Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this house.
Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this house
False equivalency
Positive autism
You wouldn't download a car
You cocksucker better seed. I want that house too!
physical goods =/= intangible goods
there is no comparison
you are a retard
>Pirate fags get this angry and defensive over being called out for what they are
Somebody stop this man, he's stealing the painting!
Only setting cement rates to 1mg, once i download the bricks i dont care.
>thinks breaking into someone's home is comparable to downloading a song
nah you're just an enormous faggot
Witness my 9
first post most appropriated post
What sort of thief steal a whole house???
>thinking taking something without paying isn't comparable
So your copying the house somewhere else for free. Sounds great.
>an incredibly personal violation of privacy is comparable to downloading a song
it really isn't comparable you dumb fuck
like use the IM STEALING THIS HAM meme or something
it's not comparable to breaking into someone's house
Why does he wear the mask?
What did he mean by this?
>Cloning houses
Wish I could do that
>l-let me keep spinning words to make stealing seem ok
both are technically stealing but breaking into someone's home is a serious invasion of privacy and leaves the person feeling violated
hopefully this makes you understand why there is no comparison
>Someone pirates my house
>since it's piracy, a copy is made
>I still have my house
>homelessness solved
>crime reduced
>mfw life improved
Anti-pirate fags will try to argue this is a bad thing
also are you going to pretend like you've never downloaded a song
Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this steak.
Why are you responding to yourself?
>name is tofu
>isn't vegan
You're making an exact copy of an entire hourse? Impressive.
probably for the same reason you're fucking retarded
a more accurate comparison would be somehow duplicating a house that is let out for rent and then offering the house for free
You really do fall for every bit of bait don't you.
next time i'll ignore a person who responds to me
That or you'll get mad at them for nothing and make Sup Forums a worse place just by being here.
>make Sup Forums a worse place just by being here.
projecting a bit aren't we
>Still responding aren't we?
That lasted all of 3 minutes.
Don't mind me just pirating your mother will due in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post.
sorry i can't help but be polite
Yeah for the guy that "cracked" the house. Your average pirate is just saying "oh, free house"
Dude, you just pirated that image you posted. I have called the cops on you already.
Am I the only one that truly likes this image.
Just think about it: breaking into someone's house.
Seeing a place you would never ever see in your life if you didn't break into it, a world of history of the people's lives who live in that certain house, truly a beautiful thing to see. How it is a parallel of millions of other houses in the world but this one is special to those people.
o-okay rober-san
You sound like the kind of person who shouldn't have a computer.
Or freedom.
Burglary is not a branch of philosophy, Jamal.
>will due
but she's not pregnant
And now you can only sell your house for like $5 because now, since everyone owns one, the value is lowered.
"hurr durr i dont kno economikz"
- user
Wouldnt be helping the community by instantly making another house? The owner still has his house and he has a house aswell now
who said she eats the meat?
only right post
Congratulations pirate-friend, you solved homelessness!
Pirate some food as well, and there will be no more hunger either!
You are amazing!
she'd have way too much of an issue doing it
Don't mind me just pirating this joke!
check out my 3
>walk into gamestop with laptop
>open used gamecase and pop in the cd
>create image of cd into your virtual drive
>put back the cd into the used gamecase and walk away
don't mind me, just pirating this game.
Reminds me of that Amy Schumer fatty. She steals jokes and ruins them too, are they related?
If everyone has the same house, why would I sell it?
Saved this shitty thread.
Sell it so you can buy a better house?
But you can't because you let everyone pirate it and now it's only worth $2.50
wtf i hate houses now