Can it save WoW?
Can it save WoW?
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It could but it probably won't.
too be honest if Legion can stabilise the population and prevent haemorrhaging so that WoW can continue to exist at a reduced but still healthy population than It'll be a success. Maybe If Legion starts low (likely considering how badly WoD ruined the population) and turns out to be good WoW might see it's first significant post-launch population growth since TBC.
No, only you, the chosen one, can save the World of Warcraft: Legion™!
Is it really such a bad thing to let WoW die? That gravy train obviously can't run forever
No, it's more of the same shit as WoD. More pruning, more dumbing down, more removal of mechanics.
Still gonna play it
Metzen said that he wants WoW to always be there, so better save for the subscription of your future grandchildren
Can I save WoW?
Is it too late to get into WoW? Wanted a comfy mmo to play, mostly looking at LOTRO
Food companies
well if you buy Legion right now you can get a free level 100 so no
I don't think it's ever too late.
LOTRO is very comfortable.
Lol I'd wanna start at the beginning like everybody else though. Why would I want to jump into something I know barely anything about at such a level?
It better do. Too many people are escaping this containment game.
It can and will.
>wow has gone to shit
>look online for alternative
>warhammer online is amazing, you should totally try it
>shutdown in 2013
>pre patch launches
>Everything is broken including the zepplins.
>All classes reduced down to 1-3 buttons.
>Not even any new content until TWO. FUCKING. WEEKS. after the prepatch
I want Legion to be good but if Pre Patch is any sign. Its going to be the blunder of 2016
>Sup Forums desperately wants Blizzard to fail
>They keep breaking profit records
Sup Forums just gets BTFO so often it's just embarrassing
>buy """""quest pack""""" for every zone
>buy a shitton of expasion packs as you level
>buy bag slots, trait slots, character slots, even fucking outfit slots if you want to have something beyond the barest minimum
they've gone maximum jew
The Orcs were so fucking cool in that game. Christ I just want more games with playable Warhammer Orcs in them, nothing else is good enough.
Well it's for the sake of letting people experience the new content right away. They don't drop you in at the deep end with the boost, I believe there's a tutorial type thing when you use it, and then you level to 110 in the new content with everyone else. You can also do a trial of every class before you settle on what to boost.
Nothing is stopping you starting at level 1, just bear in mind you won't be seeing any current content for a long time
I actually think the content in Legion is fantastic but it's ruined by the fact that the basic mechanic of playing your character is a completely boring, unfun one after all the pruning, all this great content might as well not exist since experiencing it as you are playing your class is not fun.
Get Guild Wars 2 F2P. You won't find a more comfy MMO.
Or sub and level like normal. But that's the catch.
It's already a huge step above WoD
>why did WoW fail
They removed any necessary maintenances the player had to keep on their character that forced the player to engage with the game, and turned it into babby's first online experience.
WoW 2005 - 2009 is not Neo-WoW.
They are two entirely different games.
Warhammer Online was boring as fuck though. They put all the effort into the pvp and there was no interesting pve as a result.
Muh nigga. What server you play?
Game sucks though.
On a side note, the ability pruning is actually welcome. Classes have a lot of identity now and no more of that "everyone does everything" crap.
But then again, most people don't use their brain past their initial kneejerk reaction.
Did panda's save wow?
And wod pissed everyone the hell off.
Every expansion after litch king they've been hemorrhaging players at a rate that would have killed any other mmo, it probably doesn't even have four million players left.
I never got to play the old vanilla wow and that's what I want to play.
I'll never pay for this post cata shit.
Panda would have saved WoW if people gave it a chance and didnt dismiss it as "kung fu panda lol"
MOP actually saw the largest drop in player's that we know of and it was credited to the oriental fantasy asthetic not meshing well with Warcraft. No one wanted kung fu panda and it showed.
I thought the same with WoD, awful decision. Everything is balanced around late game, so early on ur slow spells might do less dmg than fast spells for example.
Also stats which were introduced with expansions ( like mastery ) will only become available once you reach the level that expansion started at.
Your entire leveling progress will be boring as hell and teach you nothing of value.
I seriously dont understand how some of the worst fucking games in existence manage to become so popular and spawn the abosolute worst shit eating retards.
WOD was actually just fine at launch. The only problem was that they didn't have continued support for it.
Also you're a giant faggot if you didn't like seeing the O.G clans.
