doesn't have LoL skill floor

like pottery

But every product has its lifespan. Enjoy it while you can.

If anyones waiting for Quake and wants to play some Arena FPS I'm down to play HLDM or Warsow with anyone.


>Comparing a 2017 game to a 2019 game.


>not being a meme because completely unfinished pre pre alpha locked to epic's launcher


>This is superior to Quake Live and all previous Quake games

Even sodding 2GD memes are gonna be a better game

this is not quake. this is poor man's UT - UT3 in fact
what a shitshow

looks like an Unreal Game

>played by Quake Live professionals!

i wish companys stop doing this bullshit it ruins any competitive aspect of the game

What's the difference between Quake and UT? i mean, seriously, I've played both games casually and they both felt like good fast paced arena shooters to me.

Why does it have a kickstarter when they're going to make the game anyway and they have no stretch goals?

UT is nowhere near as fast or mechanical as quake. as a result, UT duels are very boring and garbage.

Quake has rocketjumping and strafe jumping
UT has pressure hammer jumping and walljumping
Both feature very different guns, UTs guns usually come with 2 firemodes.

Half of what you said is speculation and lies pulled out of your ass.

ID developed this game, with some minor work done by SI.

Deiabotical looks like meme tier autistic battleborn garbage, fuck off kid. Also >indie

fucking kek, kys.

Everything is an Unreal game these days
>Unreal engine ended up dominating the market
>meanwhile Id software has nothing left to them besides nostalgia for their old games
John Carmack is a failure


It won't, fuck off. PC only = PC only.

But will it be released for Linux?

Tf2 is from team fortress. Which was originally a quake mod.

Tf2 is on source. Which is mostly gldsource. Gldsource which comes from....

You guessed it

Quake is a living engine with a bloodline older than most posters on Sup Forums.
Simply put:. It never left user.

im running on a system from 2009, runs overwatch stable 60, runs doom 4 at 10 fps, overwatch is most certainly better optimized