ITT: Reasons to postpone suicide

ITT: Reasons to postpone suicide.

None, do it! *cheers*

your life will still suck after you're done playing it, you know. you can only postpone it for so long.


more hype for the soundtrack than the actual game 2bh

This is how you know Sup Forums is filled with sad cunts. You think after playing a game you hav been waiting for and anticipate highly that your life isn't worth living. Come on guys get a grip. Life goes on. Read as well for gods sake. Books are the best form of media. Most games are so shitty now I mostly read and watch shows. Maybe I am just maturing I guess I used to obsess over thinking I had to play a game everyday.

If your life eternally recurs, sit'll always end with suicide.

???If you off yourself, you'll never be spoiled and you wont be disappointed once your hype wears off midgame.

>current year
>still playing JRPGs
I hate neo-Sup Forums so much.

Good virtual reality
VR waifus

Persona has been popular among Sup Forums weebs since before neo Sup Forums due to Sup Forums cross boarders since before 09

>did they get the original composer?

I thought it was some nu-tech electric guy. Not that is necessarily bad, but Keiichi Okabe is a high tier composer.

>using current year
>using neo
>hating JRPGs

Can you be more cancer?

>tfw gonna have to go radio silent in September

Cant have somebody here that can read Jap spoiling it for me

> playing JRPG's
> neo Sup Forums

wtf are you talking about, this anime image board used to only talk about JRPG's

>I got beat to DR V3
Well, I'll just have to agree with this fine negro.

I need me some murder mysteries

I hope they go harder on the curazy in the new setting.

Gomenasai, the Beta is even coming later this month.

Keiichi Okabe is working on this one as well, and Emi Evans is confirmed to be returning.

The hype is real.

already got my rope ready to go, as soon as I finish this game I'm hanging myself

I'm just happy it's not continuing with the current cast. A new start was needed, I can only tolerate so much naegi

Agreed. Keeping the premise but changing the setting for freshness was a great idea.

And so was keeping Monokuma. They joke about it a lot in-game, but having a cute memorable mascot character really does wonders for popularity and sales. This little bastard sells games, for a good reason.

I'm attached to the current lineup, but there's only so much you can do with them and the setting.

Have my dads old shot gun ready,after im done playing KH 3,FF XV,and P5 I'm done with this fucking,going to miss shitposting with you guys

If you're dead you're not going to miss anything user

This is how the average user knows there's a Hell: Getting off with just dying would be incredibly lucky for us. We don't have luck.


The only acceptable reason to postpone suicide is due to waiting for your family to die or tying up financial ends.

If you postpone your release over a game you don't really want to die.

I played in their free week and virtually nothing worked. I did however save a paid player in his expensive ship that he couldn't fly from some basic AI enemies on my first outing, so that was fun.

Sup Forums here, Persona is garbage.

>Sup Forums

How the fuck am I gonna avoid spoilers for P5? Im thinking of leaving Sup Forums from September until February but then I'll miss all the shitposting for the mainstream games that will come out in November

Pic related.

In terms of video games? Really hoping the new Final Fantasy and the new Deus Ex holds up.

It's a bottom of the barrel dating sim for otakus. If the P4 universe and its "story" is anything to go by, it won't have any story to speak of.

Whatever the fuck GGG has planned for PoE endgame in 2.4.

Also AM2R.