Is there any chance of this game just being a single-player RPG with an interesting narrative and fleshed out world, devoid of any retarded social gimmicks and MMO trends?

On a side note, Destiny actually had some of the finest sci-fi art-direction in a long time. Dat fucking space armor with the fur collar. Shit makes me wet, man.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not a chance in fucking hell, although TTK was a lot more fleshed out than the base game. Hopefully Destiny 2 has the same level of quality from the get go instead of being a bare bones piece of shit.

And yeah, the art direction is great. I find myself loving the space ships as much as the armor, and the landscapes are pretty nice too even if they're underused outside of patrol.

Nah but hopefully they'll actually add a story mode this time.

>we will never have a rpg with a moth people race

>MMO trends
No, the raids are a BIG part of the game.

I'm not a fan of Destiny, but damn, that concept art is gorgeous.

Did the original writers and director come back after the whole fucking story was scrapped for D1?


It'll be a shitty story, with shitty raids, but god-tier console shooting mechanics.

So typical Bungie.
Hopefully they make pvp like Halo and not some bullshit afterthought like d1. I'd also like it to be on pc and always online like diablo 3, but thats a pipedream.

Whatever it is I'm not fucking buying it. I prefer for my games to be fucking finished by the time the release instead of waiting for some fucking expansion to deliver any actual content.

why the hell do you want a game to be always online?

Because if its isnt on pc, its easy to hack and cheats the stats. See The Division and Hitman

I was never aware of how the whole thing went down. Was it ever written down anywhere what Bungie's original plan for Destiny was?
And how much of it was due to them bleeding out talent and how much due to Activision fucking them over?

>Bungie made a deal with Activision to own their own IP after a few decades or something
>This and later development of the game leads to core members like the halo composer leaving
>This has caused Bungie to be a former shell of itself
Doesn't feel good knowing that their won't be a game like the budgie made halos again. I wish they just gave the IP to Sony or just continued making xbox games

Me and one of my housemates are looking forward to the new addon since we just set up 2 Tvs in the lounge room and play together.

And nothing of value was lost.

Fuck Bungie.

I like the multiplayer, raids and strikes can be fun. I just think they should spend less resources for PVP, in favor for more missions, locations, story, etc.

Or at least try to do pvp in a way that isn't just a new version of halo.Trying to fit rpg mechanics into balanced PVP is kind of hard to do IMO.

you mean warframe


EXO strong

Surely he must mean Warframe, right?

I mean, what else is the pinnacle of the genre aside from Warframe?

They have like 12 fucking PVP gamemodes when

>6v6 Capture and Deathmatch
>3v3 Deathmatch

is literally all they need

I wish Destiny was more like Planetside and less like the generic RPG it turned out to be.

Destiny on PC could have been a hit

They're fucking dumb

still better than destiny 2bh famalam

Seek help, famborghini

>put on PC

It wont happen, they just don't want to do both versions at the same time.

I love how /wfg/ shits on Warframe every single time but stick around for the game for some reason.

Then you look at Killing Floor 2 and /kfg/ and that shit is fucking dead.

Warframe is shit but damn it hasn't dropped the ball like KF2 yet

current /wfg/ is just remnants of old memers
old /wfg/ were galactic super powers in Warframe

>single-player RPG
>he didn't enjoy fun space shooting alongside his friends

>make destiny even more of a a generic dude bro shooter

wow genius idea, user

the division literally IS always online

They need to add Raid Matchmaking or a list of people looking to raid, without those, we have to go on the internet and look for people on forums, twitter or even worse, facebook.

Not Planetside 2, idiot. The good Planetside.

you seem very over opinionated without any opinions.

I just enjoy video games. sorry for your loss.

One of Destinys problem that is was too action oriented, the game needed to slow down greatly and open up for more exploration

Or Destinylfg. Problem being the super elite fags and retards, random matchmaking just doesn't work for newer content and their old mechanics aren't idiot proof.
Did they add it for the wave mode shit? That is unbearable alone.

It's still around though.

/kfg/ was around for a long time and KF2 just dashed it all away and now there's no KF threads at all. Literally killed the community here.

Not even Payday 2 did that and we all know the shit they pulled.

Year one was partially so fucked up because it is an amalgamation of Blizzard's cancelled game TITAN.

Every one knows about the Blizzard Activision Merger, TITAN was supposedly going to be Blizzard's first FPS/MMO game.

We now know that Overwatch is made with some re purposed TITAN stuff and that TITAN was a clusterfuck of being cancelled, restarted, etc.

