Ask the most knowledgeable Metroid fan on Sup Forums anything

Ask the most knowledgeable Metroid fan on Sup Forums anything.

Why does Nintendo hate us so much?

When did you start playing Metroid?

If young, then how did it feel growing up through the 90's and 00's, loving a series not as acclaimed for its gameplay as Mario, but not as lauded for its story as Zelda?

Why is Metroid Pinball a good game?

I'm thinking they wanted to wait a while to release a new Metroid game after the poor reception and sales of Other M.

Then when it became clear the Wii U was a dud, they decided not to invest in a full Metroid game 'cause they knew they wouldn't get a good return on it. I dunno why they didn't just make a good 3DS game, though.

In high school, 'bout ten years ago.

Pinball's really simple.

Where's Metroid Dread?

do you suck dick?

It's a project that was in development by Sakamoto at one point and may be again at some point. One assumes it would be Metroid 5.


Why do people keep praising the Prime games when the fighting and the exploration parts are so tiny compared to the time you spend walking through areas you've already seen checking the map after every door wondering "how the fuck do I get there"?
Do thhey find enjoyment when they backtrack half the game to try their new gun on a door near the starting point, only to find behind it a tiny room with a missile expansion and having to go back through the same path again?
Do people just remember the boss fights and the epic discoveries, or do they genuinely like walking through empty rooms and trying to memorize the map screen?

The worlds were so well realized that the exploration and backtracking was enjoyable on its own. The high points also make up for a lot of the slow pace.

Pinball in general or Metroid's pinball?

Why is Metroid Prime 2 the best prime game?

Pinball in general. It's a pretty established genre, so making a good pinball game and then slapping Metroid on it isn't the hardest thing in the world. Doesn't take away that Prime Pinball is still a very neat little game.

Best weapons. Best bosses. Best level. Best difficulty. Best suit.

It did several things better than any other Metroid games and did the rest extremely well. Prime was very good but you could tell that Retro was a little tentative with it, the weapons and suits and levels were very similar to Super Metroid, just in 3D. Prime was a smash hit, so Retro had the confidence to just go crazy and do a bunch of off the wall stuff that worked out extremely well with Echoes.

They tried even more cool stuff with Corruption and I'd even go so far as to say that game had better ideas but it was unfortunately too easy for its own good and ended on a real underwhelming note.

y cant metroid crawl?

How are coping?

Did you try phazon?

I think you mean "How is coping?".

He's fine.

>How are you coping?

I ment, sorry.

World war II.

Tens of millions of people were wiped out without a trace. Innocent men were taken from their homes and burned alive. People were hung in the streets. Bombs were dropped, wiping out entire countries.

Tell me, then, OP.

Where was god?

I'm missing 4 missile upgrades in Super Metroid where are they?

You really don't find metroid prime 2 overtly tedious and uninspired compared to the first?

Why do plebs love the wii trilogy version of Prime 1 and 2 so much?


Pointer controls and Spring Ball.

Check under the rug.

Trying to get the last tank in Zero Mission.

Who would win in a fight, Master Chief or Metroid?

Samus height?

What do you think of Metroid Fusion?

Chief doesn't have any ice weaponry, but one wonders if a Metroid could actually punch a hole in his armor to drain him.

Chief's really quick, so I think he'd just avoid it and wing sticky nades at it.

Fluctuates too much for me to give you a number that'd actually mean anything.

Really good. Great game to get people into the series. Some of the best 2D bosses in the series.

Who's your favorite 2D boss?

What did Sakamoto think of the western audience's reaction to Other M?

How are you liking AM2R so far?

How fast can you beat the first game?

What is Metroid Fusion about?