Screenshots thread
Screenshots thread
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And just how many frames are you getting?
Huh? I got this game on release and played it at max graphics and it didn't look like this.
Just enough to take these screenshots
It's modded
>graphics fags
nah, put everything on low until I get 144fps then start going up from there
>its another watch dogs with wet ground overcast weather episode
>Caring for actual performance in a screenshot thread
Nigger if you got a high end GPU the mod / game isn't an issue to run at max settings at that resolution really.
Overcast? I haven't posted one yet, but since you mention it...
First of all 144 fps is not a resolution. Secondly not even the 980 can run games above like medium and get 144 fps.
Thirdly, framerate>graphics for immersion
>Tfw still 6 weeks till Horizon 3
Watch out for those run away assault trucks. Nice!
And here's some dry ground just for you
Can't fucking wait
Read the 144 as 1440p since the screenshots in here were in that resolution, sorry, my bad.
>not even the 980 can run games above like medium and get 144 fps.
980 isn't really a high end card anymore after the 1070 happend, but that's just me.
I mean everyone their own but I'm personally not too keen on getting 100+ FPS with a 60Hz monitor anyway.
And yes, i know that 60+ gives you better input, even on a 60Hz monitor.
Bethesda games can occasionally look nice
is this where i dump my witcher screenshots
i have at least 1200
Get a 144hz monitor, it's night and day.
Just drag around your steam window on a 60hz screen then on a 144hz screen and you'll notice a difference, that's not even mentioning what happens in games.
>980 isn't a high end card because a new generation released less than two months ago
It's absolutely high end, it's just not enthusiast.
High FPS is harder to get than high graphics settings
Just don't look too closely or Todd might get upset
How'd you get that leather jacket? I don't remember it being an option for Aiden.
Dump away
It's a mod
>Just drag around your steam window on a 60hz screen then on a 144hz screen and you'll notice a difference
No you won't, the windows desktop operates at 30hz.
>it's night and day.
I know, don't worry. Sadly got money to waste on it right now tho, nor anytime soon.
I barely got enough money to order my new 1070 in 1-2 days.
>It's absolutely high end, it's just not enthusiast.
Touche user. Touche. I always forget that Enthusiast is a thing.
This is the mod, it's called custom outfits and has a bunch of new ones including NPCs
You got a link for that mod? I tried searching for it myself, but I'm not seeing it.
see It's part of a mod you can download and that replaces on of Aidens outfits.
No it doesn't. I briefly tested a 144hz monitor in a store and the mouse cursor clearly felt extra smooth.
>when some ho moves in on your spot
>v-neck shirt
Sweet, thanks guys. Time to reinstall.
Yeah this as well, the outfit is also included with that lighting mod
2/3 Nice shoot.
>tfw dualbooted win10 just for forza
Actually kinda looks much better than the trenchcoat and baseball cap.
Yeah, seriously. Who the fuck thought the trenchcoat was a good design decision?
Is the Triss-Ciri relationship better than the Yennifer - Ciri? I just want whats best for her.
>not showing off your pecs
wait... are you telling me you don't have pecs?
Trenchcoat and helmet is pretty cool too
parents who fight all the time but love eachother vs dad and stepmom who almost never fight but the parents are divorced, up to you I guess
we all know that ultimately this is the best thing for her
You imagined it.
Still not a fan of the trenchcoat. It just looks so silly and out of place.
i interpreted as geralt-sorceress relationship for some reason, triss is like her sister and yen is like her mom so
why does he wear the helmet
>posting pre-release "screenshots" made by the devoloper in here
For you
>the way he pauses before saying "you"
He means Geralt AND Ciri. He can smell your bullshit a mile away. He's just letting you live for taking care of Radovid and making sure shes finally safe.
Is this modded?
But... muh books....
I know what you mean though. Yennifer is great in the way she's presented in the game, but ultimately, despite how fucking creepy/rapey Triss turns out to be she may be a better fit. That or I am suceptible to stockholm symdrom
I didn't kill radovid my first playthrough and it worked out the same
How do you pull the Camera out so far?
That's some nice looking sand
Its just my fan theory kek. Im inebriated so dont read too deeply into it.
My time in Skyrim
not really disagreeing, it makes perfect sense to me
one of the best scenes in the game here
Gonna be fun running that game 1440p or higher once i get my 1070 next week.
Like holy shit the build in AA solutions are fucking shit. Esp the FXAA they got which is blurry as shit and still does nothing to fix the alaising, just like the MSAA solution they got.
project cars
dlc map bannochbrea
what armor is that?
Thanks friend.
grandmaster cat, it has a hood as well but since I wear the assassins glasses it stays down
not him but bf does look that
the physics on geralts hair always impresses me