>"By mid-2013, most of the ground work for Destiny had been completed including lore, game engine, and many environments and missions, tracking for a September 2013 release."

>"In August 2013, Blizzard president Mike Morhaime stated that the company was in the process of selecting a new direction for the project and re-envisioning what they want the game to be."

alot of the work was already done for Destiny because it was a joint venture by Blizz/Bungie under Activision. Then there was the added shit of Destiny story being scrapped which just further piled on to the issues with Destiny.

Overall Destiny 2 will be much better for sure because we have seen the major changes Bungie has put into the game so far and we can hope that they will continue this trend.
Also with the ditching of PS3 and Xbox 360 versions with their latest DLC for Destiny, it is very likely we will see a PC release for Destiny 2 whenever it comes out as a PC title is also in their contract with Activision.

And an open, large persistent world to explore, and three playable factions to fight over said world and better vehicles (and also multi-crew vehicles and troop carriers to carry all your friends) to explore said world in.

Would have been a perfect game to burn my hours away in (kinda like the original Planetside was before SOE screwed it up).

>actually making huge reaction memes to minor shit nobody cares about
/wfg/ has officially reached /ksg/ levels of autism
you should feel ashamed of yourself for reposting these

/wfg/ is a vigil of angry spirits warning away any user still interested in the game

they're around because it's free and looks good on the cover, which infinitely fuels the general with new people. /kfg/ is gone because KF2 costs money.

>telling everyone to spam the chat
>then banning everyone who spams the chat
why do people who bitch about reaction compilations never actually take 10 seconds to look at them

Only Tenofags can turn a Destiny discussion thread into some autistic Warframe debate

get the fuck out you faggots.
your game is shit and you should feel bad for playing it

how hard is it to stop typing in region chat
learn to contain your autism

/kfg/ is gone because Tripwire made several changes that shat on the game and told everyone to deal with it.

The changes made all but two classes completely useless and they still haven't reverted most of the changes despite the backlash even on their forums(That's still going)

/wfg/ has to put up with a lot of shit but so far no updates have completely shat on 95% of the game content. Just annoyances and inconveniences and stupid shit nobody wants.

>Having Humans, Awoken, and Exo fight each other because video games

There are also many lore reasons why what you said would not work but I don't want to go full autist on you

>The changes made all but two classes completely useless and they still haven't reverted most of the changes despite the backlash even on their forums(That's still going)
What? When did this happen?
Also doesn't the game only have 4 classes right now?

every post but one has been bitching about it

fix your shitposting bot user

very easy if you knew you should have
can't stop yourself from saying something retroactively, though

>Humans, Awoken, and Exo
Never said that. They could be one of the three playable races.

Anyway, Destiny's lore doesn't matter because they fucked up Destiny right from the get go, the moment they decided on making an instanced mainly-PvE online RPG they fucked up, we already had a million of those.

>lore doesn't matter because I don't like it

It has several classes.

They did a damage overhaul patch and made it so every class is only good against one monster and the worst example is Firebugs couldn't kill Crawlers . The backlash to this was heavy and the only blind dicksuckers were on the forums.

Their only response to all this was to tell people to deal with it and this change is good for everyone and that the community doesn't know what it wants.

After fuckloads of backlash for weeks they got some damage changes that only made a few things better. Also they buffed Hans twice and /kfg/ couldn't get any sort of attention and eventually it died off when they killed all the difficulty modes and did a cash nerf.
Also there was a focus on Versus mode and that's an imbalanced piece of shit nobody wanted.
There was some other shit too but I just left.

Sharpshooter also has an auto headshot rifle but it was just a stupid design and pointless when manually aiming was better.
Berserker was completely neutered and made entirely useless and weak as well.

Not what I said, but whatever.

My point is that Destiny had the potential to be great, but instead they made it generic.

I wouldn't mind zero matchmaking for raids and the like if there was a better way of communicating with players in game. Having to use external sites is a good sign that something is missing.

They did fuck up but that doesn't mean completely abandon the concept for an entirely new one

well that sounds awful
there goes any interest i had in the game

There's no chance in hell Destiny 2 will be any better.

If anything, it'll just be more of the same. The Bungie that made great series like Marathon and the Halo trilogy is dead.

