Mirrored characters

Let's do this shit

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more like "nightmare fuel"



Gotta root for Mij. He's got two, (2), guns


>Hitmomotih vs Eelnonlee
>not "How Nintendo makes new pokemon"

Look at the gains on Earthwwhtrae, though. AND he's got some sort of jetpack??

Imma go with sunus. He's got maneuverability from those gainz arms.


Whoa, what are those designs from? They're really shit

Riki feel stupid

The eye reminds me of Chris Chan


Posting the classics

>two belt buckles

Someone post the site link.

Who would win

>STRfags vs DEXfags

while ERIOIOIRE has massive gains and six backup cops, I feel like LAMAL will still win because he's quick and has two guns. However, if ERIOIOIRE calls all of his four cops to shoot/taze LAMAL at the same time he is the sure winner.

The Aquamancer on the right.

>four swords, son
>four FUCKING swords
>shank four niggas once
>shank one nigga fource

volcanomancer for sure. There is more lava and magma than there is water on the earth

>has magic
>Cool floating shit around his dick

>DUD holds his staff triumphantly as two volcanoes erupt in the background
>TZUST makes his staff float in the air as he splits the seas
This is tough.

This is art

>TWO (2) fucking staves

Int hands down

While TSUST can levitate his staff and use aquamancy, the guy on the left made TWO volcanoes erupt at the same time.

My money's on DUD.

the delegates donald

Yeah but if gerreg has a range advantage he can shoot one crossbow while he reloads the other, which means he can shoot forever.



Hands would wreck feet all fucking day.

Hands clearly has psychic powers on account of the flying with no way to fly. Bout to pull some tien levels of bullshit with triangle blasts and square holes.

Legs might be retarded and has trouble holding glassware.

This is a good point, TZUST clearly has telekinesis in addition to aquamancy.


>two swords
>can actually see
Gotta be Reven Never

>4 swords
>2 hooks
>0 belt buckle

This guy is trouble.

two swords vs telekinetic death
right wins no contest

The guy on the right ripped an enemy in half just by bringing his fists together.

Holy shit.

I go with gerreg.

alttla has 4 swords, but with only 2 hands, at least he can hold one more in his mouth like Zoro from One Piece, but the fourth one is useless.

gerreg has 2 crossbows and 2 hands.

gerreg is deadly slav.

Lets be real here. Gerreg needs assistence putting on his pants with the double buckle nonsense. He clearly shouldn't be the favorite in a fight. He's mentally ill.

A crossbow takes two hands to use. Unless Geregg is skilled enough to pull the arrow back with just one finger, he's fucked


Is this a Pokémon spin-off ?


Nigga, Earthwwhtrae'a only got his muscle going for him, so his attacks have to be close range, making the jet pack useless.
Mij wins, hands down


Talk about a knee-jerker

>two girls connected via arm
>two guys connected via leg
I'll go with Nam-X




Pretty sure the left one is just Barbaracle.


Yeah whatever Battl8lttaB, you have two guns, whatever

DleiffielD is fucking hovering and glowing orange I'm fucikng terrifired

>those two buried heads on the right

These are great. Thanks for dumping, user.

>DeadPool vs Magneto

Fucking left


Spec ops vs Pyromancer

Well that didn't work.

Suffeffius is a fucking goner. You'd be much more successful in helping Jessica Gnirig over there.

Gang Sign Sorcerer > Scissor Sister


>japanese vs american cover art

Who wins?

>Falalaf has 2 guns and Thin Frame
>Tuovout is fucking swole

Disho can control elements as opposed to Dero who's just some mook with two daggers.

Can someone mirror this image?

Please, I know I'm a faggot for asking

Two heads thinks better than one, unfortunatly, I don't think that will help here.

>Gay autism skeleton vs noteleks msitua yag

Tsust, naturally

Is like to think that they both manage to fuck in battle and no one wins.

>That fucking boomerang dick sword

Str build vs Dex build

Yall aint giving Dero enough credit.

Look into their eyes. Disho is new on the job and full of excitement.

Dero been at the game so long he's full of sorrow and remorse. Dero's been through some shit.

Nothin personal,kid

Almost the goon haha

Who would win

>seen from behind
>seen from the front

Which paper would you fug?

That's better.

spider-leg soldier or flying amputee war vet?

Futa Uniboob has America on her side, I think she's got this


>"thicc" vs REAL THICC

>that gap

Obviously right



Well first we have to figure out the issue of whether that's blush or eyes, because if it's blush then the one on the right, if it's eyes then still the one on the right but it's gonna be a bit weird

right actually looks like a real design

Oddly enough, I was thinking about this game.

I've never done one of these before, I just used mspaint.


Whenever I see that cover art it reminds me of this.



Alive is full on retard strenght build, Dead doesn't stand a chance


Low str, high per vs high str low per

>Sup, Puss Entertainment

YTNINTY RETTER looks fucking pissed.