>That friend who paused the game when he was losing
That friend who paused the game when he was losing
>that kid that would za worudo
part 6 dio is pure
>that friend who would reset the game after he won
Hamon > Stands
This is fact
>that friend who just wanted chill matches, no competitive games
comics are fucking lame. How the fuck are you suppose to get hyped and enjoy a fight if it's all just still pictures?
you got me
>he only watches the anime
>that friend I wanted to fuck no homo
>that friend that would end the match right before he lost
>"ah you see user? no contest! so no-one won!"
>that friend who got salty as fuck when I pulled off a slick dair spike w/ Link
>friend ragequits and quits the match, says I didn't deserve it
>mfw basking in all this diabetes
oh shit pic related is meant to match the post.
oopsie doodles.
>That friend who never went to parties because he had to take care of a green baby
>that friend that got fucking run over by a god damn train
>that friend you wanted to fuck you
yes homo
>that friend who didn't want to play ever again after losing a few times.
Devil fruit > Hamon
>that friend who you wished you had
>that kid that died after breaking his balls
>That kid that made you suck his dick after you lost
I lost on purpose
me too
>Finding out what king crimson does
Man I can't wait for that shit to be animated, even if itll be awhile
>That friend who stole your login so he could run your guild once you go offline
So why does everyone dislike part 1?
I always thought it was great, even though it had a sad end
>that friend who won't tell you how the cool tricks he does work
>that friend that wanted to fuck your mom
I was that friend
>that guy who had no friends
>that guy who always quits to 'no contest' when he's about to die because it's faster
>fumbles with the controls and ends up taking longer than just ending the game normally
Spin > Devil fruit
I'm your friend, I see you around posting that image many times. That makes us friends.
>That one friend who just wants to play with all items on in non competitive stages
>that friend that won't go back to Sup Forums and take their mediocre manga elsewhere
>that friend who brought his twin brother over
>that friend who you cant trust with the controller because of his messy hands
>that "friend" that wants to be a janitor
I hated that friend, he would always steal my fucking napkins.
These guys aren't from Sup Forums. They're filthy secondaries
>that friend who got weaker after each fight
Most JoJofags (especially animeonly types) are newfags and not wanted on Sup Forums either.
>that friend who would never age
Fuck man, we're both 37 but he looks like a highschool student.
Fucker's not even married, he just fucks teenagers all day, lucky guy.
oh look, another ret/a/rd acting all elitist
>That friend who died.
>that friend who faked his own death, only to die for real when he came back
>That friend who steals
>that friend who'd fix your controller for you
>That friend that could possess people, then completely forgot about it the next day and never used it again