>since TBC
The biggest population growth was during WotLK
I played it and it was 'kung fu panda lol' i'd take another entire year of WoD then ever see that shit exist.
Seeing the O.G. clans was cool and all but they were basically a non-threat. The iron horde was almost entirely dismantled just through launch stuff.
is anyone playing on emerald dream and want to be my friend im a holy priest
consider suicide
What faction? My main is there, but I'm considering moving servers because I'd rather raid high end than pvp.
Oh yeah sorry I'm alliance. I'm pretty new though (only joined towards the end of WoD) and I LOVE to hear nostalgia stories! Mokocchi#1493 is my bnet
Legion just looks like more antisocial single player bullshit. Also if you had a "wrong" playstyle like 1h fury warrior or 2h frost dk you can go fuck yourself because you're forced to use artifact weapons.
No offense but I'm getting a serious autism vibe from you.
Wrong, the highest population was during Wrath but there was barely any growth in Wrath. It started with 12 million and It finished with 12.5 million as a result of the Cataclysm hype upswing.
Wrath was a shit expansion that lost a lot players but running off the good worth of mouth and reputations of Vanilla and TBC, as well as being early enough in Its life cycle to still be relevant, the game was still bringing in many new players so net subs didn't change, they just plateaud instead of growing rapidly like they had for the prior 4 years.
You're looking at leveling with an endgame perspective. It's unfair to do that when they're so different from each other. Balance doesn't really matter when it's a mostly single player experience. I strongly encourage everyone just getting into WoW to not use a boost and level their character at their own pace. There is literally 12 years of content for you to do when you first start. Why skip it all? Some of my fondest video game memories are from leveling my first WoW character and exploring Azeroth with no idea about anything.
Come to Wyrmrest Accord, we're way more fun
Nah I'm cool trust me I just happen to like anime too much
I have a belf monk on wyrmrest accord but I haven't gotten to play her much since all my friends are on the emerald dream
Wrath wasn't shit, at least not entirely. Patch 3.2 is what started to kill the game but ICC was good.
I did after playing it.
As much as I said I'd rather raid high end than pvp, I still can't play in a server with no wpvp enabled. It just adds too much for me to refuse it.
>introduced item microtransactions
>tons of one room raids
>recycled raids
>huge amounts of cut content
>dungeon finder
>letting dungeon finder scum get full sets of high end raid gear
BC had some really bad choices but Wrath was where it really started going downhill.
Fuck off Wrath baby literally the only good things about Wrath were Ulduar (which I will concede was top tier) and the increase in complexity of class design to move away from the one button specs of Vanilla and TBC
ICC was decent but the horrible gating, limited attempts masquerading as difficult and content drought all bring down It's quality.
Tier 7 is still by far the worst and easiest tier Blizzard has ever created and Tier 9 was an absolute travesty
That's not even getting into all the changes in design philosophy that occurred during Wrath that have all directly or indirectly led to the decline of WoW.
2h frost was complete trash, nothing of value was lost. "Muh crits" is not a real opinion.
I'm not a Wrath babby. I started in early 07 and quit shortly after Cata launched.
I said patch 3.2 started to kill the game. Most of the shit you mentioned came in after that.
I don't consider cut content a compelling argument (except in recent cases like WoD where they clearly just fucked up) because the vast majority of "cut content" is stuff that never got past the planning stage.
Vanilla had a shitload of cut content too. Outland was meant to be in vanilla, for example, and much of BC was built on that foundation.
Wrath up through Ulduar was fine and those "changes in design philosophy" began with 3.2.
I really do agree with most of your points though.
Does anyone have issues with the new appearance tab thing? I wanted to favourite a bunch of clothes I liked to try to collect them all one by one but I can't seem to fav anything past the first page on the head tab and a few others
mods delete this thread, it belongs on /vg/
Can't save what's already dead.
the private server is pretty fucking beast. Public quests are usually buggy which is sad, and they funnel everyone into the same humanvs chaos zone instead of weekly changing to elves or dwarves vs orks, but you can engage in 50v50 combat in half an hour and the balance is solid to this day
Wow is dead just like Totalbiscuit soon
So is Sup Forums ever going to exchange battletags? I'd like to get a larger group of NA Alliance for Mythic+ in Legion.
/vg/ makes me sad.
im on ED hit up qlun
Anyone who doesn't play on Moon Guard is literally missing out.
Yeah i think it might be fucked.
