>Anon1: The gun sword from final fantasy is stupid.
>Anon2: Yeah, about as stupid as the chainsaw gun from gears of war.
Anon1: The gun sword from final fantasy is stupid
>The chain goes into the clip
They're not wrong.
I'm not gonna try to defend the practicality of the lancer, but the gun sword from final fantasy is litterly one of the most autistic designs to exist in vidya. You have to be 10 to find it appealing
I agree. It's fucking stupid and rad and I love it.
well what does a good gun sword/chainsaw gun look like to you?
And you have to be an equally autistic amerifat dudebro to find the chainsaw gun appealing.
Tee hee buttblasted otaku
I like the gunblade, it's the most primitive HF blade in fiction.
so its literally a lightsaber?
Ya got the one where the two Sith girls helicopter away using their lightsabers?
This is probably why I stopped watching this shit.
both fucking retarded
how did this shit fly past the censors?
the whip wasn't an actual saber. they're just cattle prod+whips used by zygerrian slavers.
and the katana was an ancient saber during the old republic wars
The idea of the gunblade in FF8 is it fires blanks, but the bang from the gunpowder causes the sword portion to vibrate. Squall pulls the trigger while cutting, and the vibration makes a more serious wound, equaling more damage. That's why you hit R1 when Squall attacks, that's you pulling the trigger on the gunblade.
...Why do I know all this?
Wouldnt that fuck up his momentum?
I think the problem people have with the gun blade is the retardedass handle more than anything, that shit looks just straight up impossible to hold
why don't the jedis just use the force and levitate lightsabers into people?
why doesn't he and lightning ever reload the gunblades?
>I fapped to this image so much when i was a kid...
for the same reason they dont just kill people by stopping their hearts or putting a small hole in their brain
they didnt think about it for more than a second
Who are you quoting?
They do in Eragon
Thanks user. Always makes me laugh.
Except the Gunblade is just a sword that has a gun trigger, while the chainsaw bayonet is only the CQC attachment of the Lancer, which is a fully functional firearm.
Why did Anakin kill younglings while the clones fight the adult Jedi? (plural of Jedi is Jedi)
Or your could use a flame-patterned blade and achieve the same result without autism.
>I've never seen a rifle made before 1940
rifles aren't one handed melee weapons
Which were generally carried with two hands and not swung like a fucking aword
In the arms museum in paris you can find a katana with a morning star hanging from the handle.
>no SW action game where you can be a sick ass Force adept and pull off stuff like this without ever fighting directly
Because they were used to shoot people at extended range.
If you really wanted to hit someone with the barrel you could hold it with a single hand perfectly well.
i-is it treason?
It's the sith rule of two