Keep riding riding Stves duck mate both games are shit

How to fully improve Destiny 2
>all Strikes and the bosses in them have unique loot
>engrams still universal, so purples from an enemy in the strike will be the same table as enemies in the world
>Strikes need to be current raid-tier in platforming, and variety in sections
>planets/zones need to have bigger landmasses, and less hallway zone transition if any at all
>better vehicles
>probably 2 new classes ontop of Warlock, Titan and Hunter, each with 4 subclasses while the other 3 get another subclass

Enemies are fun to kill, movement and shooting is great, exotics are the type of unique and fun loot you want, fashionable as fuck. Destiny just had a huge lack of content and a stupid ass grind/RNG

why so triggered user

There's a lot more but that's the short version.

Shorter version is they fucked everything and made it unfun to try and balance Versus mode with changes that affect both modes and Versus mode is still a broken piece of shit that nobody likes.

When the concept is bad, yeah it does.

You forgot one of two things:
>Raid matchmaking
>a more competent way to talk to other players for LFG

Needing to ask your friends for permission to play your $60 game's big content is what stopped me from coming back for Iron Beaners or whatever their latest DLC is.

>RPG with an interesting narrative and fleshed out world

its an mmo for fratboys

i wouldnt hold too much any hope

Is this real or a pet theory? Is there more to read?

It lines up but all the cut shit has been so well documented that I'd like to see what has been attributed to this merger. Legitimately curious user here.

>Being born into a new age of Humanity with space magic and robot people fighting an enemy with no real image
>exploring lost and dead planets settled by those who came before centuries ago

>bad concept

Not triggered just pity you Warframe players just take the the DE dock up the but

they need to add more abilities for the classes beyond a fucking grenade and a super attack, rather than worrying about making more of them.

honestly it feels like destiny already has too many classes with how underused half of the specializations are.

It seems legitimate as everything lines up and connects well enough

I doubt this kind of stuff would be well documented though because muh investors

>Instanced PvE grindfest
>good concept

All the great lore in the world can't save it if the core gameplay concept is terrible.

Will we ever be able to manually control our ships?


Of course not, that would be interesting and fun.

They didn't write Instanced PvE Grindfest on the outline board when coming up with the game



It has the least grinding out of any MMO i've seen/played

I just want a PC version. I loved the fuck out of Destiny even with all of its faults but the one thing I could not get past is that I had 0 friends with the game. I'm the only person I know who actually own a new console of any kind, let alone all of them. I never even tried the raids or bought the DLC cuz I knew I'd do it alone. Plus, my friends all said they would gladly play the shit out of Destiny if it had a PC version.

>It has the least grinding out of any MMO i've seen/played
Probably because it's not really an MMO, only an online RPG pretending to be one.

any more and they just play like fucking MOBA characters or something and abilities overshadow the guns and gear.

I don't know, I personally like the simplicity. I'd rather enjoy straight forward shooting instead of trying to cram as many flashy and unique abilities as possible into a single class. Being able to pull of a single super attack is enough for me.

goalpost user

What exactly is the problem you are trying to focus on? That it isn't Planetside?

I'd be excited for more fleshed out MMO aspects (as opposed to the centralised hub of the Tower).

But yeah, Destiny's aesthetic is tip-top.

Theyre making this game with playstqtion in mind. I dont think they'll go the pc route. I bet you playstation is paying them loads to keep it on console because as we all know, playstation doesnt want gamers going to PC

>That it isn't Planetside?
Yeah, pretty much. Destiny had the opportunity to be like Planetside, but instead we got a shitty PSO-clone.

When they first announced Destiny as a project (before they released any concrete details) I really hoped it would just be Halo in a massive, persistent open world with some good new lore to back it up(something Bungie is pretty good at). My enthusiasm quickly faded as they released more details.

As I said, we already had a thousand generic instance-based online RPGs, and instead of adding to the pile, they could have gone in a different direction and actually made a good game.

>Peter Danklage fucked off and didn't voice the ghost
>They had to get an entire new voice actor

This is hilarious.

That's why they replaced him? I thought they fired him.

>exploring caves on the moon
>go into some cavern
>hear multiple wings flapping
>these hairy monstrosities come and attack you

The original design for the Hive were so cool and unique compared to what we got.

user here, this is just my pet theory here but there is way too much stuff lining up considering for this to not be a possibility.

None of the parties would reveal that Overwatch and Destiny both came from the remnants of TITAN so I doubt unless there was some insider leak or anything, we would never get an official statement.

We might see them in D2. There are different variants of the hive.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were included as Savathun's forces whenever she decides to show her face

How did they fuck up the sequel so bad when the first one is so good? Serious question here. Did a bunch of the original team leave?