Did he get shit for it?

Other urls found in this thread:


So much cringe

>brackets rigged so he gets a free ticket to top 16
Still didnt get into top 8

Wasn't a Smash player accused of rape recently?

nice thread

got kicked off for like 1 year(I think not sure)

it was during the night of the finals I think

I'm actually curious did he get shit for it?

why would he

because people like take things out of context and internet attack people for random stuff isn't uncommon.

Why does Sup Forums think they have any authority on the matter? Are you claiming to be normal enough to condescend towards people acting socially awkward?

He is lucky that this is not eastern EU or wed beat the shit out of him right there in from of the cameras.

>h-how come he can rub little girls and I can't
This is what you sound like right now.

Because people nowadays expect pedophilia if you only do so much as asking a crying child what's wrong.

Speaking from experience I assume.

she looks like a mii at the end

I don't get it, what is he doing wrong in this situation? It's not like he's some 60+ year old man who sniffs little girls or something.

FYI: Americans are very touchy with one another and it is considered to be normal. Maybe it's against the law in your country. If so, stop trying to implement these crimes onto others not from your country.

Just for rubbing a child?

Did she died?


Don't tell me you slavs are just as retarded as burgers and expect every man to be a pedophile rapist.

Especially in America.

If you see a small girl fall over and hurt herself and you're a grown man, don't you fucking DARE help her back up. If she can't stand, you let her fucking crawl until someone who isn't you decides to do something. Same with boys.

It's fucking stupid. I hate children with a passion but the world has changed.

nice projecting

Woah, watch out! Tough guy on the internet!

>in public
>kiss daughter on the cheek
>get beaten by angry slav mob while daughter watches in tears

It's a contextless video that has been edited to make him look like a creeper.

>FYI: Americans are very touchy with one another and it is considered to be normal.
>considered normal

No, it isn't anymore. Maybe 20 years ago when the Internet wasn't a big thing, but now you're a pedophile, rapist, or a fucking weirdo.

>FYI: Americans are very touchy with one another and it is considered to be normal. Maybe it's against the law in your country. If so, stop trying to implement these crimes onto others not from your country.

blame feminism

You're retarded for believing such a thing.

It's against the law here too, scooter. That is if she protested that kind of touching, that's literally rape. He raped her. We are witnessing Justing Wong raping someone's child in public and in broad daylight.

Child rapists gonna child rape.

Can someone post the full video?




>and it is considered to be normal.
You must be an attractive person so nothing bad ever happens as a result of your actions, because that's not how it is for everyone else.

>Americans are very touchy with one another and it is considered to be normal.

Believe it or not this is actually true. We're always hugging, high fiving, patting on the back, knocking each other with an elbow, poking someone on the back, all kinds of shit.

Could be his sisters. Whats wrong with this? Don't you kiss your own father?

I'm retarded for believing the truth?

Okay then.

That could just be his resting face.

>We're always hugging, high fiving, patting on the back, knocking each other with an elbow, poking someone on the back, all kinds of shit.
Goddamn, do you live in a fucking gated community of 10/10's?

fucking slavs i swear to god

Yeah but we promised to stop using tongue on my 18th birthday.

I have no idea where you all are from, but I live in America and there is NOT a day I don't go without being touched by someone, and by that I don't mean sexual. From a hand shake to a high five or pat on the back, Americans are very touchy mother fuckers.

fucking mongolians

That girl is my niece. We've been close her entire life. It's making me incredibly uneasy to see people try to paint me in a negative light here after all the times I've stuck up for Sup Forums to FGC big names who think you're all hitler incarnate. I love you guys and really wish you would stop.

This is how things work for ugly people. You're not allowed to touch, go near, or blink near a child.

If you're attractive then you can do whatever the fuck you want. If you're ugly, you're a pedophile by existence.

Nope. I've lived a life with healthy company.

>I have no idea where you all are from, but I live in America and there is NOT a day I don't go without being touched by someone
The fuck do you do for a living?