Another bag of raids and loot?
People who are buying this already know what they're getting; another cata/panda/warlords for some new shit to grind.
That's it, nobody expects this to save anything, it will maintain the status quo as it is designed to do.
>Most of the shit you mentioned came in after that.
Malygos and Sartharion were launch raids I think.
>I don't consider cut content a compelling argument (except in recent cases like WoD where they clearly just fucked up) because the vast majority of "cut content" is stuff that never got past the planning stage.
Azjol Nerub was past the planning stage and they had a concept zone that was leaked in some Cata update. There were also a ton of models in Wrath since launch that either weren't used or got recycled into the ICC dungeons at the end. It was also implied that there was supposed to be more troll stuff like the completely unexplained snake thing in one of the troll dungeons and unused models.
>Vanilla had a shitload of cut content too. Outland was meant to be in vanilla, for example, and much of BC was built on that foundation.
The only thing in Old Outland was a rough Hellfire Peninsula that was only meant to be a levelling zone and almost all of it was scrapped.
I think the only way that will work is with new people that wants to play, everyone here is in a different server.
3.2 was when a lot of bad shit started happening but I truly do feel like everyone forgets Tier 7
It was an absolute unmitigated fucking disaster that Blizzard have never repeated to a similar scale and It never gets mentioned
Just how easy Wrath Naxx was is hard to describe, especially coming straight out of Sunwell which was very difficult, easily near the very top for most difficult content when It was current through out all of WoW (Some would place it as the hardest but that opinion really depends on when you started playing and when you played the most. I personally think Heroic Tier 11 was the hardest Blizzard ever created; this opinion is also shared by the top guilds in the world who raided for those Tier 11 world firsts)
And the laziness, oh god they literally fucking copy and pasted a raid and called it a day. No wonder fucking Ulduar was so good, they spent 2 tiers worth of development time working on it.
About to get shut down when the licence expires.
To be fair, WoW has something like 1/8th the dev team it used to, so breaking profits is nothing when you're not actually making content or spending any money in general.
There's like a trillion trillion better things to do than play a shitty graphically garbage grindfest loser no life mmo
Only thing that stops is Guilds, you can group/dungeon/level/raid with cross realm.
>The only thing in Old Outland was a rough Hellfire Peninsula that was only meant to be a levelling zone and almost all of it was scrapped.
I know, but it was still past the planning stage, right?
And Malygos wasn't even a bad single boss raid. Only casuls whined about the drakes.
Like most people I never got to Naxx, or Sunwell for that matter, so Tier 7 wasn't incredibly offensive to me.
I'm not complaining about the mechanics but the fact that it was one room with one boss. Onyxia in vanilla was fine because it was the first raid they ever designed.
Malygos/Obsidian Sanctum was equivalent to Magtheridon/Gruul's Lair.
If you consider the fact that TBC launching with two raid tiers was something never to be repeated, and that that rehashed Naxx was new content for the overwhelming majority of players, Tier 7 was not nearly as bad as you think.
Argent Tournament was far lazier than Tier 7.
>warhammer online is amazing, you should totally try it
said no-one ever
How did we go from this...
Warhammer Online was pretty fun at the time, so was Age of Conan around that same time.
Lotro was better than Vanilla WoW and it makes me cry how far that game has fallen. this?
In just one patch.
Was this the tipping point?
Yes it was.
>What is filler content
>Demonology simming at 200k DPS at 840 ilvl
I can't tell if that is good. But demonology seems like the spec I will level frist
Surely not fucking Anub Arak.
Filler content used to be shit like Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman.
CC has some cool fights though, user. What does the lack of trashmobs matter?
Obviously they've fucked up with deadlines, because coke-fueled Metzen burn down whole department, and they had to invent something quick. Whole patch was a fucking joke.
>tfw all the old builds of wow are lost forever
The Ikaruga boss was cool but the rest are forgettable.
>dat CC armor set
Something went really wrong there.
In all the threads I've skimmed, everyone defending it keeps doing some huge mental gymnastics.
Well I played a shitty spec, and only used half of the skills in vanilla, and I topped the DPS of my ZG raids filled with women and children that skipped Jin'doh because he was hard, so this ability prune is actually a good thing!!!
I dont think they are
They are, when the legacy server shit happened Blizz confirmed that they delete all their old stuff. The earliest wow build we have is pretty much finished except for a couple zones and some models.
where the fuck are the boots?