>He is lucky that this is not eastern EU or wed beat the shit out of him right there in from of the cameras.


I don't care about the context don't touch kids dude it's fucking weird.

Isn't most CP from Eastern EU and aren't pretty much all the CD girls from Eastern EU?


Actually I always thought that Americans don't like touching each other that much. When I went there, I had the impression they consider touching as a very private thing.

Fathers avoided touching their children too much, people gave one-side, super short hugs, and they never shook your hand in a decent way, as if you carried the plague.

When I went to Europe, especially in Italy, I felt the opposite: people there - even guys - kiss each other on the cheeks, hugs with much enthusiasm, female friends walk hand in hand, parents smooch their kids in front of everyone.

I thought Americans were so considerate about personal space and sexual harassment to the point where they consider everything sexual harassment.

Post on twitter if it's really you


>loving random people
>think Sup Forums is a community.

>wahhh wahh some guy is supporting a girl playing vidya by rubbing her shoulders and shit wahh why cant i be 10/10 and touch people

So he beat someone else bad enough that they considered it rape?

When would he get another chance to exercise his pedophilia? He's a go-getter.

you wouldn't do shit you let refugees rape your wives and your children

Why hasn't anyone post the original video to this?

It's kinda believable Justin would come here, but at the same time it's not.

Whats this one about?

sure thing """justin"""

14 is literally legal for fucking here
Get off your imaginary high horse

>people there - even guys - kiss each other on the cheeks, hugs with much enthusiasm, female friends walk hand in hand, parents smooch their kids in front of everyone.

That only happens in certain degenerate CONTINENTAL (i.e. does not include Britain or Nordic countries) non-Slavic countries that aren't Germanic.

Would laugh if he didn't actually try to rape his friend while she was sleeping

also it wasn't rape but attempt rape or whatever mericans call it.

Why do white people like spreading their germs on other people?

>while daughter watches in tears
*while slavs make her do nude modeling and then fuck her on video for vip members of their modeling website

Then how the hell are you still a virgin?

yeah other 14 year olds
it's still illegal for you to fuck a kid user.


>Justin will never caress you while you play a game

Here all the indians guys and some middle eastern countries guys hold hands.

which I was there to punch his fucking face. This is unacceptable.


n*ggers confirmed for autistic



Checked and kek'd

>arabs kiss on the check as a greeting
>blacks fuck all the time

somehow whites is the problem


>get beat up for rubbing the shoulders of your daughter

lmao fucking shithole

u mirin'?

>you will never be a cute loli being coached by Justin Wong

They've been doing it for centuries it's in their blood

she came. girls crave the dick since birth this is a known fact. dont let jews tell you lies.

Wrong. You can still get charged for stat rape even when your 14.


kids have DIED because people in general were afraid to get close to the kids. afraid to be labeled pedophiles or kidnappers if they approach a lone crying child. there was even that one time a little girl drowned because she was unsupervised and people didnt stop her from walking around alone because they were afraid. this is the climate today nigger. this might be news to you, but its been fact for a while now

This is my fetish

I'm not.

hahah no
where are you from?

what country are you refering where it's legal to fuck kids user?

Leffen wasn't playing this year, so no.

the real question is where the fuck are the parents?

Oh fuck off. Seriously.

You know what

That's the first and only decent drawing I've seen out those "How To" things.

which.... Wish he could be doing it to you?

in japan it's ok to have sex with children so i don't blame him

He's a pedo

Fuck you pedochink

>The fuck do you do for a living?
Being around people in a work space will build a comfort zone and thus people get touchy (not in a sexual way). Literally every day I get to work and see my co-workers I greet them physically.

Sexual Harassment is when you do these things to someone you don't know nor have any comfort zone with. It's not like Justin Wong smacked her on the ass or gave her a kiss. He literally just rubbed her shoulders in an attempt to build her confidence via cheering her on. And I'm sure whether or not she won or lost at the end he still cheered her on.

Holding the camera.
The parents fucked later while watching it.